ERm, this is my first try at writing fanfics. so please help me......yorushiku. onegaishimasu!
err, please give reviews on whether this plot is workable.....coz as i said this is my first try! =) i hope it is not too cliche. also, please review on whether its worth continuing. once again, pls review! =) thanks.
Chapter 1…………
Tears fell down his pale cheeks as he thought back about the quarrel he just had with his lover, Yuki. At 2.00 a.m. in the middle of the night, Shuichi sat on the bench where they had first met, sobbing. His irresistible violet eyes were filled with sadness and hurt. Further more, he had a throbbing headache.
3 hours ago, Shuichi, lead singer of Bad Luck was rushing home to see his beloved Yuki from the airport. Bad Luck had gone to Singapore for 2 weeks to perform a concert. It was a huge success and they were now back. Shuichi had bought many souvenirs for Yuki. He missed Yuki terrible. His touch, his voice. Anything about his angel, he missed. Shuichi even had a headache, which he happily deduced that it was because of absence of Yuki.
The moment he reached home, Shuichi shouted enthusiastically, "Yukiiiiiii! Ta Da I Ma! Where are you? Are you playing hide and seek with me? I'm going to find you!" With that, Shuichi opened Yuki's door, shouting "found you!" before he even stepped into the room. Shuichi saw something…….that hurt him….terribly.
Yuki was on the bed. With another guy. Naked. Shuichi's tears started to fall….
Yuki looks so beautiful, so captivating, just like an angel, but he was in the hands of another, not me…Shuichi thought.
He snapped back to reality and he knew what he must do. He started yelling at the top of his voice, "YUKIIII!!! What are you doing? You are mine! How can you let another guy touch you!" Yuki responded, annoyed, "Aargh. Shut up, you noisy irritating brat."
Seeing that he had nothing left to do, the unwelcomed stranger then said bye to Yuki tenderly, causing Shuichi to grab Yuki tighter than ever and he then made his way to the door. After he was gone, Shuichi demanded an explanation from Yuki.
"Yuki, who was that? Why were y-you making….out…with him?" Shuichi asked, hurt. "Aargh, the moment you come back, you make a hell lot of a noise. He's just a stranger. We only met this evening. What. Stop looking at me like that. Were you expecting me to live without sex for two whole weeks? Don't joke." That was Yuki's cold answer.
Silence engulfed the room.
After about 5 minutes, Shuichi asked in a tiny voice "Am I….am I, just a toy to you too?" Yuki did not reply. He did not know the answer too.
Is he a toy to me? But if he is, then why do I worry about him, Why…why do I get so damn jealous when…Hiro hugs him for too long….or when Ryuichi demands a hug from him? Why do I care about him……if I don't love him? But I don't love him right, or do I?
"I get it. But....have you ever liked me before…just for awhile? Just a little….?"Shuichi asked pleadingly. Shuichi was crying….silently….in the darkness. He did not want Yuki to know that he's crying. Getting no answer again, Shuichi's heart broke.
Carrying all his luggage, Shuichi ran out of the house, his face already full of his tears. His heart was tearing. He was pulled in two directions. He wanted to be alone, to administer the fact that Yuki did not love him, and to have Yuki chase after him, hugging and comforting him, telling him that he love Shuichi. But, he knew that was impossible.
As he ran, he wondered about where he would go. It was already 2.00 in the middle of the night. He could go to Hiro's house, but yet, he did not want to impose on his best friend as he knew that Ayaka would be there today. After much thought, he settled for the bench. The bench where he had first met his beautiful but cold angel.
After settling down, he broke down, he allowed himself to cry his heart out. Yuki does not love me. He did not even dare to say that he likes me…not even for awhile…so…I have been a toy to him all this while? Just someone who…sticks to him like superglue and refuses to leave….right? Shuichi was hurt and unwell. His headache was still with him. He wanted Yuki so badly. He looked at his luggage, and remembered that he still had presents for Yuki. He started crying again.
Meanwhile, Yuki was worried, or even, panicking at home. Where did that noisy idiot go? It's already 2.00 a.m. I hurt him again. What if he gets hurt? What if the Aizawa Taki incident happens again? What if nobody saves him? Aargh. Shuichi, you idiot, where are you?....
and so, though happening in two different places, Yuki was worried about his young, naïve lover, while Shuichi was crying….over his beautiful angel.