A/N: Wow.... over 200 reviews! Thank you sooo much! Special thanks to The Sora-muffin, the 200:th reviewer :D ((Hands out cookies))

Sorry for the lateness of this chapter -.-'' Updates will slow down a little as I have got into a few new fandoms and will be writing for them as well (on a different account). There will be about one week between chapters!

Also, five people caught the reference ((Hands out more cookies))

Thank you Stephanie for helping me with this chapter!

Disclaimer: … … I disclaim -.-''



No reaction.


Still nothing.


Death glare of doom!

"I apologize for my actions..."

Back to silence.

L mentally sweat dropped. Light had been like this for a hole week, ignoring every word L said and only speaking to him when strictly necessary and it was beginning to get annoying.

"If Light-kun does not speak now, his Kira percentages will sky-rocket," L tried.


"Speak, Light-kun!"

Light gave him a long glare. "Woff."

"Light-kun needs stop acting like a spoiled teenager." He uttered the words as if they were dirty insults.

"Ryuzaki, I'm eighteen! I am a teenager!"



"It is time for breakfast," L announced, promptly changing subject. Light huffed and pushed past the detective, set on entering the kitchen before L. The raven didn't mind, following silently.

Matt was in the kitchen alone, staring intensively at a box of cornflakes.

"Good morning," Light greeted as he plonked down next to the boy. "What are you doing?"

Matt was about to reply, but was cut of by a sigh from the other end of the kitchen.

"Matt, not again... please don't tell me you're doing it again..."

L and Light looked up at the sound of Mello's voice.

"What is he doing again?" L asked, eying his possible successor thoughtfully.

"I've spent hours trying to solve this puzzle!" Matt grumbled, glaring at the table. "There's a picture of a cock on the front of the packet, but I can't get the pieces to fit!"

Light and L exchanged worried glances, the former momentarily forgetting his anger. Mello looked at the pair for help, but none was offered. Awkwardly, the blond lifted a hand to pat his boyfriends shoulder.

"I'll help you clean this up, okay? We need to get ready for tonight," he tried, swiftly beginning to clean up the mess on the table.


"New year!"

"Oh yeah." Matt visibly perked up at the mention of the new beginning and started helping Mello clear up the cornflakes. That was, until he pressed down to hard on one of the pieces and it snapped in two.

"Oh no!"

"What's wrong?"

"I broke one f the cornflakes..." Matt trailed off sadly.


"That means I'm a cereal killer..."

L and Light seemed to snap out of their dazes at this and the teen wordlessly turned to leave, giving L no other choice then to follow. Leaving the youngsters to it seemed to be the best they could do in this situation anyway...


The rest of the day was spent in silence, Light sulking and L deep in thought. Evening eventually came and the two went downstairs to join the rest of the orphanage residences in their new year celebrations.

Sprawled across the living room were a handful of unopened fire works. The brunet glanced down at the packets, his fingers twitching with an indescribable urge to try them out.

"Hey, Ryuzaki," he began, keeping his voice as nonchalant as he could. "Can I light one of those?" He gestured towards the pile that littered the center of the room.

"Is Light-kun speaking to me now?" L asked, his voice as flat as ever.

"Just answer the question!" the teen scowled, fingers clenching in annoyance.

"Judging by Light-kun's health record –which I am paying for– I think it would be best not to..."

"What's that supposed to mean? And they are listed as work related injuries!"

"Light-kun is very accident prone..."

"Am not!"

"Are to!"

"Am not!"

"Are to!"

"Am not!"

"Light-kun is a walking disaster waiting to happen! He is constantly mangling his limbs, breaking his bones and falling over! How is that non-accident prone?" L fired, staring unblinkingly at the boy.

Light opened his mouth, but closed it again. "I'll forgive you if you let me light one," he sang, a smirk curving at the corner of his lips.

"Light-kun will?" L asked, eyes widening.


"And Light-kun will speak to me afterwards?"


"Deal. But Light-kun will have to wait until the other rockets are fired up."

The teen nodded, suddenly content. "So Ryuzaki.... do you have any new years resolutions?"

"Of course not," L replied as if were the most obvious thing on earth. "I am perfect. Everything I do is perfect. What about Light-kun?"

"Just two. The first is to catch Kira. Actually, I'm surprised it's not on your list... Anyway, the second is to keep Yami and Hikari alive," the teen sighed. "And you," he added suddenly,"will help me!"

L's eyes widened, but he nodded, not wanting to upset the boy now that he was actually talking to him again.

They continued on into the main living area, were they found a hole bunch of kids, all in different shapes and sizes with various levels of oddities.

"Well this is annoying, now we're stuck with a bunch of drooling, snotty brats," Light huffed, glaring at the kids. L thumped him in the side.

"Don't talk about them like that. They are like brothers to me" The way in which L uttered the words convinced the teen to never mention the children in a bad way ever again.

"Can we er... fire up the rockets now?" Light asked in an attempt to prevent any awkward silences from filling the room.

"I guess," L muttered reluctantly. They walked back into the other room and picked up a few rockets (L obediently picked 'that pretty, pink one' that Light wanted) and went outside.

"Shouldn't we wait for the others?" Light asked, suddenly intimidated by the thought of setting the fire work alight.

"Is Light-kun scared?" The innocence in the detectives voice was sickening.

"Of course not," he huffed. "Give me the matches so I can get these things going."

L wordlessly tossed the matches over. Light reached out to grab them, but they somehow bounced when they touched his fingers and he had to make an awkward dive to get a proper grip on them. Fingers wrapped firmly against the surface of the box, he bent down to the base of the rocket, ignoring the weird glance he could feel burning a hole in his t-shirt.

Cautiously, he lit the match and brought it to the wick, letting the greedy flame lick the surface. Once it was actually burning, Light took a clumsy step back, but ended up slipping in the snow and kicked the rocket over. He stared at it for a few moments before his eyes widened in sudden realization: the rocket was about to blow...

He suddenly felt something tug hard at the collar of his shirt.

"Get back, Light-kun!"

The teen scrambled back, just as the rocket shot forward, shooting sparks everywhere. It didn't get far though, as it soon shot straight into a small wooden house at the end of the garden. There was a loud cracking noise and a distinct burning smell filled the chilly night.

The pair stared in unblinking shock.

"My shed!" L wailed unhapily, giving it a mourningfull look.

"Er... Happy new year?"