Re-uploading all of the chapters because something happened to all the page breaks and it doesn't make much sense without them -_-

This is my first multichapter fanfiction, hope you enjoy it. My beta reader for this and all my work is SJYaoiSasuNaru.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gravitation or any of the characters

Warnings: Rated T for violence and language in later chapters. Contains shonen-ai.

Shuichi cried out in delight as his lover walked through the door. He threw himself upon the writer, his delicate frame clinging to Yuki's body. His shiny pink hair nestled into his lover's chest, before he was shoved away by the irritated Yuki. He gazed up adoringly into Yuki's eyes, his own amethyst eyes glistening hopefully. He pouted adorably, his perfectly formed, soft pink lip hanging slightly down. He playfully swung on Yuki's arm, begging with his soft, musical voice. Yuki bent down and kissed him roughly, clasping his shoulders. When they emerged from the kiss, the singers cheeks were flushed softly pink, his eyes shining, lips slightly parted. Then he followed Yuki who led the way to the bedroom closing the door behind him.

Then the couple disappeared from view and the figure who had been watching from the shadows stepped back from the telescope, positioned in a nearby building. He grimaced from the thought of what would be happening right that instant in the bedroom. That vile man defiling his beloved. Well soon, he thought. Very soon he would have what he wanted. For now he would have to be patient and wait.


"Yuuuukiiiiiiiiii! Welcome home!" Shuichi cried, flinging himself into the arms of the blond angel who had just walked through the door. He nestled himself into Yuki's chest, breathing in his lovers scent. His state of bliss was roughly interrupted when he was pushed coldly away.

"Get off me brat." Yuki said, annoyed "I don't want to be smothered the moment I walk in the door. Besides, my deadline's tonight. I have to work." Shuichi gazed up into Yuki's gorgeous, golden eyes, melting under his harsh gaze. He clung to Yuki's arm.

"Aaww please Yuki! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!" He tried his best puppy-dog tone. For a moment he thought it had worked when Yuki bent down and kissed him. The kiss was long and sweet, Yuki's soft lips commanding Shuichi's, which parted without a fight. Shuichi felt euphoric when Yuki walked to the bedroom. However his mood was shattered when Yuki said over his shoulder

"Tomorrow. I already told you. Work."

"But Yuuuki! You know I'm leaving to go on tour tomorrow! Please Yuki!" Shuichi begged after Yuki had shut the bedroom door. For a moment, he thought he saw something flash in the writer's eyes, but then it was gone, replaced by that cold, harsh look.

"That's too bad. I guess I'll have to find a new fuck-toy while you're gone then." Yuki's mouth twisted into an amused smirk at Shuichi's worried expression.

"Waaaa you're so horrible! You don't really mean that do you Yuki?"

"Of course I don't," said Yuki gruffly. "But if you don't shut up I might reconsider. Now be quiet so I can work!" he snapped, blushing slightly.

Shuichi knew he wouldn't get anything else out of Yuki that night, so he grudgingly went to bed. While he was still drifting off, he could have sworn he felt soft lips on his forehead and hands tucking in the blanket around him.


"Good evening Japan!" Shuichi cried under the bright spotlights on the stage. His band mates Hiro and Fujisaki were behind him, and a huge crowd of several hundred thousand fans was spread out in front. He loved the feeling of being up on stage, being watched by all his fans, and millions more watching through the television. He hoped that Yuki would be watching him at home. The thought of Yuki almost sent him spiralling off into a completely new train of thought, but he forced himself to focus on the current situation.

"Thank you everyone for coming here tonight! We're going to start off the evening with The Rage Beat!" With that, Hiro and Fujisaki behind him launched into the song, and soon he was lost in the singing, his body moving instinctively with the beat.

He was unaware that the adoring fans were not the only ones watching him. Somewhere behind him, a more sinister type of fan was watching his every move. Standing in the shadows, watching from the wings, eyes greedily absorbing in Shuichi's slender body. Pulling almost reluctantly away from the wall, the figure slipped unnoticed through a backstage door.

Finishing up the first set of songs, Shuichi waved to the screaming crowd and followed his band mates off the stage. He headed to his dressing room, where he collapsed into a chair. He uncapped a bottle of ice water, chugging it down and wiping sweat from his brow. He closed his eyes for a few minutes, resting. Then he opened his eyes, looked up into the mirror-

And screamed. Or rather, he opened his mouth to scream. At that instant, the figure standing behind clapped a hand over his mouth and dragged him out of his chair. Shuichi struggled against the vice like grip, but the man just squeezed him harder. Before he knew it he was up against the wall. A rough hand grabbed his hair, and the other released his mouth and wrapped itself around his waist. The man kissed Shuichi roughly, the kiss tasted of stale beer and sweat. Shuichi pushed against the man's face, coarse stubble scratching his fingers.

The man pulled away from the kiss and looked hungrily into Shuichi's eyes, licking his lips. Shuichi gasped for air, and frantically scrubbed at his lips with the back of his hand. He opened his mouth once again to scream, but like before the man clasped a hand over his mouth.

"Shhh now Shuichi, we don't want anyone to walk in on us." The man's voice was deep and jagged, but was saturated with longing. "I love you Shuichi, you know that don't you?" Shuichi shook his head, tears welling up in his eyes. "Come now you must know. I've loved you for so long. I'll make you happy, I'll take you to come and live with me, you'll like my house." He released Shuichi's mouth so he could reply.

"No! I love Yuki! Yuki! I don't know who you are! Get out of here before K comes and shoots you!" Shuichi's voice was high and panicked. The man liked that.

"Come on Shuichi, you know you have to be with me. Yuki doesn't really love you. Like he said, you're just his fuck toy." The man's cruel words came out with a blunt edge.

"How did you-"

"Yuki's just a dirty slut who would sleep with anyone. You can't honestly believe that he loves you, can you?"

"Don't you dare insult my Yuki! Yuki loves me, and I love him! I could never go with a horrible stalker person like you! Get away from me!" The man's pupils dilated with rage and disbelief. Then a sort of crazed sadness descended over his eyes. Shuichi opened his mouth to call for help for a third time, but froze when the man reached out a hand and caught his tears on his finger. He raised the finger to his lips and licked them.

"So sweet," He sighed, "Such a waste… such a shame…" he reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. The metal glinted in the lights of the dressing room. Shuichi was frozen in terror, no longer able to move. "I wish I could make you love me. But don't worry my dear," he slid the knife across his finger, testing the sharpness. Drops of blood beaded along the cut. "We shall be together in death's embrace." And he walked into Shuichi's arms.

Shuichi was finally able to scream as the blade sank into his chest. The metal was white hot yet ice cold as it pierced his flesh, sliding past his ribs. He slowly sank to the floor, but the man caught him. The knife was still in his chest. A sticky dampness spread across his shirt.

"Hush my love, it'll be over soon, all over." The man murmured into his ear. "I'll join you soon." And then the weight was lifted and the man was gone. Instead, Hiro's worried face swam in front of his eyes.

"Shuichi? Shuichi, can you hear me?" The urgent voice was distant as Shuichi slipped into blackness.

In the swirling darkness he struggled to get out. He tried to call up an image, and for a moment, Yuki's adoring golden eyes filled his vision, before they started to fade. He cried out and reached for them desperately. They vanished.
