The Shadows of the Moon

Chapter 1

The closer you get to the Light, the greater your shadow. The deepest darkness makes a light, however small, shine brightest. Do not fear the darkness, nor revere the light, for they are two manifestations of the same essence. They are always at war, but when they mix, they create a thing of beauty. Let the shadows guide you and protect you.—Sensei Otomaka, Order of the Moon Shadows.


Cynder awoke to the sun shining in her face. Blinking, she rubbed her eyes and stretched. Where am I?,she wondered. Then, she remembered the events of three days ago.

"You cannot defeat me! I am eternal!" Malefor roared.

With that he let loose a beam of dark purple dragon energy. Spyro and Cynder begin to duel with their own dragon energy. Spyro and Cynder begin to tire as they strain to keep from being overpowered.

"Just...hang...on!" Spyro said trying to keep his power up.

Through the combination of their power Spyro and Cynder overpower Malefor and send him flying onto the crystal core of the planet. As Malefor get up and makes his way toward the two of them, five spirits of past purple dragons rise from the crystal.

"What is this?" Malefor yelled.

The five dragons looked a Malefor and shot into the crystal core of the planet and began to pull Malefor in.

"Nooooo..."Malefor cried before he was pulled into the crystal.

As Malefor died the crystal snakes that bound Spyro and Cynder together disappeared. All around them the planet began to break apart. Spyro and Cynder land on the core of the planet and look around.

"Spyro, I am sorry. I'm so sorry." Cynder said to Spyro.

"Don't be. It's over now."

"So this is it..."

"Spyro, when a dragon dies, he does not truly leave this world." Ignitus said in Spyro's mind. "His spirit lives on, binding itself with nature, offering hope to the future..."

"I know what I need to do." Spyro said to Cynder. "Just get out of here Cynder."

"Spyro no... You don't have to do anything. Let's just go."

"Where, Cynder? There'll be nothing left! The world is breaking apart. But I think I can stop it. I think I'm meant to."

"Then I'm with you..." Cynder said as Spyro began to release his purple dragon energy. "I love you..."

She examined the cave that they had slept last night. Outside, the same sun that had awoken her now sent light streaming across the rolling plains of Avalar. Suddenly, a thought occurred to her. Where's Spyro? Looking around the cave frantically, her gaze finally landed on the purple dragon of legend. He was stretched out besides a rocky outcropping, and as she watched, he snuffled and mumbled something in his sleep. Smiling to herself, Cynder shook her head. He's cute when he's asleep, she thought as she walked over to him. "C'mon, sleepyhead, time to get up," she said.

Spyro mumbled.

"C'mon, Spyro," Cynder said, prodding him in the belly. "Get up!"


She looked down at Spyro. He was talking in his sleep. Is he really dreaming about me?, she wondered.

"Cynder we did it five times last night, I'm exhausted."

He snorted and rolled on his back, his hind leg twitching.

Cynder gaped at him, a bright red blush coming to her cheeks. I guess he is. The new knowledge was embarrassing, but not unwelcome. When she thought of the times she had had similar dreams of Spyro… She was glad Sparx wasn't here to make fun of the way her face had become several shades of red. So Spyro did dream about her…

But what about when he's awake?

Suddenly, an idea came to her. Walking over to Spyro, she gently eased herself into the sleeping dragon's embrace. She was tempted to giggle as she anticipated his reaction upon waking.

As she waited, however, she certainly didn't mind being able to breathe in his scent, to feel the steady rise and fall of his chest on her back, to feel the finely toned muscles beneath the arms that now embraced her. I wonder if I'll ever get a chance to be this close to him when he's awake, she wondered.

Spyro grunted, and his eyelid twitched. He was waking up. Cynder quickly closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.


Spyro grunted again, and this time his eyelid cracked open. He grumbled at having been awoken from such a deep sleep. He was curled up against something warm and smooth. His arms absentmindedly drew the object closer to his body. He heard a sleepy grunt from the object. As he realized what he was holding, Spyro shot awake.

Leaping up with a yelp, he tripped over a rock, crashing onto his back. As he lay there he heard Cynder laughing.

Looking up, he glared at her. "What's so funny?" he demanded.

Cynder was now rolling on the ground, helpless from laughter. "Oh, the look on your face, oh…" she collapsed into more helpless laughter.

Glaring at her, Spyro suddenly pounced on her, pinning all four legs and her tail to the ground.

He grinned evilly at her. "Who's laughing now, huh?"

She grinned right back at him. "You say the most interesting things in your sleep, you know." She started to giggle as his face went pale. "What're you going to do to me? The same thing you did 'five times last night?'"

He felt his face go from drained to flush in an instant. His cheeks were a prominent cherry color as he realized what she had discovered about his dreaming habits.

"You really could, you know."

He stared down at Cynder. Was she really saying what he thought she was saying?

"Alright, you've had your fun, discovering what I dreamed about last night. Can you let it go?" he demanded.

"I'm serious."

He gaped down at her, unable to believe his ears. She gazed back up at him, their eyes locking together.

"I mean, look at me," she continued, "I'm pinned, helpless. You can do whatever you want to me. I won't be able to struggle."

He stared into her emerald eyes. Her eyes showed that she was, in fact, being serious. He seriously could not believe that Cynder, the one he had loved and, yes, lusted for, was suggesting that he…

"Cynder, I…I couldn't force something like that on you."

"You misunderstand," she said, holding the gaze, "Even if I wasn't pinned down, even if I was the one on top, you'd still be able to take me as you own."

Spyro felt as if his brain was shorting out. Was she saying…?

"…Because even then, I'd still want you to."

Shock coursed through him like a million volts of electricity. She wanted him. She wanted Him. But…

He climbed off of her, making sure not to hurt her in the process.

Cynder looked up at him, shock and disappointment racing through her. Oh, God, He doesn't want me! I must look like a slut!

Spyro gazed at Cynder as she slowly stood. "I know you want this. I want it to." As he said this, relief washed over Cynder, almost instantly followed by confusion. "But this isn't the right place or the right time for us to…"

"When, Spyro? When IS the right time, where is the right place? We beat Malefor, Spyro! We did it! The world is back to normal, and we can relax because the world no longer needs saving! We saved everything, Spyro!"

Spyro walked to the cave opening and looked out on the golden plains of Avalar. "Cynder, you just said why this isn't the right time or place. What if you're wrong? What if getting rid of Malefor only cut of the head of the snake? We need to make sure that the world really is safe, once and for all. And right now, I don't think either of us is ready for a family."

Cynder walked up beside him, her eyes gleaming. "Are you saying…?"

"Yes, Cynder, I am. I want to raise a family with you. I want you to be my first, my best, and my only. Right now, we wouldn't be able to be good parents. But I promise you, Cynder, someday we will settle down, and when we do, we'll raise a family together, side by side."

He looked at Cynder. Tears of joy ran down her face, tiny rivulets weaving across a face that had a look of joyous disbelief etched upon it. Suddenly, she kissed him, her mouth locking with his, their tongues exploring every inch of each other's mouths as they shared the passionate kiss.

It was several long moments before they broke the kiss, both gasping for air. They both stared at each other for a moment. Then, Cynder spoke.

"Spyro, that promise means more to me than anything in the world. Thank you."

Spyro gazed into the distance. "We better get going if we're going to make it to Warfang before nightfall."

Cynder grinned and leapt into the air. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go!"


A Reptilian figure built not unlike a cheetah watched as the two dragons winged their way toward the city. The figure then set out after them, taking care to stick to the shadows as he made his way to the Dragon City.


Terrador stood on one of the Palace's balconies, examining the repairs made by the moles to the city of Warfang. He shook his head and sighed; even with their seemingly endless energy and speed in all matters regarding the forming and shaping of stone, the city would not be whole for a long time to come. Even now, the walls of the city still showed large gaps and several cracks from the long siege. Rubble surrounded the many skeletons of what had once been great buildings. He and the other guardians helped whenever they could, but there were many more pressing duties, such as organizing the surviving dragons that had been hid and scattered during Malefor's evil reign. There was also the question of whether Spyro, Cynder, and Ignitus were still alive. Scouts had been sent out ever since it was clear that Malefor was defeated, but so far, they had found no sign of the three dragons. His reverie, however, was cut short by the arrival of Sparx.

"Hey, big dude, what's happening?" Terrador merely glared at the pesky dragonfly. "Alright, alright, I get it. Only reason I'm bothering you is that the mole dude—professor doctor, or whatever…"

"Dr. Professor?" Terrador inquired, suddenly interested.

"Yeah, whatever, the dude wants you to come see him. He's got some new gizmo he wants to show you, and I gotta tell ya, this thing looks important."

"Very well, Sparx, lead on," Terrador said, following the yellowish glow that Sparx always seemed to give off.


He arrived in the room just in time to hear a big explosion, followed by a whoop and what sounded like shattering glass. As he opened the door, a wave of black smoke puffed out the doorway. Coughing, Terrador waited for it to clear. When it did, he could see the professor, sitting amid a pile of broken vials. The mole was covered in black soot from top to bottom. Hearing the guardian, the professor started to clean his goggles, grinning sheepishly at the inquisitive Earth guardian. "Apologies for the… less than formal introduction. The machine still has a few kinks to work out." Trying to stand, he slipped in the puddle of fluid from the vials and slid for several feet, leaving a black streak behind him.

Terrador was about to reply when the other door opened and Hunter came in, followed by a female Altawa. Though they seemed surprised by the mess, they quickly regained their composure.

Hunter spoke first. "Professor, why have you sent for us? We were not informed of why we were to come, only that it was a matter of great importance."

Terrador examined the Altawa curiously. "Excuse me, but I don't think we've been introduced. I am…"

"Terrador, the Earth guardian," she cut in, "you have the strength to lift five tons of sandstone with just your muscles, up to fifty with your power over Earth. You once demolished an entire mountain in just three days. Also, you were known as quite the heartbreaker in the dragon academies. My name is Elora, founder and head of the Chamber of Representatives. It's a pleasure to meet you, and good to know that we'll be working together." She extended her hand.

Terrador absentmindedly shook it, staring at her with wide eyes and his mouth open. He had never thought that he would be able to find someone who talked as much as Volteer, but Sparx had proved him wrong. Now another being existed who had just as quick a tongue, and apparently the means to dig up any piece of information.

Hunter chuckled. "She's been working on the introduction for weeks, you know. If you only knew what she did to get that information…"

"Wait, Terrador was a HEARTBREAKER in high school!?!"

Terrador glared and Elora grinned at Sparx. "Why, yes, he was," Elora said, "He apparently was quite a go-getter back in the day."

Sparx appeared to ponder this for a moment, then burst out laughing. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh, wait until Spyro hears about this! Big green Terrador used to be a ladies man! OH, I am going to MILK this for everything it's got!"

Terrador growled, blood rushing to his face, and he seriously considered splatting the dragonfly. Elora grinned. "You must be Sparx, dragonfly companion to the purple dragon. Is it true that you still suck your thumb? Or that you still wet the bed?"

Shock and indignation radiated from the brightly glowing dragonfly. "Hey, that was a one-time thing. You'd wet the bed, too, if you had a dream that the Dark Master was eating you alive!" He sulked and started to absentmindedly move his hand to his mouth. Terrador grinned. "So, what do you think when everyone hears that Sparx still sucks his thumb?"

Sparx glared at the Earth guardian. "Fine, you win," he said, "I don't tell about your college years, you keep out of my private life. Okay?"


The thunderous roar shook the entire building's foundation. Everyone stared at the Professor, who cleared his throat.

"Now, if we are done gossiping about the past, can we please get to the reason I called you here?"

Hunter smiled but said nothing.

"All right," Elora sulked, "What have you made that is so important?"

"And," Terrador added, "Will it really work or just explode?"

Dr. Professor glared at the Earth guardian. "What happened earlier was not an explosion; I simply released the pressure on the purifier too soon, and the subsequent blast of soot left me and my shop in need of a wash. However, that was a matter of user error, not a flaw in the machine. Though it is not quite complete, this device will work perfectly, if used correctly. Now, as to what it is and why it is so important…"

He turned and gestured at the series of square machinery, tubes, and wires.

"This is the prototype to a trans-space-time dimensional wormhole, which is sufficiently safe for life to pass through. These will revolu--"

The group stared at him quizzically.

He sighed. "It's a portal generator."


The group stared at the Professor, digesting what he had just said. "So, this thing can open a portal to anywhere in the world?" Sparx asked.

The professor nodded. "Unfortunately, I am currently lacking a power source strong enough to operate the device, but yes, when it is up and running, we will be able to create portals to all the important settlements and locations in the world."

Terrador was skeptical. "So, in other words, we may not be able to operate it at all if the proper power source can't be found."

"Oh, there is a power source that would be sufficient for the machine. I believe you are familiar with the gems that are scattered throughout the land. Well, a large enough quantity of them would be more than sufficient to open at least ten portals. Also, these portals, once created, will be able to sustain themselves without needing a constant power source: they will last until someone destroys the anchors."

"Anchors?" Elora asked. "What do you mean?"

"Well, Elora, the portals, when created, will form a crystalline formation beneath themselves that will hold them in place. Destroying these would destroy the portal."

"Why would you want that?" Sparx asked. "That means that someone could sabotage the portals and ruin the whole system."

"It also means, Sparx, that we would be able to prevent an enemy from using the portals to appear within our city walls," the Professor explained.

"Well, when will it be operational?" Elora asked. "Something like this would be very useful for diplomatic missions."

The Professor smiled. "The crystals I ordered should be here in a few hours."


Meanwhile, in a cave system in a canyon, several shadowy figures where having a heated argument.

"God damn it, Skero, why didn't you tell us of this earlier?" one of the figures demanded, slamming his fist into the table they were gathered around.

The figure this had been addressed at glared at the speaker. "Well, I didn't think the bumbling fool would actually succeed in building it! What would happen if we sounded the alarm at every possible threat? We're in the middle of a war!"

"Which is exactly why we should have been informed," another figure put in. "The possibility of another world becoming known to the Dark Sorceress is a very important matter, and we can be all but certain that she detected that pulse of energy from his test run. Therefore, we must move forces onto the world before she does."

"Are you mad? The locals would regard us as invaders," another pointed out. "We need to convince them that they are in danger and have them help us organize a defense."

"That would be easier, Breezar, if we had known that they were preparing to make a portal opener before it had sent its signal out into the universe for the Dark Sorceress to detect!" The first figure countered. "Now there is no time to form a defense! Thanks to your bumbling, Skero, the Dark Sorceress will launch an invasion at any minute!"

Skero fumed. "Well, we can't be jumping at every single shadow that shows up!"

"Yes, especially when some of those shadows are our allies."

All of the figures turned to the newcomer who had spoken. They radiated shock and respect.

"I d-did not know y-you were coming, s-sir," the first figure stuttered, his voice humbled and subdued.

"It is my business to show up where the resistance I am in charge of has problems that need solving."

"Sir, I apologize for my adverse reaction to probing, sir," Skero breathed. "I am… infuriated that I let something like this go unnoticed."

"Peace, Skero, you have done nothing wrong. Like you said, we can't jump at every shadow, and that means that some threats go unnoticed. You are right, Bletor, there is no time for a defense to be organized with the locals. However, we also do not want to be seen as invaders. I will personally lead a small group to this world, and we will try to organize the locals as best we can before her forces show up. Once they do, however, we will have to try and help those at the city that seems to be the base of their civilization. Shadow is already on-world, and is following the two dragons who seem to be the best fighters they have. If what he says of them is true, their power may be able to end this war once and for all."

Everyone in the room immediately burst into protestations. The figure waved his hand, and the room instantly grew quiet.

"I know the risks of going on this mission, but there is much to be gained. Before you try, know that I will not be stopped from doing this."

Skero spoke up. "Sir, if you die--"

"That is something that will not happen. Be sure of it."


Spyro and Cynder flew over the tops of the trees, the light breeze holding them aloft. They had made good time so far, but Spyro was getting tired.

"Hey Cynder," he called, "Why don't we take a break? I'm getting thirsty."

Cynder smiled back at him. "All right, slowpoke, there's a clearing right next to the river just a little further on."

She was right about the distance. She had barely finished saying it when they got to the clearing. They both landed and folded their wings, grateful for the respite. Spyro went over to the river and started drinking. Suddenly, he saw something move. His head shot up, water splashing as he quickly started searching for the origin of the movement. A sound came from just above him. He snapped his head up.

A group of dragons looked down at him. "Are you Spyro?" one with green scales asked. Spyro smiled. "Why, yes I am. What gave it away, the purple scales or the travelling companion?"

The dragon smiled sheepishly. "A little bit of both, actually. Thank goodness we found you two." The group landed next to Spyro.

Cynder walked up. "Why would you be glad you found us?" she asked.

"We're scouts from Warfang," the green dragon explained. "We've been searching for you two for days. People were starting to worry." He stopped, perplexed. "Wasn't the fire guardian, whatsisname, Ignitus, with you?"

Spyro winced. "Ignitus… he's dead."

"Dead? What…" the dragon stopped seeing the pain in Spyro's eyes.

"We better get going if we want to get to Warfang soon," Spyro said. He leaped into the air and flew off, his wings flapping at a fantastic rate.

The scouts looked after him with a puzzled expression. Cynder looked after him with a sad look on her face.

"He's not had a chance to come to terms with Ignitus' death," she explained. "We better follow him, but give him plenty of space."

They set off after the purple dragon.


The reptilian creature watched from the shadows of a giant elm tree as the group took off. He was interested in the purple one's reaction to the mention of his dead mentor. The dragon's energy had changed, and… he had nearly touched the darkness. This was something that took years of training for most, and mastery took up to a decade. Yet this dragon was extremely susceptible to the forces of shadow and light. Putting these thoughts aside, he took off after the group.

Oooh, who IS that guy? In fact, who are all these people who like to stand just so that you can't see their faces? And who is this Dark Sorceress? Find out (maybe) in chapter 2. Coming soon!