A/N: If Ai and Conan can't have a story in Gosho's work, I will create one myself. Therefore, please keep in your mind that this is a different story from DC original. However, I'm not sure about anything. The characters may change their personalities and I can't promise I will continue this.

Disclaimer: Detective Conan, luckily (or perhaps unluckily :P), doesn't belong to me. If it did, it would be a shoujo manga, not a shonen. :] I own nothing but the words.




I never believe in fate.

Some people say that it's not easy to run into someone. That every single person happens to appear in your long journey through this dull world certainly is decided by God. Like everyone is connected somehow someway.

Two people can share the same destiny. Two people can be predetermined to be together in the end or to be forever apart from the very first moment they see one another.

I don't like those silly ideas. I don't even care about them. They are just…so uncertain and unrealistic.

Not to mention ridiculous.

Just like how foolish it is to think that if you dumbly or clumsily tripped on a banana peel, you could call that your unchangeable destiny?

Humor me.

To me, certainty is always the most beautiful thing because after all, I am a scientist, not a hopeless romantic.

Realistically, a scientist doesn't daydream about fairy tale-like love, read mushy novels or watch sappy dramas.

A scientist will prefer to stay in labs and study science. She rather tries to discover whether monkeys could play poker or not than why two perfect strangers could bump into each other on some random street.

That's why I never believe that there could be someone who was born just for me and always waiting for me somewhere someday.

My life is not a fairy tale no matter which irrational way you look at it.

It isn't.

It can never be.




((Until I met him))





I never believe in love at first sight.

To tell the truth, I never believe in love at all.

Why do people fall in love?

Fear of loneliness, apparently.

Try to find someone to complete them, to fill in their permanent emptiness, undoubtedly.

But I don't mind them at all.

Loneliness. Emptiness. They have been my closest friends for too long for me to remember.

Moreover, isn't it stupid to waste your precious time, your health, and your space of mind for someone who doesn't have any relation or blood ties with you?

To me, love is just like the flu; you can easily catch it if you are not careful. But after a while, it will be gone for sure.

No visible trace. No unforgettable memories.

People can get the flu countless times in their entire life and yet never know a thing about it.

Fortunately, I have rarely caught flu since I was a little girl, both literally and figuratively.

That's why I never think that I would fall in love with anyone by any slimmest chance.

I am not a princess, longing for a prince to write out a love story.

Not that I ever want to be.

Not that I ever think I will be.




((Until I met him))





** If Fate let our paths cross more than one time in the past, shall it let us stay together in the end?**

