Disclaimer: I claim NO OWNERSHIP to anything shown in this story!

It was pretty quiet between the gang, not having an idea on where to start searching for the emeralds and master emerald. It was in the morning, the sun rising over the horizon. Sonic widened his eyes when he saw five glowing objects coming down from the sky. "What are you looking at?'' asked Sokka "Those'' sonic pointed to the objects that just landed in a clearing ahead of them.

"Steer Appa there!'' Sonic told Aang. Aang flew Appa over to the clearing and landed. Sonic immediately jumped off and ran up to some small holes in the ground. There was a green, silver, light blue, red, and yellow ring he found in each one. Sonic collected them, "What are those?'' asked Aang. Then two more of the rings flew over them, chasing them were a group of egg gunners. "They can't get those rings!'' Sonic exclaimed running after them.

Aang and the others jumped on Appa and followed him. Sonic jumped onto the branch of a tree and leaped up and over the egg gunners. He reached out and grabbed the two rings. Sonic landed back into a large clearing. Suddenly Metal Sonic and Metal Knuckles landed in front of him. Both metals fired a volley of missiles at him, sonic jumped out of the way, but Metal Sonic came and bashed him into a tree. Sonic sent a kick straight to his chin throwing metal across the ground. Sonic took cover behind a rock. Eggman then arrived in his hovership, "Hahaha! You coward! I see you have six of the world rings, but don't you want the seventh?''

Eggman waved it in his hand. Sonic lifted his head up when he heard him say it. Sonic stepped out from behind the rock, "Now, give me the other rings.'' Eggman demanded. Although Appa came flying at Eggman. Aang held onto Appa's horn, he reached and grabbed the ring from Eggman's hand. "Fire that thing down!'' Eggman ordered his metals. Both fired one missile at Appa. Appa dodged one, but the other hit him causing him to crash into the ground. The seventh ring dropped before sonic, he picked it up and looked at his friends. Metal Sonic and Metal Knuckles stood a few feet from Appa and the gang. "Destroy them!'' Eggman ordered. Both metals fired a cluster of missiles at them. The gang waited for the worst until Sonic stood in front of them. The missiles stopped in front of his face, then they were fired back at the metals. Sonic's fur was purple, there were glowing gold rings around his wrists and ankles, his eyes blank white and two white stripes across the top of his head, he transformed into Darkspine Sonic.

Sonic stood and stuck his hands out at the two metals, both charged at him. Sonic's hands lit in flames, he punched both in the head as they came at him. Sonic flew up into the air with the two metals following him. Sonic watched both carefully waiting for any sudden movement. Both charged him again, Sonic grabbed both of them at their necks. Sonic looked from one to the other, Metal Knuckles gave him a punch in the gut, letting them both free. Metal Sonic charged at him, sonic grabbed him and threw him away while Metal Knuckles charged, but was greeted by Sonic's fist. Both metals fired a barrage of missiles at him. Sonic then let out a wave of fire out of his body destroying the missiles.

Metal Sonic tackled sonic and they were diving back toward the ground. With a loud crash both smashed into the earth. The dust cleared and metal was immediately tackled by sonic as they both crashed into a boulder making it crack. Sonic did a back flip waiting for an attack. Instead metal knuckles landed on top of sonic with one of his feet at his neck. Sonic growled and pushed him off. Sonic rolled up into a ball and he was lit in fire. Sonic dashed at him with all his force. Sonic left a dent right in his chest, it threw metal right against a tree. Metal with a large dent going inwards was left in his chest. Sonic walked up to him, metal threw his fist at him, but sonic grabbed it and twisted it straight off. Sonic grabbed metal by the neck, Sonic's fist glowed with flames. Sonic his fist through his face and out the other end, small sparks and blue electricity sparked until sonic tossed his body to the ground. Metal Sonic glared at Sonic, but he just got the order from Eggman to retreat.

Sonic watched him fly away, sonic returned to his normal state. Appa landed behind him, sonic collected the seven rings all in one hand. "Well you have the rings, now what?'' Aang asked "Eggman probably has the master emerald, the chaos emeralds he might as well.'' sonic finished. Suddenly metal sonic came flying back and snatched the seven rings from sonic. "NO!'' he shouted gritting his teeth. Now with the seven world rings, the master emerald, and possibly the seven chaos emeralds, will our heroes be able to stop Eggman? Or is it too late?

The gang were flying over the flatlands outside of Ba Sing Se. In the distance they saw a gigantic hole with a metal fence around it. Eggman's robots were there of course. "We have to take them by surprise.'' said Sokka. Sonic, however already jumped off and headed for the site. Sonic skidded to a halt behind Eggman. Eggman had his hands behind his back, he turned around to his foe. "Well look who it is.'' he said "What are you planning?'' sonic started "Why try Sonic? Quit while your ahead.'' Eggman said "No way, now hand over the rings and emeralds.'' sonic responded "I'm sorry, but I can't just do that.'' Eggman snapped his fingers and metal sonic flew from across the hole and grabbed Sonic. Metal held him tight, he was aiming for Ba Sing Se's wall.

They were nearly there, at the last second, sonic threw metal against the wall and started running back to the site. Metal fired up his boosters and headed after him, metal hit him in the side of the head with his elbow. Sonic bumped across the dirt and came to a halt. Metal flew up into the air overhead sonic. He dived down at him with a spike sticking out from his hand. Sonic grabbed Metal's wrist at the last moment and tossed him into the ground. Sonic pressed the device and transformed into WereSonic. Sonic breathed angrily at him.

Sonic marched over to his body, he raised his huge fist up and slammed it into Metal's power source, which was in his stomach area. Sonic grabbed the power source and crushed it, he ripped it out of metal's body. Sonic finished by raising his shoe over Metal's head, under his shoe were small spikes, because of his WereSonic form. He squashed metal's skull under his foot. Bits of metal was all that was left. Sonic pressed the button again and returned to his normal form. Appa just landed behind him, the gang all got off and reunited with him. Then the ground shook violently, back at the site, the gigantic hole was rising with lava. Mecha WereSonic stood on a hovering platform above the hole. He was standing on top of the master emerald, the seven chaos emeralds circled around him, the seven world rings went around the chaos emeralds. Eggman was watching from above in his hovership with an evil grin on his face. The lava shaped out and formed into a giant monster with molten lava horns on its head, four arms stretched from its body, it was Iblis The Flames of Disaster.

Iblis grabbed the platform Mecha was standing on and kept his hand on it. A bright light shined for quite a few seconds. Once it vanished, there stood a humongous abomination. One of its arm was running with lava and its razor sharp claws as its hand. The other arm was completely metal and had a molten rock hand. It had two metal legs, small streams of lava ran through it up to its chest. A giant orb was in its chest filled with lava. Dangling from its back were long metal spikes that hanged down. The head had a dragon like face, two molten lava horns stuck out on the left and right sides, two gleaming red eyes just opened up. The monster let out a thunderous roar, sonic narrowed his eyes not scared one bit. "Wow'' Sokka said "There's no way we can take that down.'' Aang added. Then shooting out from the huge monster were the seven world rings and seven chaos emeralds, as well as the master emerald. "Not we, just me.'' Sonic said walking over to the emeralds and rings. "No, you can't do it alone!'' exclaimed Katara "I'm the only one capable of doing it.'' sonic said rolling the master emerald right side up "Your 'glowy' form can't handle all that power!'' Sokka added. Sonic ignored what they said and he hopped up on the master emerald. The seven emeralds flew diagonally around him, and the seven world rings did the same. The Master Emerald glowed brightly, a bright blue flash shined. Once it dimmed there stood Sonic, the master emerald had no green glow coming from it. Sonic's fur was sky blue and so were his eyes. He transformed into: Perfect Sonic

Sonic smiled at his friends and turned to the hulking monster heading towards Ba Sing Se. "Wait!'' Katara shouted. Sonic stopped and turned back to them. "Can we just say good luck?'' Sokka said. Sonic smiled and crossed his arms. Toph stepped forward, "Well I hope you kick some butt out there, and good luck Sonic.'' she punched his arm "Ow!'' Sonic yelped as he rubbed it, Toph stood back next to Sokka. Sokka got on one knee, "I guess I should say sorry for calling you those names and making you leave our group, anyway friends?'' he finished. Sonic smirked and shook his hand "Friends'' he replied, Sokka walked back and stood next to Toph. Aang came next, "You're a great friend with a strong heart, good luck sonic, we're rooting for you.'' Aang said smiling "You bet!'' Sonic said giving a thumbs up. Then came Katara, she fell on both her knees in front of him. Tears rolled down her cheeks, "Hey'' Sonic began, Katara looked up at him. "Just remember, I'll have this with me.'' Sonic pulled out the flower, he still had it.

Katara smiled and she gave him a long lasting kiss on the cheek, the she hugged him. Katara took a few steps back, Sonic was about to lift off, but he turned around. "By the way, Aang and Katara, I saw you guys making out like crazy at that inn.'' he laughed, Aang and Katara blushed madly. Sonic sprang up into the air for the fight of his life and the future for the avatar world.

Sonic teleported in front of the humongous beast. "Listen you piece of trash! You can either stop now, or get your butt kicked by me.'' sonic said "You puny creature!!!'' its loud deep thundering voice said "I am Mecha Inferno! This world shall be destroyed and be ruled by the Eggman Empire!'' it finished "Well lets see if you can fight better than you can talk!'' sonic yelled. Sonic teleported away dodging Mecha's huge hand. Sonic charged up a ball of blue energy, with lightning sparking from it. Sonic launched it at him, the huge spike from its back came over Mecha's head and covered himself. The ball hit the giant spikes, but it had no effect. They stretched back to their right spots.

Inferno took in a breath and fired a giant fireball at sonic. Sonic darted through it distinguishing it into embers. Sonic was then smacked by Inferno's huge hand and quickly smashed into the ground. Sonic teleported above Inferno and dive bombed straight into the crown of his head with great force that it snapped off one of his horns. Sonic flew back a few feet and teleported the horn over his hands. He flew straight at Inferno's power source, however inferno slammed his fist on it also sonic was crushed by it. Sonic covered in rubble of the horn, he let out a burst of energy destroying the horn into tiny bite size pieces.

Sonic gasped when Inferno's fist came down on him. Sonic put his hands up stopping it. "How can you have this power?'' inferno said "Because you don't know what I'm capable of!!'' he fired a beam of energy straight up out of his hand and into Inferno's face making him stumble back in pain. Inferno's hand the fell off and shattered into rubble when it crashed into the ground. "You will pay for that.'' he threatened. Sonic darted through his stomach making a large gape in his center, Inferno roared in agony. Inferno stuck his metal hand at him, it opened up and a large beam of blue energy hit sonic and he was thrown into the ground by it. Inferno continued walking towards Ba Sing Se.

Sonic got on all fours and carefully stood up. He looked at the flower he had in his hand, "Don't worry guys, I WILL protect this world.'' he said in his head. Inferno reached the wall and was about to crush it until a large ball of blue energy struck him in the back. Inferno turned around angrily. "Is that it? Give me your best shot!'' Sonic smirked. Inferno grabbed a chunk of the wall off of Ba Sing Se and threw it at sonic. Sonic created a large force field and it shattered into small pieces of earth when it hit. Sonic immediately charged forward and dashed straight through Inferno's face. Inferno fell backwards toward a portion of houses in Ba Sing Se. Sonic flew behind Inferno, he powered up a beam of energy in his hands. From his palms a large beam of blue light shot into Inferno's back and flung him away from the city. Sonic shot a volley of energy balls of Inferno's body.

Sonic darted toward his power source once again and he cracked it. Inferno shook in pain and he stopped. "Phew that was close.'' sonic said relieved. Then Inferno snatched sonic in his mouth and swallowed him. The beast stood up and laughed. "Now this city will be decimated!'' "I don't think so.'' a voice said faintly. Sonic busted out from Inferno's neck, and out in front of him. "No, NO! You will not win!'' Inferno thundered "I think you don't know who I am.'' Sonic said, a blue aura formed around Sonic with bolts sparking around him. His hands glowed light blue, a large ball of energy formed in his hands. "I'm SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!!!'' he fired the huge beam of light straight into Inferno's power source and it came out the other end. "NOOOOOOOOO'' inferno screamed. A giant fiery explosion lit up, sonic was thrown down toward the ground with tremendous force. Pieces of metal and molten rock rained from the sky. The gang rushed to where they saw sonic crash. He was back in his normal form, the master emerald regained its green glow. "Sonic? Sonic please wake up!'' katara shook his body. Sonic's eyes slowly creaked open. A smile appeared on the face of each of them, finally the gang and sonic were reunited.

The next day, the sun shining bright over Ba Sing Se, once again peace has been restored. There was a party in the town square of Ba sing Se. A overhead cover was set up, tables with people in every chair having conversations. Sokka and Toph were talking with Zuko, who just arrived to the city. Sonic was sitting at a table, someone poked him on the shoulder, he turned around to see Katara in her earth kingdom kimono, it was sea green, the same one she wore on her birthday, her hair was down as well.

"What?'' Sonic said. "Are you just gonna' sit there?'' she asked "Probably'' Sonic replied with a dull tone "Don't you wanna dance?'' she said "Why?'' Sonic responded "Yeah your right, your too short anyway.'' Katara walked away. Sonic went Super Sonic, glowing gold. He hovered over to her, "Fine, if I must.'' sonic said. Sonic hovered spinning in circles with her, he twirled her with one hand making her giggle. Sonic spotted aang and smirked. "Hey Aang! Heads up!'' he let Katara spin into his arms. Both blushed, Sonic gave Aang a thumbs up. Peace once again restored to the avatar world, they may live in harmony for years to come.

Far away where pieces of metal and rock lay, the hand of Mecha WereSonic shot out of the ground, he stood up out of the debris. "Well, you still functional?'' Eggman said over the communicator on Mecha's wrist "Yes, but now what?'' Mecha asked "Do not worry, there are more…dimensions we can seek.'' Eggman laughed evilly.

I would like to make this clear. Sonic did not transform into Hyper Sonic! I just made up the Perfect Super Form. It's not Hyper! XD Anyway, the next story will contain EVERY character from my previous stories. It ought to be a fun ride. I'll post the first chapter tomorrow! Be sure to read and review! And thanks to Dragongirl114 and Doylewells for the very awesome reviews!