Okay, sorry it took so long to update. Been crazy busy with stuff… hope you like what I came up with though.


The tenderness displayed by him made her heart swell up and beat against her ribcage and whether she want it or not, the smell, that was so intimately Patrick, was creating an urge in her, she could not resist. She captured his mouth with hers and they shared long, lazy, languid open-mouthed kisses. When he felt things getting a bit heated and she shifted to try to roll on top of him, he pulled away from her.

"Ohhh no, Missy!" he smiled against her lips with a tiny whisper. She was startled by his reaction. She looked at him questioningly in the dark, confusion written all over her face. "That's not what I am here for…" he kissed her on top of her nose and her forehead and then nudged her shoulder to signalize she should turn over. "… You're exhausted. Sleep now!" she stared at him for another few seconds, pinching her eyes, like she wanted to object him. He saw it and he knew she was thinking about just saying something, just so she could have the last word in this, but he cut her off be fore she could "Turn around, come on…" and in that moment, she decided she should just trust him. His arm snaked around her waste and slid down her arm until he found her hand. Their fingers interlaced. His hand was so big compared to hers.

He pulled her as close to him as he could, her bottom nestled snug against his crotch and his top leg found its way between hers, when they curled up in a fetal position. God, she was so warm and not only due to the heat that was being created between them. The position they were in with the very little amount of fabric separating them, was dangerous, but he was confident he wouldn't lose control.

She couldn't believe she had yet to say even one word to him. Never had anybody rendered her speechless like this. In a way she was happy, because she really didn't want to accidently mess it up and scare him away again. She had never felt this safe and secure and loved ever before. She felt his face against her neck, his lips resting on the spot between her neck and shoulder. She suddenly realized she had never spooned before. Why? Because, she didn't like it. She needed her space and she didn't like how it had this whole 'big strong man has to protect helpless girl' connotation to it, but right now, at this moment, she could not think of any other place she wanted to be… ever! The warmth of his body was transferred onto her and it made her skin tingle where her skin touched his. It felt amazing. She wanted more of it. She tried to snuggle up against him even more and by doing so pressed her butt further back into him and pulled his leg further in between hers.

He shuddered "Oh God, Kat,… I'm trying to prove a point here" he exhaled against her ear "… but if you do stuff like that..." he trailed off, obviously concentrating hard on not getting… hard.

For some reason, that made her snort out a laugh "pfffahahaha…" Man, she had needed that. The mood had been so tense and that had just made everything better again. All of a sudden everything was good again. How did he always know exactly what to do and say to make her feel better. It's like he knew what she needed before she did. Scary thought…

"I'm sorry." She chuckled with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, well, you are forgiven" he grinned behind her "just… please refrain from doing anything like that again. At least for the time being." She couldn't stop chuckling.

"okay, okay, … " she exhaled, while her laughter died down. There was a few seconds of silence before she continued "I'm sorry…"

"It's alright, just try not to –"

"No, no, that's not what I meant…" she trailed off "I meant… you know – " he noticed her struggling to find the words and an even harder time admitting.

"Hey, " he tightened his arm around her "it's okay, don't worry about it."

How did she deserve him? Any other guy would have sent her to hell by now and especially after the freak out session a few hours ago. But yet, he was here, spooning her and making her feel loved and protected.

She turned her head back to look at him in the darkness. His eyes were soft staring back at her. "Thank you" she said quietly and moved in to kiss him. Her lips lingered there for a while, not really moving. Just enjoying the contact and closeness it conveyed. But then, he felt the tip of her tongue against his upper lip and before he knew it he invited her in. They kissed slowly and deeply until he felt the need for her grow stronger… She felt it too. Deep inside her core, she grew hot for him. He pulled away abruptly.

"Yeah, no… um… not helping." It made her chuckle again; it felt good. "You're evil" he grinned at her "you can't expect a man to not get a boner, when he has a breathtakingly beautiful and sexy creature pressing her butt into his crotch like that. You're killing me, here… " Her laughing continued. "turn back around, woman!" his dark voice rumbling against her back. She obeyed and pulled their interlaced hands up to her face and placed a kiss on the back of his hand.

"Thank you for coming back, Patrick" she whispered, her breath tickling the back of his hand.

"You are very welcome, Kathrine." He mumbled back enjoying the feel of her lips against his hand and the scent of her skin and hair invading his nose, intoxicating him and lulling him to sleep. He was glad he came back. She needed to see that he was not who she expected him to be. Well, in all honesty, he really was who she expected him to be, but not when it came to her, with her it was different.

They lay there, completely content. No more bad blood, no more misunderstandings. They both exhaled deeply in unison and felt whatever tension was left leave their bodies. She let her guard down and let him hold her and he swallowed his pride and made her understand.

Within minutes, his constant breathing on her neck and hers on his hand, had lulled them into a dreamless sleep.

The End/TBC... (not sure yet...lol)


AN: Alrighty, I kinda wanted them to go all the way, but it just seemed wrong after the "beach incident". If I can come up with a good scenario for the "all the way" part, I might continue, if not… then, this is now complete. As always I am open for feedback and ideas. ;)