Sam's hand was shaking terribly.

"Go ahead Sam." Astrid said encouragingly.

"Yeah Sam, go ahead." Caine jeered. Sam didn't know why it was necessary for Caine to tag along, all he did was jeer. Then again, Caine always seemed to tag along in the most particular times. He jabbed at random numbers on the phone and raised it to his ear. It rang.

Michael Grant had a great part for his new book, Lies, and was typing furiously when the phone rang. "This better be good!" He told the phone. "Hello?"
A panicked voice was at the other end of the line.

"Hello? Hello? Who is this?" He sounded young.

"Who is this? You're the one calling me."

"What? Oh. My name is Sam. Sam Temple-" It was a joke for sure. "-and I'm stuck in the FAYZ! Please come and help us! We're starving! And kids are dying here! We really need your help!"

"Listen kid, I have better things to do then listen to you do your little prank call."

"No, no! This isn't a prank, trust me!" At that moment, Michael Grant wished he hadn't published that book.

"Listen bub, no more prank calls! I know your parents!"

"Oh really? Are they ok? Tell them I miss them!" This was too much.

"No, no! Don't hang up, no!" Sam pleaded. The man hung up.