"Ughh, whose idea was it to come to Aspen again?!", Blair screamed. Serena gently smirked but ignored Blair's meltdown.

"B, it's not my fault, Chuck just tagged along, you know how he is."

" I know all too well Serena, don't remind me. Oh crap, here they come, Serena don't say anything you'll regret."

"I could say the same thing Blair…." She was soon interrupted.


The door to their cabin suddenly opened and there was Chuck Bass in all his glory.

" Honey, I'm home."

"Shut up Chuck and don't call me honey if you want to live to see the next sunrise", Blair snapped.

"Excuse me", he murmured

Of course this happens to me, forced to live with my Serena, my ex-boyfriend and the man I love…. loved. I tell him I love him three times and he just runs away, and it never gets easier. After the graduation fiasco, Serena thought it would be a good idea for a getaway with the NJBC. Blair was totally against it but Serena's pout and one-of-a-kind laugh won once again. Her thoughts were interrupted when…

"Blair, it's been so long." Chuck tried to play nice but..

"Not long enough", Blair shot back, shoving him in the process.

"Look I know I hurt you again but…"

"But what Chuck…? I confess my feelings again, and you brush it off as if it means nothing!"

"Funny you should say that, while I'm off grieving in Thailand, you're screwing my uncle."

"You slept with Vanessa, Chuck! She's my sworn enemy!"

"Jack's my blood, Blair. That fucking hurts."

"Chuck, I'm sorry, you never let me explain…"

"I always knew you were a slut", he snapped at her instantly regretting it.

Tears were welling up in Blair's eyes, but she's heard far worse from her mother let alone Chuck Bass.


"Chuck, excuse me, I need some air, tell Serena I will be back in time for dinner."

"Blair, wait…" Bam! The door slammed behind her.

She just needed to walk it off. She decided not to take the touristy looking path leading to the commercial town. Blair was not going to lower herself just because of him. There was quite a lot of snow; luckily Blair grabbed her black Chanel coat before storming out of the cabin.

Damn, it was cold. She decided that to keep her mind off of the cold wind pounding against her face by softly singing her favorite song.

"Moon River, wider than a mile, I'm crossing you in style someday."

That was when Blair finally started crying. So she just went to the next verse.

"Two drifters, off to see the world."

This was not helping. So she decided to try what Chuck had been doing for the past year, run.

The wind blowing threw her soft brunette curls, the wetness on her face, the shivering, it was all too much. Suddenly, she realized she was on thin ice, literally. Even worse, it was cracking. The first thing that brought her back was the shock was the freezing water.

"No!", she choked out. "Not like this", she screamed.

There was no way Blair Waldorf was going out like Kate Winslet in Titanic. Anything but this, the snow patrol guys would be working their underpaid jobs, when suddenly they stumble upon a frozen, chilled corpse in the "lake". No-No way. At least all of her problems would be gone, no more tears or stress…but it was still a bad way to go.

In one last effort she screamed until her throat was raw. She would scream until her throat bled.

"Please! I-I can't breathe. No!"

Her last thoughts were composed of Serena thinking it was her fault, poor Serena, she would never understand. Also Nate, her first love, and Chuck, her current love, yes- she can finally admit it once more, but if she kept on living, he would just hurt her again. She finally let the darkness take over her, she was surely going to hell.

"Blair? Blair…Blair! Oh-my-God!"