Me, Bumblebee, Barricade and Quickstrike watched the fireworks until they were done.

"Wow. I didn't know Earth had pretty lights." Quickstrike said.

"You should see 4th Of July." I stood up. "Now lets go home." I got in my lamborghini while Quickstrike transformed back into his car mode. Bumblebee and Barricade got in my lamborghini with me, then we drove off. I was kinda scared that a cop might chase us home.

"Hey, mom. Do your brothers watch the news?" Bumblebee asked me.

"I don't know. Why?" I was hoping that the car chase wasn't on the news. There was blood on Barricade's claws. Bumblebee gave him a cloth so he could wipe the blood off. We were almost to the highway. I was drving the normal speed and so was Quickstrike. ten miles later, we were back at my house. The garage door was opened because my dad was doing something in the workshop. I put my car in, put it in park, turned it off, got out with Bumblebee and Barricade and went to the workshop. I opened the door and saw him working on a deep sky blue colored '55 Chevy.

"Dad? What are you doing?" I asked him.

"A friend of mine asked me if I could see what's wrong with his car." He answered. I felt my cellphone vibrating in my right pants pocket. I got it out of my pocket and it was a text message from Josh. I opened it up and it said,

"Hey, Sofia. Don't forget about my party. It's at 3:00 PM today. Don't miss it." I then went out of the workshop.

"Where are you going?" My dad asked us.

"We're going to bed. Josh's party is at 3:00 PM. We have to get some rest." I answered and closed the door to the workshop. I patted Quickstrike's hood. "Good night, Quickstrike." I yawned. He had a small engine roar as a reply. Me, Bumblebee and Barricade went in the garage, went into the house, went upstairs, into my bed room and laid on the bed. We then went to sleep.

The sun shined as the New Years day was still here. Me, Bumblebee and Barricade were asleep. Then my alarm on my cellphone went off. It woke us up. I grabbed it, turned it off and looked at it's clock. It said 2:30 PM. I yawned and got off the with Bumblebee and Barricade.

"Time to get a shower and get dress. Wait for me downstairs, guys." I said. Bumblebee and Barricade nobbed, got off the bed and went to the stairs.

Bumblebee and Barricade's POV.

Barricade walked down the stairs first and saw my dad. He got to the living room with Bumblebee.

"I wonder if we can also be in the party?" Bumblebee started to daydream.

"I doubt it. We're younglings, 'Bee. We can't go out in plane sight."

"You got a point there, Barricade." Bumblebee sat on the couch.

"And isn't that Blake guy going to be there?"

"What makes you say that?" Bumblebee asked. Barricade had gotten my phone when they got off the bed. A text message was from Blake, saying he's going to bring his shotgun to the party and was going to murder me.

"That's what makes me say that." Barricade had a little bit of a growl when he read the text message again.

"We have to tell mom that she has to stay here."

"Or we can show this Blake guy not to mess with her." Barricade smirked. Bumblebee went with that option.


I was getting dressed and putting on my normal clothes. I went downstairs and saw Bumblebee and Barricade on the couch, watching TV with my dad.

"Hey, guys. I'm ready." I was excited to go to Josh's New Years Day party. They got off the couch. Barricade gave me my cellphone.

"Here's your cellphone, mom."

"Thanks Barricade." I got my cellphone and rubbed his head. I already had the keys to my car. "Bye dad. See you when we get back."

"OK, have fun." He hugged me. We went out to the garage, closed the door, got in my car then saw a note on the '55 Chevy's windshield. I backed my car carefully out, got out and got the note off of the windshield. Then Quickstrike honked his horn.

"Do you need my help with anything at the party?" Quickstrike asked.

"No. And you don't have to come if you don't want to." I smiled at him and looked at the note. It was from Blake. I ripped it up, got back in my car and drove off.

"What did the note say?" Bumblebee asked me.

"It was from Blake. I ripped it up and threw it away though." I answered.

"Maybe this time we can teach him a lesson." Barricade smirked.

"You guys are three feet something inches tall."

"That doesn't mean anything. We can still take care of him."

"....Fine. But don't go into the party where everybody can see you." I said. Bumblebee and Barricade were going to make sure that Blake wouldn't harm me. A short while, we got to Josh's house. I went up and into his driveway. We got out and saw Blake's black Dodge Challenger.

"Great. He's here." Barricade growled.

"OK, guys. Stay outside. I'll be fine." I turned and walked to the front door. Josh opened the door for me.

"Sofia. You made it." Josh smiled and lets me in. We went to the basement and saw everybody there. But we didn't see Blake.

"So, Josh. I see you brought in the dance crew."

"Yeah. Though, we have to pay them to come here." Josh said. Then we heard a gun shot. We all ducked and went to the floor. Something grabbed my shirt collar. A four foot tall Transformer pulled me off the ground and slammed me into the wall.

"Dead End! I told you not to throw her!" Blake growled at the Transformer. I looked up and Blake pointed the gun at my head. "Any last words?" He chuckled. Then the four foot tall Transformer made struggling noises. Bumblebee and Barricade were fighting it. While Blake wasn't paying any attention to me, I quickly grabbed the shotgun's barrel and moved it away from my head. I got it out of his hands and pointed at him.

"Go ahead, kill me." He growled. I pointed the gun at the Transformer called Dead End. His chest didn't have that much plating on it. Bumblebee and Barricade moved out the way when I shot Dead end. Barricade stabbed his chest to make sure he was dead. Blake was devastated. I then gave the shotgun for Bumblebee and Barricade to destroy.

"Since your little toys are gone, your powerless." I crossed my arms and smirked at Blake. Rob, a good friend of Josh's, came and dragged him outside and was going to give Blake to the police. Josh was staring at Bumblebee and Barricade.

"Wha-what are they?" He asked.

"Their super advanced alien robots called Transformers. Their also my sons but I adopted them." I answered and helped Josh up. He was surprised to see robots like them.

"So, that's why you brought them here?"

"No. I bring them with me wherever I go." I answered.

"I think it's time to stop the party." Josh suggested. Everybody else agreed and went home. Me, Bumblebee and Barricade walked upstairs, out the front door, got in my car and relaxed.

"Are you OK, mom?" Bumblebee asked me.

"Yeah. Just a little shaken up." I answered. I put my seatbelt on, turned my car on and backed out of Josh's driveway. I drove on the street, then saw Quickstrike. He turned around and followed us. I looked at Bumblebee and Barricade.

"Did you call him?" I asked them.

"I half-way called him because I thought we needed back-up. A just in case thing." Barricade grinned and shrugged. I kept driving, but our next stop was to Jade's house. I was hoping that she'll be at home this time. My cellphone rang, but I couldn't pick it up. Something was telling me it was Quickstrike. I pulled over on the shoulder lane.

"Stay in here." It sounded like I made it more of an order. Bumblebee and Barricade stayed in my car. I took my seat belt off, carefully got out of the care and went to Quickstrike.

"Hey, are you OK?" Quickstrike asked me.

"Yeah. I'm going over to Jade's house."

"I might as well come, just in case."

"OK. Just don't park in the driveway. Stay out of sight. Jade will ask me a thousand questions if she sees you." I went back to my car and got in. I put my seatbelt on and carefully drove back on the street. Quickstrike followed like he was our bodyguard. We got to the street that Jade lives on. I drove down until I saw her green colored house. I pulled up in her driveway, turned my car off, took my seatbelt off, got out and went to the front door. I knocked on the door and waited until Jade opened it.

"Sofia! How's it going?" Jade greeted me.

"Fine. How about yourself?"

"Same. My brothers are at work today. So, I'm home alone." She smiled. I grinned and saw a four foot tall red robot in the background.

"Whose that?" I asked her. Then the robot hid out of sight. Jade turned around and saw nobody.

"Are you seeing things?" Jade started to look nervous.

"Eeh, forget that I said that. Anyway, Happy New Year."

"You know what makes this day even better?" She looked at me with a smirk.

"Let me guess, you have Cherry Cider?" I smirked back at her. She nobbed and went inside with me following her. We went into the kitchen and got some Cherry Cider.

"So, did your family get any firworks?" Jade asked me while she took a sip of her Cider.

"Nope. Not this year. But the people in the back had tons of it. You should've seen it. It was like a firework show." I said. The same red robot peeked in. When I looked at it, I noticed it looked just like Bumblebee.

"Sofia? Are you OK?" Jade put her right hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Hey, wanna see if you can beat me in Mario Kart?"

"You know I wanna try." She giggled and went upstairs. I went upstairs but something grabbed my pants leg and made me trip. I hit the hard wood stairs head first, which knocked me out. I started to hear voices.

"What was that for?!" A voice that was Jade's voice sounded angry.

"I don't know if she'll hurt you or not." A voice that I didn't notice replied.

"Listen, just hide in my brothers room until she is out of the house." Jade was very angry. They stopped talking and it was quiet...Until a bucket of ice cold water was dumped on me. I woke up.

"Hey, are you OK?" Jade asked me.

"I guess so." I answered. I didn't want to ask her who she was talking to. I looked at the clock and it was 10:56 PM. "I have to go. Sorry for the short visit."

"It's OK, Sofia. Come back anytime when you feel like it." She used a sweet tone. I said goodbye to her, went out the door, got in my car and turned it on. Bumblebee and Barricade were asleep. I put my seatbelt, backed out of the driveway and drove back home. Quickstrike followed us back to the house. three miles later, we got back to the house.

"Bumblebee, Barricade. Wake up." I shook them awake.

"Oh, hey mom. How was it?" Bumblebee yawned.

"Fine. And we're home." I turned my car off and got out. Bumblebee and Barricade got out also. I patted Quickstrike's hood and gave him a good night kiss on the hood. We went to the front door of my house, went in, closed it, went upstairs and went in my room. We yawned before we got on our bed and fell asleep. But I wrote something in my notebook.

"On January 1st, 2010. Me, Bumblebee and Barricade went to Josh's party and put Blake in jail. We also went to Jade's house. But I somehow fell on the stairs and got knocked out. This has been an odd way to start the new year. But glad I spent some time with my friends and family."

To be continued...

Once again. Happy New Years everybody! And no. Dead End is not an OC of mine. He was from the Transformers 2 toy line.