A/N: Welcome to Secrets in the Wind, a Wind Waker story.
As I am an amateur writer, I would greatly appreciate any help and criticism you can give me!
This story is going through a major editing and revising process, so please bear with me for long periods between updates, I want to make this the best it can be. Reviews would be wonderful and even flaming for a good cause is acceptable. If you have a reason to hate it, and as long as it is mature, feel free to speak your mind through a PM. Spare us both the embarrassment.
Enough of my ramblings, on with the story!
Edit 4-13-11: I have finally completed revising this story! The next thing to come is a new chapter :)
But. You all know how lazy I am at writing/uploading nowadays…
Chapter 1
The Beginning
A girl in her early teens stood in deep thought as she rested her arms on the wooden railing of a ship, letting out a deep sigh. The soft lullaby of the swishing sea waters danced through the air and into her pointed ears, white caps gently lapping against the sides of the ship. She was small for her age with a petite frame and short stature, but she held the aura of power about her. Even her turquoise eyes sparked of authority.
The girl looked across the indigo ocean she was born on, otherwise known as the Great Sea. It was vast. Vast like the bright blue sky and filled with adventures that she yearned to experience.
Wind swept through the night sky and played with the girls stray locks of hair that weren't twirled into a neat swirl at the top of her head.
'It's already been two years since Link and I defeated Ganondorf…we've been searching for the new Hyrule for awhile now…' the girl thought to herself in recognition. She let her thoughts drift back to the Hyrule kingdom and the wise Hyrule king, who sacrificed himself for his ancient land now submerged under the waves. His last words echoed through her head. The words that made her and Link promise him that they would find the new Hyrule; the New Hyrule that was to be their home. This quest had lead Link and her crew to that very night.
The dark ocean pushed back and forth gently on the ship.
A door quietly creaked open, breaking the girl from her thoughts. Who could be up at such a late hour? The rest of her crew should be in bed, snoring like freight trains.
'Well, speak of the devil' she thought as she looked towards the doorway. It was Link, the hero that stood by her side as Hyrule was buried.
Although 'hero' was certainly not the term to be used in his present company.
His blue t-shirt was much too large, and it hung all the way down to his knees, while his orange pants were much too short and cut off at his ankles. His dark blonde hair was affray and his thick bangs hung in his face.
The boy's dark green eyes drooped with lack of sleep.
"Hey Tetra," the boy said with a smile, jumping up on the railing and facing the Great Sea. He sat, stretched backwards and let out a quiet groan.
"Hey" was all Tetra replied. Her nose scrunched up and a snort flew out her mouth, "Nice hair."
"I could say the same to you. And I couldn't sleep," he quickly defended himself.
Tetra stuck out her tongue and tried to flatten down her own bangs, but the wind just kept picking them out of their place again.
The two were silent for awhile, and Tetra continued to look at the sea that she grew up on. The young girl took in a deep breath, and Link looked down to her from up on the railing.
"Say, Wasn't it two years ago today that we fought Ganondorf?" he asked while studying her tanned face. His memories roamed back to the day the two had defeated the most feared creature of all the lands; the King of Evil, Ganon.
The recollections drifted around in his head while he waited for a reply from the girl.
"Link, there's something I want …" she paused, deciding weather or not to tell him, whatever this thought was. The subject was quickly shaken out of her head, and replaced with a new one. She cleared her throat, not bothering to finish her previous sentence.
"You're right! It has been a couple years, I was thinking about that earlier. Wow time really flies, eh?" She smirked.
"You're right. It does. It seems like it was only a couple days ago."
Tetra nodded and laughed, looking out to the water.
"Just the two of us, kicking 'ol Ganny's butt. Those were certainly were the days," Link chuckled.
"You bet they were. Now we're just scouring the Great Sea, looking for any large land mass suitable for life."
"Eh, we'll find something eventually." Link shrugged.
They both leaped into the air when the door smashed open suddenly. Tetra quickly straightened up and whipped her head to the doorway, while Link fell backwards and landed on the wooden floor with a thump, scattering dirt all around him.
"MISS TETRA!" a somewhat low voice called.
"What is it Gonzo?" Tetra spat at the man "Why aren't you sleeping? Now you're only going to get extra chores!"
Gonzo was a tall, barrel-chested man with tan skin, large muscles and a forest green shirt with a v-neck low enough to see a swirled tattoo on his chest.
"Captain, it's Niko," the man's voice instantly dropping to a whimper, his usual serious eyes were crawling with worry.
"What did he do now!" Tetra huffed, marching towards the pirate in green and rolling her eyes.
Gonzo's large nose twitched and he motioned to the doorway with his head, "I'll show you,"
He quickly led the way down to the crew quarters, with Tetra following right behind him. Before she disappeared, Tetra closed one eye and smirked- her trademark expression- and said to Link, "Thanks for joining me, I'll see ya in the morning." And with that, she slipped behind the wooden door and pulled it closed.
Tetra and Gonzo raced down to the stairs and took an immediate left to the crew quarters, where they saw a group of men huddled around a hole in the floor.
Tetra sighed and comprehended that only her crew could manage to get a hole about three feet wide in the floor, while only standing in a five and a half foot room.
"Would someone please tell me why there is a gaping hole in the middle of my floor?" Tetra asked, trying her best to keep her temper down. It really wasn't helping when all the pirates were looking at her like stupid toddlers.
Then they all nervously looked at each other, all of them too scared to explain to their angry captain, for they all knew someone would get a good yelling at, along with extra work. So they all kept quiet.
"ANSWER ME!" the captain shouted at her pathetic excuse for a pirate crew.
Immediately a stout man was pushed forward. He opened his mouth to speak and all that came out was a fit of gibberish, causing the captain throw him a look which made him feel like the biggest idiot in the world.
"A little slower would be nice, Zuko," Tetra said, rolling her eyes to the ceiling and placing her hands on her hips.
"S-sorry…" he muttered. "Senza was carrying the last barrel of fresh water we had into this room, you see, because we were all real thirsty. Niko wanted to help by putting it on top of this crate here," he pointed to the large wooden box next to the bunks, "so Senza handed it to him, but he wasn't strong enough so he dropped it from the top bunk onto the floor…" he motioned with his eyes and his hands to the hole.
The captain squeezed the skin between her eyebrows and took in a deep breath to keep from exploding.
"Where is Niko?" Tetra asked without looking up.
"Down here!" a squeaky voice called from within the hole.
"Niko!" Tetra yelled. She stomped over and kneeled onto the floor, staring into the black, "You idiot! Get up here!"
The pirates cringed at her voice, but boy were they glad it wasn't them she was mad at.
"I-I'm sorry miss, there's only a little light down here, and I can't find the stairs," the invisible man stammered.
She moaned. "Someone get a rope and haul him up!" she ordered.
"Y-yes ma'am!" All the pirates said, stumbling into each other.
Tetra sighed, "And you call yourselves the terrors of the sea," she shook her head in shame, "Where did I go wrong as a captain?"
The female pirate proceeded to the door, and without looking back she barked one more command,
"Get him out of there, then first thing in the morning Niko and Senza will fix this gap in the floor, and we will set sail for the closest island with fresh water and food."
"But wait, captain," another large pirate stepped forward. "We ran out of ropes this morning,"
Tetra stood for a while, then waved a hand at them. "Eh, throw a blanket and let him sleep down there for tonight, alright Nudge? Serves him right for being an idiot. He can make friends with all his buck-toothed rat cousins while he's down there,"
They all heard a quiet 'eep' from the hole.
But they ignored it, shouted and saluted an 'Aye-aye captain!' as she walked out of the room.
"You get to bed too, Link," she said to the boy who was peeking his head in the doorway, watching the show.
Morning spilled over the horizon as a pirate crew diligently worked on deck. Except for one, who was impatiently tapping a sandaled foot.
"Where is Niko?" the pirate captain yelled, flipping a blonde bang out of her face.
"I believe he is still down in the hole captain, no one has gone to get him," a short pirate known as Mako said, adjusting his cracked glasses.
Tetra sighed and rolled her eyes to the cloudless sky above her, placing a thin finger on her temple as she remembered what happened the previous night.
"Ah yes, thank you Mako. Borrow Link's grappling hook to get him out," Tetra said with annoyance dripping in her voice. She felt the breeze blow against her skin as she turned towards the opposite direction, sending her bangs cascading in front of her eyes. Through her hair she searched the deck, and found a boy dressed in green on the other side of the ship.
"Oi! Link, c'mere would ya?" she called across the deck. The boy dropped what ever he was doing and quickly scurried over to her.
"Yes captain?" he asked, playfully saluting. He had different attire then last night; a green tunic with a brown belt around the waist, white pants, brown boots, and a green floppy hat to match.
"You have the best sea chart around here," she said extra loudly, looking at Gonzo with eyes like daggers. He had accidentally thrown hers over board out of fear when he spotted a spider on the deck. Gonzo quickly averted his gaze and his cheeks turned pink as he hung his head in embarrassment.
She cleared her throat and continued. "Tell me, where is the nearest island with fresh water?"
"Let's see…" he said, pulling out a yellowed map. "Looks like it would be Dragonroost, to the northeast,"
"Alright," She briskly nodded, took in a deep breath and cupped her hands around her mouth. Taking this as a warning, Link quickly brought his hands up to his ears.
"CREW! We're heading to Dragonroost!"
"But Miss Tetra, there is no wind to the northeast, yeah?" Gonzo called from the wheel, sticking his finger into his mouth, then into the air.
"Not to worry," Link grinned, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a white wand with swirls at the end, and golden sparkles at the tip. Tetra looked at him in confusion, and he just motioned the wand up, left, then right.
He whispered to the wind, "Northwest". Link just smirked as a giant gust of wind made its way to the northeast, almost knocking the captain off her feet. He laughed at Tetra's dumbfounded expression and lifted a finger to Tetra's chin and closed her mouth.
"But, how...the wind…what?" was all she could manage.
"Boy its fun to surprise you," he said with a grin. "It's called the Wind Waker," he said, displaying the white wand for her again. "It can change the wind's direction, turn day into night, and a few other things. I'm surprised you haven't noticed yet. I use it all the time."
Tetra just shook her head, "I just thought you normally mumbled to yourself…But whatever, get back to work," she said, waving him off. Link looked at her with hurt painted on his face. "Fine, please get back to work." The girl exhaled sharply and looked above.
"Aye captain!" Link gleefully agreed, and jumped to his chores. Tetra walked off, attending to her captain duties as the massive ship cut through the waves in the direction of Dragonroost Island.
Make sure and stick around for more!
As for the disclaimer, I'm sure we all know I don't own the Legend of Zelda. I hope this single disclaimer can suffice for the entire story :)