Once upon a time, long ago, long, long ago
There was a Miko, a woman whose power could take down even the greatest of demon lords, and enemies. Her name was Midoriko. She fought many demons, but even in fighting with them, she did not hate demons. In fact, she fell in love with a powerful demon lord, Lord Ziro. A demon Lord that at first, she did not get along with. But alas, she fell in love, and they mated. As much as her Lord wanted to protect her, she would fight her own battles, wearing her Miko clothes and the armor her Lord and mate had given her.
Midoriko fought most of her life, and she would continue to fight.
One day her mate met with another Lord, something Lords did to speak of threats and war. Midoriko's mate was friends with another Lord, Lord Inu Tashio. Though they were friends, they had yet to unite their lands.
"You should have a child," Lord Inu Tashio stated, looking at his friend, who was looking out the window of Inutashio's castle. Ziro turned to him "What?" he asked looking back at his fellow Lord,
"You should have a child with your mate; then we could unite our lands," Inu Tashio said with a hearty smile.
"You mean?" Ziro said with wide eyes,
"Yes, your first daughter shall be born to be my son's bride."
Ziro said nothing at first but looked back outside the window. He thought of his mate, and of Inu Tashio's silent son. He thought of their land and the daughter he had not even thought of making. He knew his mate did not like they way Demon's mated, the female set in a line for another male to pick. But this way, their daughter would go to someone they knew, it would unite their lands, she would be safe, and in really good hands, at least that is what Ziro thought.
"Very well, I shall bring forth your son a bride."
Nine months later..
"My mate, she is beautiful," He told his mate while holding the small infant in his big strong arms.
"My Lord, did you doubt?"
"No, my Lady I did not; I knew she would have her mother's beauty," He told her with a graceful smile.
"And her father's charm?" His mate played.
But little did her mate know, she was worried. When he first came back and told her of his and Inu Tashio's talk, she was hurt. He assured her that he also wanted a daughter because he loved her and that he wished to have many children with her. Midoriko knew herself that she would only bare one child for him; her life was sought out by many, as would her daughters, if she were to come out like her mother, even if she didn't, her enemy's would want her child dead. She was now very worried, for their child came out pure demon, with Miko powers. Their child held more power than both of them. She was also sad, for her daughter would not be able to choose a love of her own. That was something Midoriko had been against, making her mate with the other Lord's son. Ziro told her it was what they wished, that it was not set in stone, but it was, even if neither of the kids liked it.
Even tho she said nothing, her mate knew of her fear and worry, he could smell it.
"My Lord, her name?" Midoriko asked looking up at her mate,
"Yes, I shall name her" He looked down at the black-haired beauty in his arms "Kagome, she shall be called Kagome."
He then gave the girl back to her mother, "Kagome," She said with a mothers smile "It's perfect."