AN: I dunno what inspired me to do this, but ah well. It's nothing really too serious, nor is it at the top of my priorities when it comes to stories unless people really, really like it. But I dunno, it's just something kinda fun for me too do in my down time when I don't feel like working on more important things 3 I don't really know where this is going to go it'll probably end up being ItaSaku knowing me, but for now it's just focused on dear Sakuduh 33
Disclaimer: Don't own the character kthnx
Sakura didn't know what she was doing here. Well she knew, but she didn't. How could she being doing such a...such a stupid thing?!
It didn't matter to her though, becuase it wasn't why she was here, it was who she was here with. A blue haired girl grinned at her and Sakura gave a small smile in return. "Ya scared Cherry?" Konan asked with a chuckle. Cherry, the nickname Sakura had been given. It made her smile widen and a sheepish chuckle leave her.
"Y-yeah, just a bit. I've...never done anything like this." she admitted, averting her green gaze. Konan's smile only widened.
"Awe, don't be nervous Cherry, it's not as bad as ya think, just ask Pein." she mused, motioning to the orange haired male who was currently chattering away with two other guys. The words didn't help much though, especially when a man came out and asked her to take a seat. Sakura sank into the chair and bit her lip nervously. Pein and his two companions joined Konan by her. Sakura couldn't help but fell well...amazing right now! She had just started high school, and was already being accepted into one of thmost popular groups! It felt like a dream, and if it was then she didn't want to wake up from it.
"So what our little Cherry Blossom getting hm?" a blonde asked, a smirk crossed over his face. That was Deidara, junior, had a thing for things that went boom, classic loudmouth and trouble maker. Sakura glanced over at him and opened her mouth to speak, but Konan cut her off.
"Tongue piercing, Dei-muffin." she purred, gaining an amused look at the blonde's face turned into a scowl. He was about to say something when Pein shot him warning glance. With a huff Deidara returned her attention to Sakura, offering her a smile.
"Good choice, yeah!" he said, making Sakura's smile more. She wanted to say something, but found herself at a loss for words. What if she said something dumb? Or offended them in some way? Oh the things that would happen to her if she did that!
Thankfully her paranoid thoughts were interrupted by the man. "You ready sweet cheeks?" he asked. Sweet cheeks? Yeah, he was just the person she wanted to call her that.
"Um, yeah." Sakura said, and braced herself.
Sakura beamed at herself in the mirror, her tongue out as she admired the pericing. Was it even legal for her to have this without permission yet? Oh well she honestly didn't care. She felt so proud of herself for going through it, and everyone had cheered when it was done, all her new friends that was. She couldn't wait to tell her other friends like Naruto and Ino! She giggled a bit and headed down stairs.
Her parents didn't know about her new little tongue decoration, and Sakura realized she was going to have to be extra careful to keep it from them. She grabbed the phone of it's charger and dialed Ino's phone number, then bolted back upstairs.
"Hi is Ino home? Hi Ino!" Sakura cheered as her friend's voice rang in her ear.
"Hey there Sakura! Haven't talk to you in a couple days, ugh new school year and everything, busy, busy, busy." Ino said with a half sigh and a half chuckle. Sakura chuckled a bit too, Ino didn't know that Sakura was hanging out with the upper class people yet.
"Mhm, Sakura have you heard about the Akatsuki? Ya know, that one grup of juniors and seniors." Ino questioned. Sakura had to hold back a laugh.
Akatsuki was what their group went by, some even called them a gang. Konan had informed her of that. "Yeah, why?" Sakura asked curiously, fiddling with her new piercing, she was still getting used to talk properly with it, her and Konan had spent all day working on it.
"Oh I dunno. I was actually thinking about hanging with them sometime. Oh, maybe you could come along too! I'm sure if you're with me they won't mind Sakura-chan." Ino's words made Sakura frown, her bright mood souring quickly. 'Hmph, Ino when did you become such a bitch?' Sakura was dying to ask that question, but bit her sensitive tongue, a light yelp escaping her.
"You okay Sakura?" Ino asked.
"Yeah, I just bit my tongue. Hey, i gotta go, someones on the other line." she said. Ino said her goodbyes and Sakura clicked over. "Hello?"
"Hey Cherry! Tomorrows Friday right? Well i was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place." Konan's honey laced voice rang in Sakura's ears, the girl's eyes widening.
"Re-really?! I mean, uhh sure." Sakura said, rather awestruck. She was amazed how quickly she was being accepted into the social group, it'd been only a week since her and Konan had met in their PE class and started talking. It was just a matter of time until everyone knew she was hanging out with the Akatsuki.
"Great! Just bring a change of clothes and some movies in you bag, that way we can just walk to my house together after school." Konan chimed.
"Alright. I can't wait." Sakura said. Konan said a goodbye and hung up, clearly in a rush. Sakura pressed the end button and ran downstairs. Her parents were in the living room, watching TV.
"Hey mom, can I go to a friends house tomorrow?" Sakura asked, speaking sort of slowly due to the tongue ring, praying her parents would say yes.
"Yeah, sure. As long as you leave a number, and take your cell phone." her mom said. Sakura released the breath she'd been holding and grinned. She was more thankful then she ever had been that her parents were never too strict, as long as she got good grades and stayed out of trouble.
Boy they'd kill her if they saw her tongue.
"Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou!" Sakura said in a breath that hadn't been long enough for the words. She slipped into the kitchen, up on cloud 9 once again, Ino's rudeness clearly forgotten. Sakura made herself some food, then headed back up to her room.
A quiet groan escaped Sakura as her alarm went off. She threw the covers off and sat up. A yawn escaped the girl as she pressed the off button, the pushed herself up and off the bed, heading into her bathroom.
After a quick shower she remembered her plans for the day and a grin broke across her face. She got dressed all too quickly, accidentally her shirt on backwards. With a sigh she corrected it, grabbed some pjs and a change of clothes then threw them in her bag. Sakura also grabbed her phone and slid it into her bag. She slid back into the bathroom and ran a brush through her hair.
Sakura looked at the red ribbon in her hand, it had been a present from Ino a long time ago, and Sakura wore it every day, she'd only taken it out to shower. She shook her head a bit and tied it into place, then brushed her teeth, and gargled with salt water to keep her new piercing from getting infected. With that all done with the girl walked out of her room and down the stairs.
Her parents weren't home, they never were in the mornings. Sakura grabbed a pen out of a container they had full of them and scrawled Konan's name and number on the notepad that was on the fridge, along with an 'I love you mom~'. She grabbed her keys off the counter and made her way out of the house, making sure to lock it behind her.
"Ah, Naruto-kun!" Sakura called out, seeing the familiar head of blonde hair waiting for her at the bus stop. They had to take the city bus together now, Sakura had been so thankful she didn't have to ride it alone.
"Sakura-chan!" Naruto said happily, retuning the small hug she'd given him. He remembered how upset he'd been when he was told he had to take the bus to school now, but when he learned Sakura had to take it too, well that was motivation enough to get up extra early to catch it!
"Hey Sakura-chan, since it's Friday and all I was wondering if you uhh...wanted to come over or something..." Naruto said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Sorry I can't I have plans." she said sheepishly. Naruto kept his smile and gave an understanding nod. Wait had he seen something silver in her mouth? The blonde shrugged it off, the bus was there.
Sakura hadn't breathed a word about her plans for tonight. She didn't know if Konan would want that. It didn't seem like anyone noticed she was hanging with the Akatsuki now, even if it'd already been a week. Okay, so it was mainly Konan, but still. She also didn't say anything about her tongue piercing, but she knew Naruto was looking at her oddly the whole bus ride to school.
"Ugh, we're going to be late." Naruto groaned. Their bus had been late getting to the school due to an accident and stupid detours.
"Correction you're going to be late." Sakura mused. She had PE first, and had a a good ten or so minuets until her class really started. Naruto sighed as he took the turn to his class, and Sakura headed to the girl's locker room.
She remembered when she'd been so nervous about using the locker rooms, back at the start of middle school, but now it seemed so normal. She found her locker and quickly changed out into the PE clothes. While she was stuffing her regular clothes in the cramped space she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"Hey Cherry." Konan's angel like voice fluttered out. Sakura turned and smiled at the older girl, finally shutting her locket and locking it.
"Hi Konan." Sakura said. Her and Konan shared a PE class, and was in fact how the two met. The blue haired girl grinned and the two made their way to the gym.
AN: End chapter one (obviously)
Chapter 2 will be out...whenever =D