AN: Okay! So, here is the conclusion to the oh-so-epic Legends of Death. Thanks to all of you who reviewed. And if you read and didn't review... Eh, thanks too, I guess. I would still like to know your opinion. Now... I would have had this out yesterday, but I was at the beach and then went to meet with my NaNoWriMo group... If you don't know what that is, visit NaNoWriMo(dot)org to find out. I'm so behind, everyone... Anyway...
My cousin's joining the Navy... and they're paying him to finish school... Weekly. Since I'm his ride, I get money every week. That's cool, right? No, I'm not telling you how much. But meh... Anyway. I forgot what I was gonna say, so now I'll shut up and we'll move on with the epilogue, hm?
Disclaimer: I do not own World Wrestling Entertainment or any of the wrestlers mentioned herein. The wrestlers portrayed in this act of fiction are property and copyright of the WWE and their respective owners. I also do not own these urban legends or stories that are put herein. Most of them were found on Urban Legends and Superstitions. If you want the link, just ask me in a review and I'll send it to you.
The trio appeared and looked around. There was the card table, the cards stacked neatly on top. Two recliners sat against the back wall, with two regular chairs in front of the card table. Hanging on the wall across from the two recliners was a flat screen, HD TV, and a couch was perpendicular to one of the recliners. Jeff let out a squeal of excitement before tearing through the house, taking the stairs two at a time, and kicking open a door to the guest room he and Mark had been staying in. A tall man sat on the bed, and lifted his head, one eyebrow arching up as he saw the excited expression on Jeff's face.
"I thought you were mad at me," he muttered, amusement lacing his words. Jeff threw himself at the large man, nuzzling his chest once he caught the flying blond.
"I was, but that was forever ago, Mark! I love you so very, very, very much and I won't mess with ghosts like that again, okay? I promise!" Mark pulled Jeff back, sitting the younger man on his knee.
"Jeff, that was ten minutes ago. I know you tend to have the memory of a goldfish, but that's absurd, even for you. I didn't even have to bribe you this time," Mark said. Jeff blinked and then smiled, reaching up and pulling the emerald pendant off his neck. He put it in his lap and got comfortable.
"Alright, but I have to tell you something. Don't call me crazy, but this really happened. Earlier, there was a loud thump against the house... It was just after our argument, if I remember right..."
Matt and Rey laughed as Jeff took off upstairs, and they heard the tell-tale slam of the door hitting the wall that said that Jeff had just made his way up to Mark. Matt shook his head and looked at Rey, watching the smaller man take in his surroundings with a sigh of content. It was obvious the man was happy to be back home, where everything was as it should be. He reached up, taking the diamond pendant off of his neck. He rubbed his thumb over the white letters and then dropped it into his pocket. Rey looked up, feeling Matt's eyes on him.
"What? I'm going to keep it. It's the only way I'm going to remember that actually happened," Rey said. Matt raised one eyebrow, pulling his own ruby pendant off, almost absent mindedly.
"The only way...? You know, I'm not planning on going anywhere, Rey," he said, his voice soft. Rey blushed faintly, watching Matt. The elder Hardy leaned in, pressing their lips together. Rey sighed softly, opening his mouth to Matt's exploring tongue as soon as he felt the moist tip against his lips. Matt held Rey close, his hands holding onto Rey's hips before dropping a touch lower, groping Rey's ass. Rey groaned softly, allowing Matt to deepen the kiss even more. Rey was the one to break the kiss as his lungs burned for oxygen, though he tilted his head back to allow Matt's lips and teeth to claim the sensitive flesh of his neck. He felt Matt's hand at the waistband of his jeans, and he stopped it.
"Not here... Querido Dios... Upstairs..."
Matt let out a growl once Rey stopped him, but lifted the smaller man in his arms, his lips distracting Rey from rational thinking as he carried the Mexican luchador to his room. Matt pushed the door open and kicked it behind him. He put Rey down on the bed, breaking away from the tempting flesh long enough to shed his own shirt. Rey followed suit, pulling his shirt over his head. He let out a soft groan as Matt leaned in, tracing the tattoos on Rey's chest. He moved lower still, his tongue tracing the intricate lettering of the MEXICAN Rey had inked there. Rey felt his breath leave his body in a rush. He had never pictured tattoos to be so erotic before...
Matt's fingers returned to the waistband of Rey's jeans and Rey let him take them off now. Instead of just taking off the jeans, Matt pulled down Rey's briefs too. Rey looked at Matt as the elder Hardy stopped, and felt himself grow harder under Matt's awe-struck gaze. Rey wasn't the kind of guy to boast about what he had, but he was fairly well-endowed. Matt looked up at him and smirked slightly, causing Rey to groan. His fingers wrapped around Rey's thick cock, slowly pumping up and down, teasing the vein there.
"Ah... tan bueno..." Rey muttered, his head falling back onto the pillows as Matt continued to pump his cock. Finally, reluctantly, Rey moved, placing his hand over Matt's, stopping him. He sat up, kissing Matt, taking the lead this time. He turned Matt around, pushing him down as he ran his tongue down Matt's body, down his abdomen, to his waistband. Rey's tongue came back up to trace circles around Matt's belly button, causing Matt to groan in pleasure. While Matt's attention was distracted, Rey pulled down the denim casing Matt's powerful legs. He followed Matt's example and pulled Matt's boxers off as well. Matt groaned as his hard dick was freed from its denim confines.
"Shit... Rey..." Matt muttered. Rey licked down to the base of Matt's cock before he licked up to the tip and took Matt's head in his mouth. Matt groaned aloud, fighting to keep himself from thrusting into Rey's mouth. Rey licked and suckled before he took more in his mouth, casually taking more into his mouth before pulling back, letting it fall from his lips. He did this a few times, back and forth, using his own saliva to create a natural lube for them.
Matt watched as Rey lifted his head from his dick. Rey then lifted his hand to his lips, slipping two fingers into his mouth, sucking on them, licking them, and Matt was unable to take his eyes off the Mexican. Then, without any warning to Matt whatsoever, Rey removed his fingers from his lips and put them to his own entrance, pushing in. Rey cried out and put one hand on Matt's chest to keep himself balanced. He stretched himself for Matt, prepping himself, and Matt was entranced by the display. He put one hand on his dick, slowly teasing himself, spreading Rey's saliva up and down his cock.
"Dios... Move your hand, Matt..." Rey muttered. Matt did as he was told, removing his hand from his dick. Rey then pulled his fingers out of his hole, positioning himself above Matt's cock. He carefully lowered himself onto Matt's straining erection, crying out as Matt thrust up, spearing Rey. Rey stayed still for a moment, panting, trying to get his breath, before he began to move. He used his legs to lift himself up, and drop himself back down at a steady pace. Matt groaned at Rey's tight heat enveloping his cock. Rey picked up the pace, moaning aloud in satisfaction as Matt thrust into him. When Rey changed the angle slightly, so did Matt, and a loud cry ripped itself from Rey's throat.
"There it is..." Matt muttered. Rey bit his lip, Spanish falling from his lips rapidly as he reached his climax.
"Matt!! Tocar... me toque..." Rey muttered. Matt had absolutely no idea what it meant, but he moved one hand from Rey's hip to Rey's dick, stroking it in time with Rey's bounces on his own dick. Rey groaned aloud, Matt's name falling from his lips.
"Cum for me, Rey... Let me see you cum..." Matt muttered as he began to thrust up into Rey's tight ass faster. Rey's eyes closed and he threw his head back as he cried out Matt's name, his release spilling on himself and Matt. Matt grunted softly and cried out as he followed Rey's climax only seconds after. Rey held himself up, and Matt helped him, gently lifting the smaller man off of him and holding Rey to him.
"Rey?" Matt asked.
"Mm...?" Rey replied, nuzzling Matt's chest.
"How do you say I love you in Spanish?" Matt could feel Rey's smile against his skin.
"Te amo," Rey replied. Matt tilted Rey's head up, kissing him sweetly.
"Te amo, Rey," Matt whispered.
"Te amo demasiado, Matt."
AN: Waaah! Another one's over! This one was a little weird for me because it is Rey, and I think he's adorable... It's hard to put someone who's adorable in a sexual situation, but I think it came out rather well. Anyway... Thanks to all of ya who reviewed, kept me going, and just plain read it. I'm out, darlings!
Querido Dios means Dear God.
Tan beuno means So good.
Dios means God.
Tocar means Touch.
Me toque means Touch me.
Te amo means I love you.
Te amo demasiado means I love you too.
OH! And don't forget!! Coming up... probably tomorrow, or after I get the reviews I'm expecting to get, I'll have that surprise fic up! The next fic I put up will be the surprise fic! It doesn't have a thing to do with the poll on my profile (though if you haven't voted yet, you so should!), but is just something I was thinking about.
.: TheMizMagnet :.