Title: Brick of Sanity

Author: LizzyBennett

Story Summary: Mac is dealing with a new serial killer threatening the street of New York. When the serial killer turns professional into personal, can Mac protect the two most important things in his life: His crew members and his family? Heavy Smacked with Danny/Lindsay, Angell/Flack, Sheldon and Adam and of course Reed.

Disclaimer: I do not own CSI:NY if I owned CSI:NY do you think I would be a struggling college student? I don't think so either, so please do not think I profit off of any of this, I just like to write for my pure enjoyment.

Okay some things about this story:

A. Since this is Fan Fiction I get to tweak the story a little (Because if I didn't I would be sitting in court getting sued), so I made Reed younger. Why you ask? Because I can and because I guess it adds to the Aww factor if Reed is younger.

B. Look I'm a smacked fan at heart, I believe that these two should get married and have lots of crime fighting babies, so if you don't like smacked please don't read.

C. Thirdly this is for fun, please do not comment saying,"Oh I think this is what really should happen because it happened on the show," I don't care what happened on the show I'm the writer and what I write goes.

Finally Enjoy......

Prelude: Intro

Mac looked at his watch and sighed,"Reed was late." Reed was always late when it came to coming to the lab straight from school, a habit Mac was really starting to find annoying. He has gotten used to Reed's tardiness and other personality flaws ever since the young boy had come to live with him after his adoptive parents died. Reed, who is now 11, was his deceased wife Claire's son, and Mac was contacted when it seemed that Reed would be put into a foster home. Mac was surprised to find out that Reed's adoptive parents had kept a file on Claire and Mac, and their final wishes was for Reed to be returned back to Claire if anything was to ever happened to them. Mac, respecting his deceased wife and the final wishes of the Garrett's,took Reed in and has never looked back. In all forms of the word, Reed was Mac's son and Mac could not see his life without Reed.

After another fifteen minutes, Reed came barreling through the door:

"Sorry I'm late dad, Matthew and I wanted to.."

"Reed what did I tell you about being late?" Mac said sternly.

"You said that if I was going to be late that I am to call you and tell you, I know but Matthew and I wanted his mom to stop because there was this concert near our school and I wanted to hear the bands." Reed said taking off his jacket.

"Well next time you want to stop and listen to a concert, you call me. I don't know what Mary was thinking not calling me, you had me worried." Mac said defeated taking Reed's jacket and hanging it on the coat wrack.

"Dad you always worry, I agree with Stella you are too overprotective." Reed laughed taking his IPOD out of his coat picket and tossing himself on the couch.

"I am not overprotective, I just love you too much to let anything happen to you." Mac smiled at his son and walked back over to his desk to complete his work.

"Whatever dad; where is Stella I have to talk to her about something." Reed asked looking around.

"She's out, do you need to talk to her about something?" Mac looked concerned.

"Nothing major." Reed shrugged.

"You know you can tell me Reed."

"I know, but I chose not too. You blow up too fast dad."

"No I don't" Mac countered.

"See perfect example." Reed laughed.

Mac went back to his work. A few minutes passed by and Reed was already starting to get bored:

"Dad is there any new cases?"

"None that concern you Reed." Mac answered not looking up from his work.

Reed rolled his eyes,"Come on tell me." Reed stood and walked over towards Mac's desk.

"Reed I said no, now sit and start your homework."

Reed turned his back to Mac:

"It's Friday dad, I don't have homework"

"Okay than sit there and name for me all the branches of the U.S Military."

"Do I have too?"

"You have too." Mac looked up at Reed.

Reed laid with his back on the couch and started:


"In order"

Reed started to protest, but the look in Mac's eyes caused Reed to comply:


Just as Reed was about to name them all Stella called:

"Mac Taylor"

"Mac this is Stella we have a body at 45 and Layette."

"Okay I'll be there in a few minutes."

Mac hung up the phone and stood:

"Reed I have to go, you are to stay here and not leave this room."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Read a book."

Mac arrived to the crime scene where onlookers and news reporters were all standing on the side, trying to get a glimpse of the body covered on the floor. Mac pushed passed the onlookers and made his way to Stella and the others that were waiting for him. Mac, laid his kit on the floor, taking out the gloves and other tools he needed. Stella gave Mac a short smile:

"Nice to see you finally made it."

"Sorry kid problems." Mac smiled back, kneeling down to get a look at the victim.

"Victim is a early 20's female, from Staten Island. Her wallet was found on her," Stella handed Mac the wallet,"Her name is Karen Mellows and she attends Columbia University."

"Columbia? What is she doing way down here in these slums?" Mac looked up at Stella.

"I don't know, but I'm guessing that she probably knows someone in the area. Flack and Angell are canvassing the area, trying to see if anyone recognized her." Stella took the wallet back from Mac and put it back into the evidence bag.

"Okay so we don't know why she was in this area, have Danny process the scene and lindsay bag and tag everything in the area and bring it back to the lab. I'm going to go and see this girls family before they find out about her passing on the ten o'clock news."

Just as Mac repeated the last sentence his cell phone rang:

"Her hair reminded me of Reed's dark and curly." A voice taunted on the phone.

"Excuse me?" Mac asked sternly into the phone, causing Stella to look up at him.

"My new victim, she looks like Stella, only with straight black hair."

"Who is this?" Mac looked down at Stella.

"I'm nobody."

"No your somebody, you have the gail to call me phone and talk about my partner and son." Mac hissed into the phone.

"Yes your right Mac Taylor, I am somebody, somebody who is about to take everything you have away."

So what do you think? Good? Bad? Should I continue? or maybe not?