Sorry guys this is not a new chapter, I wasn't actually planning one in the first place.

But looking at the reviews I've got and all the views it seems like not such a bad idea to continue with it.

Problem being is I have no ideas for what to write next, I wrote the last chapter on a whim because of some mega epihany I got.

So here is my proposition for you all the readers.

Tell me some YuseixAki moment in the series, obvious and not so obvious and I'll try to see if I can come up with another bright idea.

Note though, if the moment is from the American dub, I do not usually (if not at all) watch the american episodes so you'll have to tell me what episode it was so I can look it up.

Thank you all for reading this fic it was very fun to write and I'm glad that people enjoy it.

Well, that's all from me. Tata for now

From the Dragon Duelist Extraordinaire,
