Wake me up When September Ends

Chapter 1

"Here's the bus boys." Lynda said when the yellow school bus parked outside of the Flynn/Fletcher's house while the family were having their breakfast. Candace wasn't there because she was already gone to her high school.

"Okay Mom!" Phineas said. He turned to his stepbrother. "Ready Ferb!" Phinias asked. "Picture day remember? So we need to smile our best at the cameras for the yearbooks at the end of the year." Ferb gave the thumbs up to his stepbrother. The two boys got out of their chairs and ran to the door. Perry went beside them.

"Bye Perry!" Phineas petted his pet. Perry chattered and then the boys rushed out to the bus.

"Have a good day." Lynda called to them. They waved good bye and went aboard as the bus closed its doors and drove off.

"I can't believe my Phineas is going to have his very first middle school picture taken!" Lynda exclaimed.

"Well don't forget sweetheart." Lawrence reminded his wife. "He actually got his first sixth grade picture taken by you on the first day of school remember? He and Ferb almost missed the bus. When it came you just found the camera and you took like a dozen pictures of him and Ferb."

"Yeah!" Lynda agreed. "But I feel it's my responsibly to take pictures of our babies on the first day of school you know?"

"I suppose darling. Candace couldn't wait until you were done so she could talk to her friends."

"Just one more." Lynda urged. She was taking one final picture of her daughter. Her bus was beside Candace, and the bus driver getting was impatient. She honked her horn.

"Come on lady." She said. "I got to take these kids to school on time or I'm in major doo doo. Let's move it!"

"Just a minute!" Lynda told her as she clicked the camera.

"Mom!" Candace complained. "Can you stop torturing me? My sophomore year is not going to wait around you know. I have a reputation to keep."

"Ok." Lynda stood up, camera in hand. "See you sweetie." She kissed her daughter goodbye.

"Love ya mom!" The girl said as she went on the bus and sat by Stacy. As the bus drove off, Lynda waved. She went inside when it was out of sight.

"Yeah I remember Candace darling. The boys ware much more patient then she was." Lawrence picked up a blueberry muffin and offered it to his wife.


"Why thank you sweetie." She sat down and took a bite of her muffin. "Mmm, I should buy muffins from the store and give them to the kids after their school lets out."

"You do whatever you feel like honey." Lynda looked at Perry. She smiled and petted him.

"Perry needs more platypus food too."

"Yeah whatever honey."

Perry's watch vibrated and he went off. He went to the couch, grabbed one of the cushions and put it aside, and squeezed himself into the couch.

He found a tube inside the fabric and hopped into it.

Once on his chair in headquarters, he put on his fedora, and pushed the button that made his boss appear on screen.

"Morning Agent P." His boss said. "Dr. Doofenscritz is…"

"Excuse me sir." Carl interrupted. "But you have to be a subatute at the school remember?" Monogram looked irritated.

"Carl, I have to give Agent P his assignment first."

"Be quick about it sir."

"I will." He looked back at the platypus. "Anyways, Dr. Doofensmirz has…"

"Briefer sir!" Monogram sighed.

"poisoned an unknown food item. Go find out! I have to now give assignments to kids…not agent assignments of course but I think the kids would prefer to be agents fighting crime anyway then just sit at their desks all day."


"I'm coming Carl sheesh! Can't those kids wait?"

"No they need to get their education sir. Education is important you know" Monogram sighed again.

"Good luck Agent P!" Perry saluted and went to his hover car.

As Perry hovered past, Phineas and Ferb's school bus whizzed past below.

"Are you ready for you picture taken?" Balgeet asked.

"You bet I am!" He said. "I am so ready! This will be my first ever middle school photo."

"And Ferb's last." Balgeet told him. "Since he's in eighth grade and he's going to high school next year, this unfortunately will be his last middle school picture."

"Thank you Mr. Obvious!" Buford said and elbowed Balgeet.

"Hey!" Balgeet complained. "You can get suspended for hitting another student."

"Yeah," Buford agreed. "But school doesn't start till the first bell."

"So?" Buford elbowed Balgeet again.

"So I can do it as many times before school starts."

"So did you guys hear Mr. Mash say he's not going to be teaching today?" Isabella asked. "I wonder who the sub is going to be."

"I heard it was going to be an old man with a mustache." Phineas assured her.

"I hope he doesn't fall asleep when he's supposed to be teaching." Balgeet said. "Then we won't learn anything, and frankly I like learning."

"Yeah well if that happens, I'll sound my blow horn." Buford held up his blow horn and put it in his pocket. "If that doesn't work, we're free!" He put his hands around his head and leaned on the seat. "I can go have pizza at a pizza place and see a movie."

"But how can you fit all of that in just forty minutes?" Balgeet wanted to know. Buford elbowed him for the third time.

"I can make excuses."

When the bus stopped minutes later, Phineas and friends rushed into the building.

"Bye Ferb!" Phineas said as he and his stepbrother went opposite directions. Ferb waved to Phinias and rushed off to class.

"Ah Perry the Platypus!" Dr. D said as he saw Perry enter the room. "How opportune timing, and by opportune timing I mean, very opportune!" He then pressed a button on his remote and a cage fell on Perry, trapping him. Perry glared at the mad doctor.

"As your boss mentioned I poisoned an unknown food item that makes whoever eats it, repeats that day." He laughed to himself. "And you want to know what that food item is?" Perry nodded. "Well I can't tell you because I'm evil!" He laughed as Perry glared at him and chattered madly at him. He then began to dance. "I'm evil yeah! Go Doofy, go Doofy!" Perry looked around his cage and pressed a button in the cage with his foot. He was free! Dr. D looked at him.

"Hay how did that…?" Perry punched him to the ground and got in his hover car and drove off.

"Hey! Now you came back here, that was all too quick! Oh well you will never find that food item." He laughed. "But just in case you do, CURSE YOU PERRY THE PLATYPUS!!!!!"

"Hello kids." Major Monogram said when everybody was seated. "I am Major Monogram and I'll be you sub for today."

"Are you going to fall asleep on us?" Buford asked. Major Monogram looked at him.

"Aren't you supposed to raise you hand when you speak?"

"Yeah, but I mostly don't. Teach doesn't mind anymore. That's just the way I roll."

"Okay. Well for your question, no I can't. My intern told me that."

"Ah man!" Isabella raised her hand. Monogram called her.

"Yes…um little girl?"

"I'm Isabella. What are we doing today?"

"Well since this is a science class we're supposed to…"He took out a box and put it on some tables. "Dissect frogs. You know, take their hearts out and stuff." Isabella looked grossed out.

"Eeew!" She said. "No thanks."

"You have to; I'm usually the boss but this time your teacher instructed me to do it. So I mustn't disappoint."

"It'll be fun!" Phineas reassured her. "I'll be your lab partner if you want." Isabella didn't look disgusted anymore and sighed heavenly.

"Okay Phineas. Whatever you say!" Monogram opened the box and a live frog hopped out. The girls screamed.

"Um excuse me teach?" Balgeet wanted to know. "But aren't all the frogs supposed to be dead before we dissect?"

"Yeah well," Monogram tried to catch the frog but it slipped away.

"I'll kill it!" Buford offered and went after the frog. The frog hopped under the table. Monogram went on all fours to get him out when the frog then took a leather hat and placed it on his head. Monogram couldn't believe it.

"Agent F?" Before the frog could respond, Buford grabbed the frog.

"Got ya!" He said and put it on the floor. "And now…" He lifted his foot.

"WAIT!!!!!!!" But it was too late, Buford stomped on it. The amphibian lay motionless after that.

"Agent F!" Monogram picked up his friend and cried. "Oh Agent F."

"Whose Agent F this bozo is blabbering about?"

"I don't know." Balgeet admitted.

"Now that I think about it he does look like a spy boss." Phineas observed. "If that's the case, coooool; I wonder what organization!" Monogram sadly put the spy into an air hole box and stood up.

"Come on children." He told them. "We're going on a little fieldtrip."

"Woo- hoo!" Phinias cheered. "Where to?"

"You're see."

"What are we doing out here?" Buford asked when they were outside. Above was the science room; Monogram laid the box on the dirt and stood back.

"Agent F, you were a loyal agent…"

"Here he goes again!" Buford complained. "Moaning over his dead frog. Laaame! If he didn't want him to die, why did he take it to school? I much rather be in school then be with this bozo."

"Well loss is a sad process." Balgeet pointed out. "Sometimes it is hard to let it go."

"Shut up; he needs to learn how to move on."

Then the bell rang for the next class. Everybody went inside.

"See you bozo!" Buford said and ran inside.

Major Monogram said his final farewell and went inside for his next class.

Agent F then woke up, hopped out of the box, and scampered off.

The bell rang for C lunch, every kid that had C lunch filed into the cafeteria and into the food rooms to get their lunches and treys.

"MMM lunch time." Said Phineas. "My third favorite thing to do at school. From period 3 to now…" His stomach growled. "Is about the time my tummy says fill me up!"

"It's too bad that Ferb doesn't have lunch with us this semester." Balgeet said.

"Poor Ferb has A lunch all to himself while we have C." Phineas agreed.

"Maybe he made some friends in his lunch time." Isabella suggested.

"True Isabella." Phineias told her. "Ferb is good at making friends." Balgeet looked puzzled.

"But how can he make friends when he doesn't say much?" he wanted to know. "It can be complicated if you ask me."

"Oh Ferb has his ways." Phineas told his friend. "Ferb has ways." As they were talking they filled their treys with food items. All of them had Mash Potatoes and gravy except Buford who had a fish sandwich, milk, teddy grams, and corn. When they had their food, they all sat down at the same table and stated eating.

"I'll save these for home." Phineas said about his teddy grams and put them in his backpack.

"So Phineas." Isabella said to him. "After this is the big moment, are you ready?" Phinias swallowed before he spoke.

"You bet!" He exclaimed. "I was born ready!"

"Ooh that means you were ready eleven years ago." Balgeet told him. "That means you would be ready for this moment before you could even walk and talk!"

"Can it!" Buford sneered. "Can it and eat your food."

"Yes!" Balgeet said quickly and ate his food.

"That was the most horrible picture taken of me of my life!" Phineas told his friends on the bus.

"What happened?" Isabella wanted to know.

"It was not pretty." Phineas told her. "A sixth grader just got back from gym with muddy shoes and he was carrying his lunch trey."

"He had his lunch where pictures were being taken?" Balgeet asked.

"Yes for some reason he did. Anyway, as my picture was being taken, he zoomed pass and his food and mud splashed all over me!" Balgeet gasped.

"That's horrible! Did you cry?"

"No genius!" Buford elbowed him. "He can handle it, he's a strong man."

"Then why didn't you take it again?" Isabella asked.

"The film was out so he said come back tomorrow and we'll retake it. Man, I wish that kid would take his lunch in the cafeteria."

"That's a bummer." Buford agreed.

"There's always tomorrow." Ferb consoled his younger stepbrother.

"True." Phineas agreed. "Unless tomorrow's a repeat of today which I hope will never happen."

That evening the family was all having dinner when Lynda came home with the groceries. Behind her was Perry.

"Hay mom, hay Perry." Phineas greeted them. "What's new?"

"You're never believe this." Lynda said. "But I saw Perry at the store."

"Really? What was he doing there?"

"I have no clue." She then unpacked the groceries. "Oh yeah, these are for you." She handed the kids muffins.

"Gee thanks mom!" Phineas said as he, Ferb, and Candace took one.

"You're welcome." Lynda said then unpacked some more.

"Mom." Candace said. "I was texting in class to Stacy but the teacher took it away from me. That is totally unfair!"

"Well that should teach you honey not to disturb class." Lynda told her daughter.

"Point taken." Candace murmured and sighed.

"Here you go Perry." Lynda put some food in the platypus's bowl. "Eat up." Perry was about to eat when he saw a note on the side of his bowl with a pill attached. He read the note.

"Agent P," it read. "I'm giving you this pill in case the person in your home repeats the same day if he/she eats Dr. D's food item. This pill will make you repeat that day with the person. I am taking the pill too. Until you find that food item and dispose of it somehow, I wish you good luck. Signed MM." Perry took the pill, ate it, and began eating the rest of his food.

"MMM!" Phineas rubbed his tummy at the muffin that he just ate. "That was tasty. Well night guys! Got to get prepared for that retake tomorrow!" He and Ferb went to their room, got their PJs on, brushed their teeth, shut off their light, and went to bed.