5 Years Later
5 years ago Troy Bolton left Albuquerque and moved to LA; leaving behind his family and the person he loved Gabriella Montez, he left because he broke her heart by breaking up with her when he was drunk.
17 year old Troy Bolton, Using his fake id, walked into 'Vibe' Club, depressed because he lost an Important basketball game that had scoots watching.
"What can I get you?" the bar tender asked.
"A Beer" He said showing him the fake id and he handed him the beer.
6 beers later Troy was drunk and his phone started ringing
"Troy?" His Girlfriend for 2 years Gabriella said on the other line.
"Hey Sexy" Drunken Troy had taken over him.
"Are you drunk?"
"Maybe" he smirked even though she couldn't see him.
"Troy, you're under age" Gabriella said.
"It's called Fake ID, Sexy"
"Where are you?"
"Why do you care?" He snapped
"Because you're my boyfriend"
"Not anymore"
"It's over for good" then he hung up.
End of Flashback
He lost his best friend, got kicked off the team because Gabriella's older brother was the coach and he was the most hated person in school, he left before graduation.
A lot has changed since he moved:
- He's a teacher at Lake Side Elementary School, for the past 3 years
- He dropped Basketball fully; he never played it or even watched it
- He also adopted a little girl 2 years ago called Cadie, she's 10 years old
"Cadie, Breakfast!" Troy shouted up the stair.
Cadie ran down the stair, into the kitchen and sat at the table "Morning Dad" Ever since she came she called him that but he doesn't mind
"Morning Sweetie" He kissed the top of head, placed the plate of pancakes in the middle of the table and sat down himself "Eat up because you need to get ready and we were off to school"
"Okay" She grabbed 2 pancakes and put them on her plate "mmm"
Troy Chuckled "We've got Syrup, Strawberries, lemon juice or sugar"
"I don't know"
"What did you have yesterday?"
"Strawberries, so I'll have Syrup" She grabbed the bottle and poured it over her pancakes.
"What lessons do you have to today?"
"Erm … English and Maths with you" She giggled "Then I've got P.E with Miss Knight" She rolled her eyes.
"What's wrong with P.E?"
"We're doing basketball today, I hate it"
"You'll have fun" He said eating the last of his pancakes "Finished?"
"Yep" Cadie jumped out of her chair and disappeared upstairs.
Troy cleared the table, went upstairs and got ready himself.
"Cadie, C'mon!" Troy shouted, looking in the mirror, he had on dark blue jeans, blue buttoned short sleeved-shirt with black sneakers, he also had his Class Ring and Promise ring on a chain around his neck, he never took it off because it's the last memory of Gabriella.
"I'm here" Cadie came down the stairs in her School uniform, Blue checked pleaded skirt up to her knee, a white polo-shirt with the school logo on and black dolly-shoes.
"Hey cutie" He picked her up and spun around
"Dad!" She giggled "Put me down!"
He put her down "What you having your hair like?"
"Okay" Troy brushed her long brown curly hair into a neat ponytail and finished it with a ribbon matching her school skirt.
"Thank you"
"You're welcome, you ready?" He said grabbing his car keys and file for the day.
Cadie grabbed her pink 'Ripcurl' backpack and put it over her shoulders "Ready" She opened the front door and ran towards Troy's Black Range Rover Sport.
Troy Pressed a button on his keys "Its open Cadie" He locked the front door, walked down the driveway and got into the car.
"I'm glad you changed your car, this is awesome" Cadie giggled putting her bag on the floor near her feet "Where's your iPod?"
Troy pulled out his new iPod Touch and passed it to her "What you doing?" he turned on the car and drove off
"Looking for a good song" She said scrolling through all the song, then Squealed.
"Oww!" He rubbed his ear "What was that for?" Troy said as drove down the street for the half an hour drive to school.
"You have Ashley Tisdale on here" she looked at him.
"Yeah because I know she's your favourite singer, also Taylor Swift and Hannah Montana"
"Yay!" She giggled and placed the iPod on the dock and pressed play and sung along to Hannah Montana 'You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home' and dancing along to the chorus
"You can change your hair, You can change your clothes, You can change your mind, that's just the way it goes, You can say goodbye, You can say hello, But you'll always find your way back home
You can change your style, You can change your jeans, You can learn to fly and you can chase your dreams, You can laugh and cry but everybody knows, You'll always find you way back home"
Troy Smiled listening to her sing, for a 10 year old, she has a powerful voice.
"I love that song"
"You have a beautiful voice" He smiled at her.
"That's what Miss Cole said; she said I could be a professional when I'm older"
"We'll have to see won't we" He said as he pulled into Lake Side Elementary school "But, promise to never stop singing"
He smiled "Pinkie Promise?" Holding up his right little finger.
She giggled and wrapped her left little finger around his "Pinkie Promise"
"Good" He got out the car, grabbed his stuff from the back seat, went around the other side and opened the door
"Thank you" Cadie jump out of the car, grabbed her bag and closed the door
"Cadie!" A girl ran over
"Sammy!" Cadie hugged her, they both dropped their bags and did their crazy handshake (If you've watched Parent Trap that handshake)
"Morning Mr. Bolton" Sammy smiled at her teacher.
"Morning Sammy" Troy said locking up the car
"Can Sammy come over tonight, please?" Cadie looked at him with puppy eyes
He smiled at her cuteness "Sure, I'll phone her mum later"
"I'll see you both in class"
"Bye Dad"
"Bye Mr. Bolton" then they both ran off into the playground.
Troy walked into the school and into the Staff room where most the teachers were.
"Morning Troy" Katie (Miss Cole) Said drinking her coffee.
"Morning Katie" He said going over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.
"How's Cadie this morning?" ever since Troy adopted Cadie, all the teachers were supportive and helping him out when he needs it.
"She's good" He closed the fridge "Singing along to the songs on my iPod like every morning" He chuckled.
"She has an amazing voice; she joined the choir last week"
"Yeah, she told me, well more like jumping around shouting it"
She laughed and got up "Well, I better get to class, see you later" then she walked out.
"Morning Class" Troy said as his class as they sat down.
"Good Morning Mr. Bolton" the class echoed.
"Today, we'll do Maths first and then English in our class this afternoon" The class groaned "C'mon guys, it'll be fun, is any of my classes boring?"
"No" they all said.
"Okay" He sat on the edge of his desk "So we'll start with a warm up of timetables, 4x4?" the whole class raised their hands "Matt"
"16" Matt said.
"Well done, Erm … we'll go a bit harder 6x6?" a most of the class raised their hands "Lily"
"36?" She asked
He smiled "Very good, Erm … okay if you get this one right, I'll get you 3 stars to against your name" They all nodded "12x12?" couple of them raised their hands "Conner"
"124?" he asked
"Close, but good try" He looked around the class "Sammy"
"144" she said
"Well done, come get your stars" He said taking the roll of stickers off his desk.
"Okay" She smiled, got up from her deck and walked to the front
"Here you go" Handing her a strip that had on 3 stars
"Thank you" She skipped to the back of the class, finding her name on the board and placing the stars next to it then went back to her seat.
"So" Troy said taking some work sheets off his desk "Today we'll continue on factions" placing the worksheet on each desk "These are a bit more difficult, if you need help just raise your hand and I'll go and help you" He said sitting in his chair and watched everyone start their work.
It's the last lesson of day and Troy had the same class he had this morning which included Cadie.
"Okay, we have 5 minutes till the end of class" The classes cheered "Since its English class, we'll do a quiz, Okay?"
"Okay" The Class said
"What's a Noun?" The whole class raised their hand "Cadie"
"It's the name of a Person, Place or Thing"
"Could anyone give me an example of each one?" the whole class raised their hands again "Danny"
"Name of a person is Alex, a Place is England and a Thing is Chair"
"Well done" the bell rang "Okay kids, pack up and line up near the door" Everyone got up except Cadie and Sammy who was chatting.
The class lined up ready to go
"I'll see everyone tomorrow" Troy said opening the door and everyone ran out. Closing the door, he let out a big sigh, went to his desk and sat down.
Cadie looked over at her dad "You okay Dad?"
"Yeah I'm fine"
I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hung over
I'll love you forever, forever is over
We used to kiss all night, now it's just a bar fight
So don't call me crying
Say hello to goodbye
Cause just one sip would make me sick
I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hung over
I'll love you forever, but now it's over
Troy Picked his iPhone from his deck, looked at it and answered it smiling "Hey Hannah"
"Hey Troy, how you doing?" Hannah asked, Troy's younger sister by 4 years
"I'm good, just finished school"
"Oh yeah, how's Cadie been?"
"She'd good; she takes after you with the singing and dancing" Troy said looking at Cadie and Sammy laughing at eachother "How are you?"
"I'm good, missing my big brother"
"We're coming for Christmas remember"
"I know" She sighed "Oh, you wouldn't guess who I bumped into this morning?"
"Chad and Gabriella"