Alex's POV
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Room service." The voice said.
"I didn't order any room service." I said as I opened the door. I was shocked at what I saw. It was a cake with the words "Alex, will you go to prom with me" on it. There was also a bouquet of roses.
"He got me roses too?" I asked
"No actually, the roses are for Ms. Tipton." The bellboy said.
"I love roses." London said as she took the bouquet. There was a note attached to the roses. "London, I have sent you a gift of my love for you. I wish to meet you on the Sky Deck at midnight. Come alone, I look forward to seeing you again sincerely TSM. Who's TSM?"
"I don't know but I think you should go meet him. It sounds like you've met him before." I said.
"Fine I'll go but it said to come alone which I think means you can't come." London said as she left the room.
I wasn't about to miss that so I began to think.
"I'm not sleepy, now no one can see me." I said as I saw my arms disappear. I looked in the mirror and saw that only my body was invisible and my clothes were not. If I waited any longer, I might miss it. I had no choice but to strip them off. At least no one would be able to see me. I hoped it wouldn't be too cold. I walked out of my room and closed the door and headed toward the sky deck.
When I got there I saw London standing there.
"I'm glad you could make it." A male voice said. I saw a figure wearing a suit and a mask.
"So you're the one who sent me the roses." London said. "But who are you?"
"I guess you don't recognize my voice." The male said. "Maybe this will help."
He pulled his mask off and revealed that he was Todd St. Mark. What was he doing on the S.S. Tipton?
"Todd? What are you doing here?" London asked.
"I realized that I couldn't be without you." Todd said. "I love you London."
"I really wish we could be together Todd" London said. "But our fathers would never allow it."
"My father was killed in a boating accident." Todd said remorsefully "But in his death, the St Mark hotel chain is now mine. I plan on proposing a merger with your father."
"Daddy does love expanding." London said.
"But I'm also here for another reason." Todd said as he reached into his pocket. "London Tipton, will you marry me?"
"Oh my god." I said loudly.
"What was that?" Todd asked.
I covered my mouth and began to run. I had to go somewhere and headed toward the boys dorms. I thought about heading Zack and Bailey's room for some clothes but Bailey didn't know I was a wizard which meant I would have to become visible again first. Then I realized that Woody was working on dismantling the stage and would probably fall asleep in the theatre and headed to Cody's room. It was perfect. Cody not only knew that I was a wizard but he had also seen me naked before. I knocked his door.
"Hello?" Cody said as he opened the door. "Damn it."
"Cody!" I said. "Let me in."
"Alex? Where are you?" Cody asked.
"Right in front of you." I said. "I'm invisible. I need you to let me in before I can undo the spell."
"Alright come in. Are you in?" Cody said.
"Not yet." I said as I walked in. "Now I am."
Cody closed the door.
"I got what I need so now I can be seen." I said as I reappeared. Cody immediately blushed.
"Alex, why are you naked?" Cody asked trying not to stare even though I didn't care if he did.
"The spell didn't work on my clothes." I explained. "How about we get into your bed and then I can tell you something."
I got underneath Cody's covers. "Well for starters, yes. Second I just witnessed a secret meeting between London and Todd St. Mark. You can't tell anyone unless she does but he popped the question to her."
"What did she say?" Cody asked.
"I don't know they heard me and I had to leave before she answered." I responded. "Now since I'm already naked…"
The next morning I woke up in Cody's bed. I hoped someone wouldn't show up. Cody was already awake and dressed.
"Do have anything that will fit me?" I asked.
"I have some clothes that you wear back to your room." He answered as he picked out some clothes for me. Cody and I were surprisingly about the same weight and height so it could work.
I grabbed the clothes and threw them on. They were a little loose but they would work until I got to my room.
"You actually look kind of cute in those." Cody said.
I looked into the mirror and I agreed. For a girl in her boyfriend's clothes, I looked good.
"Thanks Cody." I said. "I'll see you at breakfast."
I walked out of the room and back to my own. London was nowhere to be found.. Maybe she had spent the night with Todd. I couldn't help but wonder if she had accepted his proposal. Cody had told me about the secret relationship those two had had when they were at the Tipton. That sounded really romantic even though their hideout was a laundry room. I couldn't help but wonder what a Tipton-St. Mark would be like. That would be like Britney Spears merging with Jay Z. As weird as that sounded it was a good analogy.
I couldn't help but wonder how we were going to do a prom. Were we going to stop somewhere so everyone could buy dresses and tuxes? I was pretty sure that most people on the ship didn't have formal clothes. I definitely didn't pack an evening gown. I didn't even own one. Sure I could make one appear out of thin air but that wasn't the point. But it would probably fun. I learned that while I was away, Justin began dating a vampire and was taking her to Prom.
Within a few days we had docked in London. It might be a little crazy having London Tipton in London, England. Apparently we had rented out a ballroom in the British city.
Bailey's POV
I was in the city of London with Alex and Addison. We were doing our dress shopping.
"So has Zack asked you to prom yet?" Addison asked.
"No but knowing him it will be something lavish, spontaneous and possibly destructive." I said.
"Yeah that does sound like something Zack would do." Alex said. "So what color do you think I should get?"
"Definitely something purple." Addison said.
At this time I couldn't help but wonder what London the girl was doing in London the city. Maybe they should have chosen a city that didn't have the same name as one of the students, like Paris.
Cody's POV
I was walking through the city of London with Zack and Woody. We were going to be shopping for our tuxes.
"So Zack have you decided on how you're going to ask Bailey to prom yet?" Woody asked.
"No…wait I've got it. I'll tattoo on my chest." Zack said. Why did Zack always come up with such crazy ideas?
"I think you should do something less painful and less permanent." I said.
"Fine I'll use chocolate." Zack said. "Bailey will love that."
"Zack we do not need to hear about your sex life." I said.
"I don't mind hearing about it." Woody said. "Last night Addison and got really wasted."
"I definitely don't need to hear about your sex life Woody." I said, trying not to vomit.
Alex's POV
"So I had wine for the first time last night." Addison said as she came out wearing her red dress. "Me and Woody ended up getting really drunk and did some things."
"You don't have to describe what we did. Let's just leave it at that." I said.
"Are you sure we should be talking about this here?" Bailey asked.
"At least we're not the girls from Sex and City. We're still young so we should be able to talk about it." I said as I took my dress to the counter.
The next night everyone from Seven Seas High was at the ballroom. Mr. Moseby had hired former popstar Lil' Little to sing at our prom. I think it was because Moseby was such a huge fan. He now went by Marcus Little.
After he was done London walked up to the stage.
"Attention everyone. I have good news. Me and Todd St. Mark are getting married." London said.
Suddenly Marcus grabbed the microphone. "Excuse me London, Imma let you finish but Beyonce had one of the best weddings of all time." He said
After seeing the bizarre thing and Marcus was removed from the stage, I went over to Cody to discuss what we would since the semester was ending.
"So Cody I guess we'll be saying goodbye in a few days." I said. "This really sucks."
"Actually I have good news. You know how I was taking all of those extra classes?" Cody said.
"Yeah" I said, wondering he was going.
"Well they were so I could the GED program. I got into Columbia." He said.
I hugged Cody tightly. It looked like all of my dreams were about to come true.
And so this story has a happy ending. Plus multiple hijinks. I just had to do the Marcus taking the microphone from London thing after seeing that knows Kanye in the new episode. I'll have a new story coming out in a few days so be on the lookout for it.