Author Note: Time for another time skip. XD I wrote this forever ago and it has been just sitting on my desk. Sorry for the delay.

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Dear Kallen,

Time passes and things change, the seasons rotate and life goes on. Looking back, everything was inevitable.

Shirley's father had to die in order to make my life miserable. You had to be captured, Rolo had to die. It was kind of like fate. The fate of the kings is what C.C. calls it. This probably sounds bad, but I believe that it is true.



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"The collapsing stage was one of Zero's most effective strategies. This was, of course, before knightmare frames could fly."

Lelouch stared at the slide show about Zero as the teacher droned on. He was forced to sit through this class everyday because it was required to take at least one elective. His was tactics.

The teacher of this elective was a wrinkly old man called Mr. O. Lelouch knew more about tactics that the teacher did and was rather bored with the curriculum. They didn't even learn real tactics. All of the classes' time was spent on people that lived forever ago. The most recent topics were Jyoroshiro Todoh and Zero.

Just for one day, Lelouch decided to listen; he wanted to know more about Zero.

"Zero's strategies also focused around one unit, the Guren Mk II. At Narita he used it to cause a rockslide. He even had the pilot as his personal body guard."

The next picture in the slide show was one of a red haired women and Zero at some kind of party. Chinese forces surrounded them. Mr. O kept talking,

"This was foolish. When the Guren was captured, Zero lost battle after battle. Then she was freed and Zero won. We still don't know what Zero did to earn her trust. She was one of my students and I don't even know. My theory is that he slept with her."

Lelouch choked on his spit and Max whacked him on the back, "You ok man?"

Lelouch nodded and raised his hand. Mr. O called on him and he asked, " Do you have any proof of that sir?"

Mr. O stared at Lelouch, "Of what?"

"That last thing you said."

"Well no, not solid proof. But we can speculate. And there is you, you could be counted as living evidence."

Lelouch didn't say anything else. He just sat there with the gears of his mind turning. That woman looked an awful lot like his mother, but she would have told him if she was associated with Zero, right?

Elsewhere, and alarm was going off. Kallen scowled as it blared. Somebody had the gall to attack HQ. She ran down to the hangar to get the Guren.

When she flew out, the Lancelot and the Excalibur flew with her. They were ready to face this threat.

A heavily upgraded Shinkiro faced them. Kallen opened the channel between the frames to see whom she was fighting. When the video feed popped up, she gasped in surprise. Suzaku reacted similarly while Eric was just confused.

Facing them was the mask of Zero. But it was different. It was the wrong color; it was white.

He spoke with the same voice scrambler Lelouch had used so many years ago.

"It has been a while Suzaku, Kallen. We must find time to catch up. However," He paused for a moment, "Now is not that time."

His knightmare frame came to life and attacked the nearest frame. It just happened to be Eric who retaliated as all hell broke loose. It was hard to know which Sutherlands were allies and which ones were enemies.

Kallen took over Eric's battle and continued to talk with the Shinkiro's pilot.

"Just who are you?" she asked, "And what do you want?"

He laughed a very Lelouch laugh, "I am Zero. Not the old one, but a new one. I will surpass the Black Knights and free Japan. I serve nobody but myself." He seemed to twitch with that last sentence.

"Oh really?" Kallen asked sarcastically.

"Yes, and the White Knights will free Japan!"

Then, for some strange reason, he called a retreat. He said the message had been delivered and they would be back another day to destroy the Brittanians. His troops followed him in retreat.

Kallen just hovered in place. How much of a threat could these people be? They had a modified Shinkiro, but everything else was a Sutherland. Who was he, this man claiming to be a new Zero?

Kallen could not answer any of these questions, but Suzaku could; he knew who Zero was.

All of the local knights of round; Gino, Anya, Eric, Kallen, and Suzaku, gathered to listen to a copy of Kallen's conversation with Zero. Unfortunately, Kallen could not make it to the meeting because it was time to pick the kids up from school.

The other knights would have to decide on a course of action without her.

She picked up Lelouch first because his school got out earlier.

He was waiting in front of the school with a familiar look on his face. It was the same one from a long time ago; after his first viewing of Lion King.

It worried Kallen greatly.

"How was your day?" she asked after he clambered into the car.

"Fine," he responded, "Mom, what knightmare frame do you usually pilot."

"The Guren, why?"

"The you worked with Zero." It was a statement, not a question. Kallen turned around in her seat to look at her son.

"I did, but that was a long time ago."

They stared at each other for a moment, before his grim look of determination transformed into a bright smile.

"So cool."

His face morphed back to serious, "The teacher said all sorts of stuff about you today."

"Who do you have?"

"Mr. O"

Kallen grinned, "I had him when I went here. He probably told you that… well… you know. And if he didn't tell you then you are not going to find out. But it is not true, whatever it is."

"But Mom," Lelouch still was serious, "He said that I was living evidence."

Kallen froze, "Did he now? Don't let what he says get to you; he is just an old gossip. I'm seriously surprised that he is still alive after all these years."


Kallen decided that it was due time she made a call to dear old Mr. O, they had a few things to catch up on.

Meanwhile, Suzaku was doing some research. He mad a few phone calls and found out that he was right. The person he thought was Zero was indeed missing. The man hadn't been seen for a few days.

Now, Suzaku knew that Zero was…

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End Note: Review and guess. I left a really big obvious clue in his little speech. See if you can figure out who Zero is.

Review Please