Chapter 1: Fights

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Twilight or Harry Potter.


I walked up to the Weasley's door and knocked, expecting to find the person that answered quite sad and depressed over the losses the previous weeks. We had just defeated the Dark Lord and I was not coping with the deaths of my friends well in any way.

What greeted me, something I definitely did not expect, was Ron and Harry sitting at the dining room table laughing at some stupid joke after I had walked in from the call of someone inside. I examined the dining room area and the things that caught my eyes were the many empty bottles of Fire Whiskey laying on the table and the few broken bottles smashed on the floor.

Ginny ran into the room the moment I started yelling about irresponsibility and lack of concern for the Wizarding community which had suffered a great loss. "Hermione! What are you doing?"

"Excuse me, Ginerva. But my friends are being ass hole heros that sit around and drink themselves silly after they've saved the world from imminent death! So please, if you do not mind, let me reprimand these two for acting ignorant of the deaths of many friends. They do not have the right to sit around getting drunk all day while some people," I paused and then yelled while pointing at myself, "me!, do all the work to make things better! They need to pull their own weight and I won't do it anymore.. It's quite obvious that you have let them escape to the world of false truth but I will not take care of their lives for them anymore. You may do what you like. Good day, Ginerva. I feel this visit is a lost cause and I shall not impose upon you any longer." I stomped out the door, leaving the still laughing boys and a very pissed off Ginny behind me.


"Well. That was rude." I said to my brother George as he walked in.

"She may have a point, though."

"Don't you dare side with her when she just unjustly yelled at me.."

"I'm not siding with her. I'm merely stating that she has a point when it comes to how Harry and Ron have been acting lately." I huffed and grudgingly agreed to that fact.



I arrived at Neville's house right when they were sitting down for dinner.

"Hermione! What are you doing here? I thought you said that you were going to visit Ron and Harry?" Neville said when he opened the door.


"Neville! Who's at the door?" An elderly woman yelled from down the hall.

"Grandmother! Please. I'll be there in a minute!" Neville yelled back. He then turned back to me and said, "Anyway. You were saying?"

"Yes, well. I did go to see them," I paused, not knowing how to tell him of their state.

"And? What happened? I was under the impression that you were going to eat dinner at the Weasley's house."

"Well I sort of yelled at them.." I said slowly.

"Why? What happened?"

"Harry and Ron were drunk when I got there and they were laughing and acting as though there was no reason to be sad. Like there was no reason to care about how the rest of the world was faring." I gushed, trying to make him understand that I was done with them and their irresponsibility.

"Oh, umm. I guess that you can eat with us instead." Neville said, clearly displeased with their actions.

"Thank you." I said as he stepped aside to let me in.



"Hey! Harry! Did you ever hear that one about the ghost and the-" I was saying when my mother barged into the kitchen.

"Ronald Weasley! Get your worthless ass up from that table and do something useful!"

"But mum!"

"Don't 'but mum' me!" She yelled. "You two have gotten up, gotten drunk, gone to bed and done nothing else for the past two months!" My eyebrows shot up and when I looked at Harry I could tell that he was shocked as well.

"Really?" I asked quietly, fearing the worst reaction.

"Yes! I haven't even seen Hermione since she came by and called you two worthless bums!"

"Whoa! You're bloody joking! I don't remember seeing Hermione since we got off of the Hogwarts express after the Final Battle last year!"

"Yes, she came by about a month and a half ago! How do you forget a scolding like that? Honestly. You boys are oblivious!"

"Did she really come by?" Harry asked slowly.

"Harry James Potter. How dare you question my mother! Hermione was so mad when she saw the two of you drunk and acting like people hadn't died. I was upset at first that she just came here and yelled at the two of you but after two months of it I am beginning to see things her way. If you two do not pull yourselves together then I will be forced to ask my parents to kick you out. And yes, Ronald." She said when I began to question her. "I will ask for your removal

too. They will side with me; both of them are extremely disappointed."

After Ginny's rant I felt horrible. I'd treated my family and friends like crap for two months. "Maybe we should go talk to Hermione, Harry.. Apologize for our behavior."

"Yeah. That sounds like a good idea. Maybe we can invite her to dinner…"

"She would probably like that. I know I would." My mum said, much more calm now.



Ron and I apparated away as soon as we apologized to the rest of the Weasleys for our actions. We landed in front of the Granger house hold and knock a couple times. When no one answered we decided to go in and make sure everything was okay. I mean, no one had seen Hermione for almost two months. Ron unlocked the door and we went up to her room first. We quietly opened her door and peeked inside. Unfortunately, she wasn't there.

"Hey, you know how she told us that when she can't get to sleep

she goes to the couch?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, so?"

"Well what if she couldn't sleep and that's where she is?"

"Oh, okay. I got it." I whispered as we crept back down the hall way and down the stairs to her living room. When I poked my head into the living area I saw the weirdest thing. But I didn't have time to register what was happening before Ron freaked out.

"Hermione! What do you think you're doing!" He yelled. I heard the thud of Hermione hitting the floor followed by muffled moans and the creaking of her couch as Neville jumped from the loud noises. When Hermione stood she was livid.

"Ronald Weasley. Get out of my house." She said through clenched teeth.

"Well what the bloody hell are you doing on your couch sleeping by Neville?"

"You two were being irresponsible and I was tired of it. I decided to change my friends. They are now Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood."

"I don't see Luna here. Why are you having a slumber party with just Neville?" What he was really asking was 'Why are you cheating on me with him?' and I had to agree with him. Ron was Hermione's boyfriend. Not Neville.

"It's not just Neville, Luna was on the floor and I just fell on her thanks to your yelling."

"It's alright." An airy voice stated from the floor. "I do believe you have just straightened my spine."

"Oh, Luna. I am so sorry. Here, let me help you up." She said, offering her hand to the figure on the floor.


I stuck my hand out, to help Luna up and Ron flipped out once again.

"You are coming with us Hermione. We'll straighten you out..." He said it as though he could really control me.

"Don't you dare, Ronald." I said threateningly, picking my wand up from the coffee table. "You try to force me to be your friend again and you will regret it." I pointed my wand at Ron, defending my rights. He lifted his wand and began saying 'petrificus totalus' but I was faster than he was. I thought of stopping him, making him unable to take me somewhere I didn't want to be and flicked my wand in an unfamiliar way. Ron's eyes glazed over and he fell to the floor. My mouth fell open and I stared at my wand, not knowing what I'd done. Harry, Neville, and Luna all rushed to Ron's side to see if he was okay. I thought about it for only a second and said in a monotone 'Ron is in a coma.' before I turned on the spot and disappeared to a place I'd only seen once in a picture.

I looked at my surroundings when I landed and immediately recognized the house from my parents photo album. This photo had been labeled 'Cousin Phil's new house' and on the back the people's names were written. There was a man- obviously Phil and he had his arm around a woman- his new wife. I couldn't remember what her name was but I could clearly remember the girl. She was about my age; judging by the date of the photo and the look of the girl. In fact, if I was correct, we were born in the same month.

I stared at the house for a good 15 minutes before I saw any other sign of life around me. A cab came out of nowhere and the girl from the picture launched herself from it and into the house. I quickly hid behind the skeleton-like vegetation across from the house and waited for her to come back out..

It was only 2 minutes before the girl launched herself out of the front door once again and down the street. "Well, seeing as it doesn't seem this house has been occupied for a while, I'll follow her and see where she goes." I said to myself and then immediately thought 'Wow, I'm talking to myself' as I started running behind her at a not-creepy-close but not too-far-to-not-see-her distance and followed her down the hot sidewalk. I'd forgotten to put shoes on and had just rushed out of there before I thought about it. But I thought about it then. My feet were going to burn off.

By the time we reached what seemed to be her destination I knew this girl was no prima ballerina. She stumbled every five feet. Ironically, the place she went to was a ballet studio. Maybe she was trying to improve her grace by learning how to dance? But when I saw the interior I knew that wasn't the case. This place had been closed for years. We were probably the first people to set foot inside those walls since the place closed down.

I chose to watch her inside the studio from the lobby which had windows so parents could watch if they desired to do so. I quickly set protective spells around myself; being a major part of the war had made me quite paranoid. I stood on the other side of the glass and watched the girl run across the studio to a closet and yanked the doors open. I craned my neck to see what was inside but all I saw was a television and a VCR.

My body instantly tensed when that creature showed up out of no where. He seemed to have apparated, but I knew that wasn't the case. The man showed up behind the girl with his back to me. But I could tell he was tensed and ready to attack. This man was a vampire. And in the two seconds he took to smell the air I knew he knew I was there. He pivoted slowly on his left foot and looked directly at me. He was gone from his spot in a second and when I looked to my left he was there.

"Well, well. What do we have here? I know you're there, even if I can't see you. You are not a normal human, your blood has the smell of magic laced into it. That greatly explains why I cannot see you." The vampire reached forward but my spells held and he could not touch me. His hand stopped three feet from my face. "No matter. I will come back for you when I am done with her."

"Leave her alone." I said menacingly.

"Oh, female are we? Well, even if I do not know what you look like I can tell that you are beautiful simply by the sound of your voice.. It is intoxicating. I believe I might change you instead of kill you. You would be the most beautiful vampire in existence."

"Don't you dare. How would you even know I was still here when you 'finish' her? I won't let you touch her. Ever."

"So I know you won't be gone when I do finish her. Which, I will." The vampire disappeared and I snapped my head to the girl who was calling someone on her phone.

"Edward! Help me, I think I've walked into a trap…"

"Uh, uh. No you don't." The vampire said, grabbing her phone and breaking it in half. He then grabbed the girl by her throat and threw her across the room.

I had no knowledge of doing what I was doing. My mind reacted of it's own accord. I apparated to the girl, grabbed her arm securely, looked at the vampire before me as he registered what was happening and apparated back to the confines of my safety bubbly. The vampire screamed in agony before he realized that she never left the building.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Umm, yeah. I think my skull is cracked but I can live through that."

"Huh. You can live through that." I repeated in a monotone. "Well," I said a few seconds later, "I guess anyone can live through that. As long as they don't loose too much blood."

"You! How did you do that! Give her back!"

"No, save me from that monster."

"I won't give you to him."

"Yes, you will. If you want to live as well." This vampire was beginning to freak me out. He really wanted to kill this girl.

"I could be half way across the planet in two seconds if I so wished to be. You will never get her."

"Witch, you will pay for this. No one stops me."

"I believe I just did." I said before I apparated back to the house I went to before. The girl blinked a few times and clutched her stomach.

"Are you okay? Appareating usually makes people puke the first time they do it."

"What's apparating?"

"Appearing at will anywhere you want to. It comes in handy when there is a need for a quick escape."

"Ahh." I don't think she could have said much more. She was looking quite green.

"My name's Hermione. My mother is Phil's cousin. My grandfather and his father are brothers. Twins, actually."

"I didn't know his father had a twin."

"Yes, well I just discovered that also." I told her as I bent over to see how she was faring. She was doubled over with her head between her knees while her forearms held her up on her thighs.

"Bella!" I heard before the girl in front of me wasn't there any more.

My head shot up and I looked around me. There were five vampires surrounding me. One of them, an exceptionally handsome man with golden bronze hair, held the girl, Bella, behind him. There was only one female. She was small and had short spiky black hair; she didn't look as though she could kill me easily, but I knew better. One of the other males was tall and burly with short curly brown hair. He would be able to kill me easily if he was a mere human. The other two had blonde hair and were about the same height. The one with curlier hair was taller by about three inches and the shorter one looked like

a true god.

I had assessed all of this in a matter of seconds. In another second I had my wand out and began shouting protective spells. Well, what was the purpose of keeping quiet? They could hear me just fine.

I only had the basic protective spells up when the male in front of Bella shot forward, attempting to get at me before I had enough up to completely stop him. However, I had enough up to keep him from touching me.

He let out a feral growl and crouched for an attack.

"Edward, no! Leave her alone!" Bella yelled at him.

"This is Edward? I would have thought you'd call for someone who was decent to his girlfriend's cousin."

"Cousin?" He said through clenched teeth.

"Yes, I am her cousin. And you are a rude ass hole."

"Hermione! Do not talk to him like that!"

"He's a monster. Just like the other vampire. He could kill you." Edward's face contorted in pain. "That's right. I know what you are. I know what you need to survive. I also know her blood smells like any individuals favorite food does while it's cooking in the kitchen. So good you can't even wait until it's finished before you have a bite. You are in more danger of him than I was of Voldemort."

"What's Voldemort?" The taller blonde asked.

"Lord Voldemort was the darkest wizard ever to be in existence. He killed millions of innocent people for the fun of it."

"See, there you have it. This Volde-"

"Mort. Voldemort."

"Yes, this Voldemort guy killed for fun and Edward is a vegetarian vampire." I scoffed at that.

"Vegetarian. Of course. The one vampire that would kill my cousin in a second of uncontrollable impulse is a 'vegetarian'." I spit the word out like a disease.

"Don't insult him!" Bella screamed at me.

"I will insult him all I want, Bella." Out of nowhere the vampire from the studio jumped over the god-like vampire and broke right trough my shields. His fangs went directly for my throat and I screamed in agony.

"What the hell?!" I heard the burly vampire yell.

"Edward! Save her!" Bella screamed. Without a second thought Edward lunged at the mystery vampire atop of me and pulled him away from me.

"I told you I would change you. And I was right, you are exquisitely beautiful.. You will dominate all other vampires. You will be our queen!" The mystery vampire screamed those words to the sky as I writhed in pain.

"James. Shut your fucking mouth." I gaped at the little female vampire as she ripped James' head off. Had she really just said those words?

"Edward! Can you save her? Please?" I peeked at him to see what his response was. He slowly shook his head as the god-like vampire explained that his venom had already spread too far into my body. I screamed at that and slumped in defeat.

"Floo my friends. I need sleeping potion and a pain potion."

"Floo? What the hell is that?" The burly man's eyebrows were pulled together and he was looking at the tall blonde while they both ripped James apart.

"It's a network of fireplaces connected through floo powder. You put some powder in the fire place and you step into it while clearly stating your destination." It was very difficult for me to get these words out of my mouth, seeing as I was screaming every two seconds. But I think they understood me... except for Bella.

We all rushed into Bella's house and I looked pointedly at Bella, indicating she should know where Phil kept his floo powder in case he ever wanted to have a face-to-face conversation with my mother. Bella rushed to their living room and grabbed a handful of the powder by the fireplace. She threw it all in before I could stop her.

"Why didn't it work?!"

"Have- to start- the fire first." I choked out.

"Oh! Yeah. I haven't ever used this but I've seen Phil do it. I can't believe I forgot that." She said, smacking herself on the forehead. She immediately began fumbling with the wood and matches.

"Here, Bella let me do that." Edward took the matches from Bella and the fire was lit in seconds. Bella shot up when the flames began to cackle and asked me what the destination was.

"Neville Longbottom's house. 352 East Wimbleton Avenue." Bella ran back to the fireplace and threw the floo powder in, saying '352 East Wimbleton Avenue' very loudly when the flames turned green. She disappeared into the fire and Edward quickly followed her- regardless of the danger it possibly posed to him.

They didn't come back for over an hour.

AUTHOR'S NOTE! So hey. I decided I didn't like my other story. It had been done too many time too many different ways. I decided to go with a different type of story that I haven't seen nearly as much and one that I think I will have fun with. (I was already bored with my other story). So please don't expect me to continue with 'Yeah, Love Sucks'. I have been enjoying HP/T crossovers with Hermione ending up vampire. So I am going to do this the way I want to and I'm thinking Hermione will end up with… Emmett? Maybe Rosalie just saved him because she thought he was handsome and when he woke from the change there was no pull? Or Jacob? I haven't found very many Hermione/Jacob stories. But Jacob imprinting is a lot like a story I really like and I don't think that I should do that one because that just doesn't feel right. If you have any suggestions please review and tell me!! If you don't have a suggestion, review anyway! Thank you!