Hey people. Here's chapter 6. And I don't own Vampire Academy or any of its characters. Dang it.
I was finally done with my guard duty. I quickly changed clothes and went to see Rose again. As I walked down the hall to her room in the medical ward I literally ran into Dr. Olendzki.
"Guardian Belikov. What are you doing here?" she managed to splutter out.
"I wanted to check up on Rose. I know she was improving." I said in my most business-like voice.
"Oh. I just sent someone to tell you. You must've missed him. Rose was released not ten minutes ago."
"Ok, thanks." I said and turned and walked out slowly. As soon as I was outside I began to run. Unfortunately a bell rang and the students began to switch classes. I slowed to a walk but still reached the novice dorms within minutes. Inside, I sprinted up the steps. I knocked on Rose's door and heard no answer. I was going to leave but began to hear water. I opened the door and looked around the room. 'Does she not lock anything?' I thought to myself as I easily turned the handle of the bathroom door.
She heard the door. "Who's in here?" she asked. Her voice was like an electric shock to me and I couldn't stop myself as I yanked the curtain back and stared into her deep, brown eyes. Joy rose in me, filling me up as I drank in the sight of her.
"Dimitri?" she said almost as a question and I took a step forward and another one until I felt the warm water on my back and I kissed her, first slow and sweet but quickly turning hard and passionate. She broke away gasping and I pulled her in tight still.
"Oh, Roza." I began but she stopped me.
"No. Stop." she said putting her hands on my chest and pushing me away gently but firmly.
"Why not? I was so worried and now you're here, in my arms." I explained to her as I resisted her push.
"Because, this is my dorm. We could get caught and it won't be Alberta" she said. My arms dropped and I let her push me out of the water.
"Oh...yeah." I said, understanding.
"Besides," she went on, "I've been in a bed for so long, I need to shower, and I still haven't found Lissa to tell her I'm out."
I smiled at her. I did understand, but I didn't have to like it. I slowly pulled the curtain closed for her and stepped back. I was going to leave but realized my shirt was soaking wet. 'No, definitely can't go out like this.' "Rose," I called.
"Hmm?" she said as a lavender scent filled the small room.
"You wouldn't happen to have a hair dryer or something, would you?" I asked. I heard a chuckle.
"Bottom drawer on the left, but you know that this is your fault."
"I know, and I would've gone farther if you hadn't stopped me." I admitted.
Her head popped out, covered in suds. "Oh, I know. We'll just have to save that for later." she told me grinning. My heart soared. She pulled her head back behind the curtain and I took off my shirt, turned on the hair dryer I had pulled out and began to dry it off. As soon as it was dry, I put it back on and moved toward the door.
"Oh, and Rose…you still have practice in the morning." I told her and shut the door.