Heated Bond
Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto…get over it
Genre: Romance, Comedy, smut-y, lemon-y, bla-bla
Warning: This thing here you are about to read is Yaoi-ish (maleXmale), rated M , for the love of God. They will fuck like idiots, probably, in the next chapters, so don't like-y then don't fucking read-y (I have something today, like a fluke or something with this "-y" thingy, I used it all day) o.0
Story: "No 'Stop it', no 'Not this', no 'Not here' … these are the rules of the game, Uzumaki! Take it or leave it! Naruto just smiled in return "It's a deal, bastard" "
Pairings: Sasu/Naru and other two that appear in this chapter but I'll let you guys discover them ^^
A/N : I know I should be working on the other two but lemme explain. This morning I woke up at seven o'clock a.m ….with this idea in my head. I must've dreamed it, I don't know. But I couldn't settle down until it was transformed in a story. Heh…and I wrote it all today. This is the first time I completed a chapter in just one day XD
I hope you guys will find it as interesting as I did ^^
Chapter one: Where do we stand??
In life there are things that must follow some rules in order to have a healthy deployment. Most of them are unwritten rules that one must be aware of to lead a normal life.
But, in the end, what does a normal life consist of?
I think that everyone defines the word "normal" in his own way based on his conceptions, on his believes and so he sets up this thing called boundary that allows him to not pass that invisible line that he himself made for the sake of leading a peaceful, untroubled, normal life.
But what would be the fun in that?
At sixty years you will be asking yourself what have you accomplished in this life and end up answering that you wasted all those years trying to be a good citizen, working like there's no tomorrow from dawn 'til dusk, fucking your wife once because you were too tired to begin another round and then you go to sleep because tomorrow you have to start all over again.
Sure, this might seem the perfect and desired life for most of you, but not for me.
By not passing the line once in a while you bound yourself to a monotonous life and end up regretting later that you didn't do a certain think when you were younger because you were afraid of what the society might think of it and now it's too damn late to do anything because you are not a teenager anymore and you might even have a family of your own that mark the limits of your actions and desires.
As cliché as it might sound, rules are meant to be broken and I pay my respects to the man that said this. Maybe in the future I'll even consider making a small shrine for him in my room.
It might sound weird coming from the mouth of a man that lead most of his life obeying rules set by his parents, his older brother, the society he lived in and even his own ones.
And I, Uchiha Sasuke, don't regret doing it because now I feel more alive than ever.
The thrill I get from doing something I shouldn't, something prohibited in some people's point of view, is unique.
The risk of playing a dangerous game is what makes it so intriguing and fascinating, and the sensations are worth the risk.
Anyone can enter this game but not all of them have the capacity to endure all the emotions at once. Fear, pleasure, desire, anxiety, affection, jealousy, passion, they all mingle in an instant and you are not quite sure what exactly are you feeling in that precise moment.
You might think I'm doing something illegal like breaking a bank with a stocking on my head, like in those stupid movies, or something among these lines, and yet I'm not breaking any law of my country … just the law of nature.
Because I, Uchiha Sasuke, slept with my best friend … and I liked it!
Rules are for fools I tell ya, for fools!
And as if it wasn't enough that we have certain rules that we must oblige to, in this stupid fucked up world exists even the so called unwritten rules. Now what's up with that??
I will never subdue to any kind of rule. Never have and never will. I have a will of my own and nobody can tell me what to do, how to behave, how to talk.
I am who I am and nothing will change that.
I don't play by rules because if I did so I would be one common human in addition to the mass, and common doesn't exist in my vocabulary.
I'm often catalogued as being a loud, obnoxious, talkative, cheerful, young man by the persons that know me, who wears mostly gaudy clothes. But I don't do this just to keep the appearances, to hide some dark past; try to get some attention and whatnot's. Anything that crosses your mind you name it. This isn't just an act, a mask that I'm holding tight, a façade of some sort.
I don't wanna be another spot of grey in the background like you see in cartoons.
This is who I am, this is what represents me.
This is the signification of Uzumaki Naruto.
One thing I valued the most at myself were my moral values that were very important to me. It may be hard to believe but I also possessed them.
Perhaps you are wondering why I am referring to them in the past tense.
Because I, Uzumaki Naruto, slept with my best friend… and I liked it!
If you read my statement and smiled even the slightest then it means you are not a homophobic freak, I'll give you credit for that, because I am an open-minded person myself and I like it when I encounter others like me.
About now you must wonder why I feel like my moral values have been wrecked if I'm ok with homosexuality. The reason behind all this is that both of us have girlfriends.
Girlfriends that know each other and are best friends. Girlfriends that we usually take out to double dates.
Girlfriends that seem so in love with us, yet the second there are not attentive, under the table our hands are searching desperately for each other.
Why don't we break up with our girlfriends and be together, you might ask.
Because our instincts are driven by curiosity. Curiosity of the unknown… of the prohibited.
We can experience with each other things that we are afraid to experience with our girlfriends because they appear such innocent and fragile beings that would freak out if we faced them with our fantasies.
Lust is the only thing that binds me and Sasuke in this dangerous and perverted game and we both agreed that as soon as our curiosity, need and desire will be extinguished we will return back to our normal lives.
It is said that once you've tasted the forbidden fruit, there is no turning back and you can't retain yourself from wanting more and more.
But it doesn't apply to us, because we can stop this whenever we want.
My phone started to jingle signaling me that I received a message. I flipped it open and noted that it was from Sakura.
'Hey honey, in about 10 minutes I'll be at your house so please go get dressed because I'm positive you have forgotten all about tonight's dinner at Sasuke's and you are sitting like a fool in front of your PC, with only your boxers on, listening to that stupid "Ten Black Roses" song of yours"
Naruto looked astonished for a few seconds then checked if he was indeed listening to that "stupid song" as Sakura put it and with only his boxers on, even if he knew she was right to begin with he wanted to double check. How the hell did she-?
The next instant a new message arrived.
"Don't look so astonished, oh stupid one. Of course I would know such trivial things about you!"
Is this woman reading my mind or something? She scares the shit out of me when she does these stuffs!
In exactly 10 minutes, Sakura was at my front door knocking and I had to roll my eyes. She must be the most punctual person I ever meet.
I put on my jacket and hasten my pace. She doesn't like to wait and gets mad very easy. Believe me when I say that you don't wanna experience her wrath.
As I open the door a pair of beautiful green eyes sparkled with joy (heh… I guess I have this effect on some peoples) encircling my shoulders with her hands.
I hug her tightly in response, feeling her soft breasts touching my chest. I lowered my head a little as one of my hands leaved her slim hips, caressing her soft, reddening cheek.
He lifted her eyes watching me as if not sure what I wanted but I knew that she was fully aware of it. Closing her eyes she awaited silently for me to close the gap between us and I happily complied just so I can prove a point, just so I can point out that Sakura is the woman I love and Sasuke is just a whim feed by my curiosity.
I deepen the kiss.
This should make my member twitch as always. This should make me start feel aroused and propose Sakura to ditch the dinner with the Uchiha and his girl and instead go right back inside the house, find the nearest comfy place to screw like rabbits. This is it, I can just feel it!
This … isn't working… at all!!
"You are late, as expected, dobe!" Sasuke hissed, moving aside letting his two friends to enter.
Naruto just shrugged and started taking off his shoes.
"What took you so long, Sakura?" Ino asked arriving by her lover's side, a mischievous grin adorning on her lips.
Sakura didn't respond instead opted to play with the hem of her blouse, blushing lightly and cutely according to Ino.
If any of them had paid attention to the raven in that moment they would've noted the icy glare directed towards Sakura and the tiny sparkle of jealousy in his eyes before they reverted back to their usual expressionless state, as if nothing happened.
"Sorry to ruin the cheesy talk that is about to start but I am quite hungry! Dobe, come to the kitchen with me and help me set the table."
"Okay!" Naruto said following behind Sasuke.
"Ma, Sasuke! No need for that. We will do it. You guys go in the living room and me and Ino will prepare everything. We are girls after all!"
"No need, Sakura! You will have many years from now on the time to serve dinner to this imbecile, right here!" He said pointing towards Naruto.
She blushed when she realized what exactly implied what Sasuke had said.
Naruto, being Naruto, would have retorted to his friends insult without a second thought if he would've not realized the bitterness with which he uttered the sentence so instead he followed silently Sasuke in the kitchen.
He stopped in the doorstep watching as the raven pulled a tray out of the oven, a pleasant smell overwhelming his nostrils.
"You cooked it!" Naruto commented closing his eyes in the process savoring the aroma. Sasuke paused snapping his head in the direction of the boy.
"How did you-"
"Because anything that is done by you leaves me with a pleasant feeling behind!" Naruto said not opening his eyes as he continued to sniff the delicious smell as if he was in a trance.
"Anything? Does that mean that yesterday when I shoved you in my bed and fucked you senseless that also left a pleasant feeling behind? "Sasuke smirked tauntingly
Putting aside the fact that he wanted to tease his friend he was genuinely curious of the other's response his heart starting to thump in anticipation, slowly starting to regret for a moment that he brought up this subject all of a sudden, but he just…had to know.
"Yes!" Naruto answer with honesty opening his eyes and starring directly in Sasuke's, his eyes serious and more firm than ever, but gentle and soft at the same time with a tint of…something that Sasuke couldn't quite decipher.
"Come on, guys! What is taking so long? You just have to put the food in some plates and bring them over! It's not like you are cooking in this instant so hurry already!" Ino shouted from the living room.
They snapped all of a sudden as if they were in a trance, each lost in the others eyes, and were wondering just how much time pasted since they were doing it.
Naruto rubbed the back of his head and smiled at his friend "We should get busy or the ladies in there will break our necks!"
Sasuke just nodded in response, fetching four plates and placing them on the kitchen table. He suddenly remember that just minutes ago he was angry at the blond idiot so in a blink of the eye he was standing behind him, but he appeared too engrossed in his thoughts to even notice the boy's presence.
"Dobe…" he whispered slowly, putting his head on Naruto's shoulder and wrapping his arms around him. The blond jumped slightly but immediately relaxed.
"If you come one more time near me or my house, reeking of that woman's perfume or worse fuck her and then meet me I swear to God I'll kill you!"
Naruto blinked in surprise.
"I beg your pardon!"
"You heard me well, dobe!"
"Now wait a minute! Don't tell me that you didn't screw Ino today cuz I won't believe you"
Sasuke smirked
"Actually I did! And God, you just can't imagine how bad I fucked her!"
"Please, spear me the details, bastard!"
"But, the whole time I imagined myself pounding into you! She even said 'my, my Sasuke! What was with you today? I never saw you making love to me this passionate! It would be good if you were so into it all the time'
"So that means you sucked in bed 'til today?"
Sasuke had to refrain himself from kicking Naruto.
"You are missing the point, idiot!"
As to make himself clear he let his hand slip until it reached Naruto's pants, rubbing gently against the fabric. Naruto arched his back, a slow moan erupting from his lips.
He was eager; his skin needed Sasuke's touch, his lips playing with his nipples again, and the gentle un-Sasuke-ish kisses all over his body. Since the other day his body burned wherever he had been touched.
He really wanted him, but it would be a cold day in hell before he would admit he wanted the raven to fuck him again.
"Sa-Sasuke… Please! The girls are in the other room! What if they see us?"
Sasuke spun Naruto around facing him and grasping him by his shoulders.
"I'm going to say this once and only once!" Sasuke paused a little and Naruto nodded curious as to where this conversation was leading.
"No 'stop it' "
"No 'not this' "
"No 'not here' "
"No "not now' "
"These are the rules of the game, Uzumaki! Take it or leave it!"
Naruto really seem to ponder his options as Sasuke was beginning to feel quite irritated.
Just when he was about to shove the boy away and send him to hell Naruto's face was enlighten by a grin, he dropped to his knees and opened the Uchiha's zipper.
"It's a deal, bastard!"
A/N : Aaaah…yes I am a sick person and that's that! Why can't I concentrate on just one fic I don't know! T_T
Anyway, please review if you liked this story. Of course, the one that has more reviews that one would be updated first! *because I wanna keep my readers happy * XD
Btw…dunno why, but I kinda liked writing about NaruSaku and SasuIno… maybe I should really change into a hetero couples fic *thinking* XD
Who knows what you will see in chapter 2 *laughs and runs away before the readers kill her*