Chapter 37

"What time are they all coming?" Olivia called from the dining room.

"4:30!" Casey answered from the kitchen.

It was Christmas Eve and the Benson-Novak's were hosting dinner for their children and their families along with the rest of the Stabler clan. Fin, Munch and Cragen as well as Alex and her family were invited too.

"What were we thinking inviting all these people over?" Olivia laughed as she walked into the kitchen to where her wife was working.

"That we want to spend time with our family members during the holidays?" Casey offered.

"There are plenty of places other then our living room that we could all be together."

"Ok Ms. Scrooge." She laughed as she turned away from the stove and hugged her wife.

"Hey, you keep calling me that and you won't get your present tonight." Olivia threatened.

Casey's hands took up residence in the back pockets of the detective's jeans, "That's the biggest empty threat I have ever heard." She grinned. "You know you can't resist my charms."

"It's true." Olivia gave in, "That's what's gotten me into trouble all these years. Best trouble I have ever been in." She smiled as she kissed her.

"Mom! Mama!" Braya called when she walked through the front door of her childhood home.

Casey came out of the kitchen, drying her hands on a towel. "Hey sweetie!" She smiled widely watching her daughter tote in a carseat.

Braya set the carseat on the floor and embraced her mother but after a quick exchange of pleasantries Casey was unbuckling her granddaughter and holding her closely. "Where's Eli?"

"He's gathering the presents out of the trunk." Braya told her. "I have to go back and get Nathan." She said referring to her son.

"I'll go get him!" Olivia offered as she exited the kitchen.

"Thanks, Mom." She kissed Olivia's cheek as she walked out to the driveway.

"Hey, baby girl." Casey cooed to the infant in her arms. "How's my Janie? How's my favorite girl?"

"You're lucky I had one of each Mama so you don't have to worry about who is your favorite girl and who is your favorite boy." Braya laughed. "What can I help with?"

"We just took the potatoes off the stove. They need to be mashed. There's still another half and hour or so on the ham and the turkey." She told her without looking up from the baby's face.

"Alright, potatoes. I'm on it."

"I hope you realize that you're on your own from here on out. Your mom and I have been cooking all day and we don't plan on finishing it now that these little ones are here." She joked.

"Don't worry, Mama," She said as she kissed her daughter's head and then her mother's cheek. "I don't expect you or Mom to put either of them down all night."

"How's grandma's favorite boy?" Olivia asked her grandson as she brought him into the house. She set his carseat down the then extracted him with ease. Both women were so caught up with the babies that they almost didn't notice when Eli walked in the house carrying bags full of presents.

"Merry Christmas!" He called.

"Merry Christmas!" Casey smiled. "Do you need help?"

"No, no," he said kissing Olivia and Casey on the cheek, "You two keep spoiling the little ones. I got this!"

The family continued to pour in. Elliot and Kathy arrived and had to fight Casey and Olivia to get some time with the grandkids. Olivia tried to use the argument of, 'You have 7 other grandchildren from your other kids. These are our only two.' She compromised when Elliot promised to relinquish Nathan when the other babies arrived. Cragen arrived wearing a Santa costume including a large bag full of gifts. Maureen and Dominic show up with their 2 kids followed by Kathleen and her son. Her husband was serving overseas and wouldn't be home for Christmas. Dickie and his wife along with their three hyper boys made a loud entrance while his twin sister with her husband and daughter were soon to follow. Fin and Munch showed up together; Munch of course making constant cracks about Christmas vs. Hanukkah.

"We put a menorah on the mantel just for you Munch." Olivia pointed out.

Alex and her husband arrived, sending their love from Cassidy who was spending the holidays with her husband's family that year. The families were all gathered in the living room while the Stabler children as well as Braya helping finish dinner.

"Mama, where's Braydan?" Braya called from the kitchen.

"I just got a text from him a few minutes ago. He said that he and Sean were running late but that they would have a big surprise when they got here." Casey yelled over the noise of people in her living room.

Children ran in circles as infants were passed arm to arm. The dishes were being laid out on the table when the front door opened and Braydan stepped into the house.

"Their you are!" Olivia was the first to spot her son's entrance.

"Where's Sean?" Casey asked as she hugged her youngest with the arm that wasn't supporting her grandson.

"He's getting something out of the car." He told her quickly. "Can I have everyone's attention please?"

It took a minute for such a large group of people to settle down but when they finally did Braydan continued.

"As you all know, Sean and I have been going through the adoption process for the past year. We want to thank you all for your support throughout this process. We didn't think we would get our little girl until after the New Year but, ladies and gentlemen, we would like you to meet...Naomi Lynn."

With the announcement of the baby's name, Sean entered the house holding their baby girl they adopted from Ethiopia. The family members cheered with excitement and were all eager to meet the seven month old. Hugs and rounds of congratulations were exchanged before Olivia announced that it was time for dinner. Even with all of the extensions placed in the table and the two extra folding tables they were able to squeeze into the dining room, there still had to be overflow seating in the living room for all of the guests.

The families plowed through dinner and they were soon onto dessert.

"Do you want some pie babe?" Olivia asked offering her a plate.

Casey looked down at her brand new granddaughter in her arms who was greedily sucking at the bottle she was being given. "I am ok right now." She said dreamily. "I will grab a piece later."

"I don't think there will be any left later." She chuckled as she watched everyone dig in. She held up a forkful of pie to her wife's lips, "How about we share this piece."

Casey smiled as she wrapped her lips around the fork and ate the bite of apple pie with ice cream. Olivia grinned back as she kissed the ice cream residue from her wife's lips.

It was time to exchange presents. Every had drawn names a few weeks prior to see who they would be purchasing a gift for. The sound of tearing wrapping paper filled the room as everyone opened their presents.

The Benson-Novaks sat on their couch, content on observing their friends around them. Casey pressed a kiss to her wife's cheek and then the older woman turned towards her and planted a soft, sweet kiss on her lips.

"Our babies have babies." Olivia smiled as they pulled back. She kissed Naomi's forehead.

Casey beamed, "I know! Does it make you feel old?"

"Yes, yes it does." Olivia laughed. "But I think I am ok with it."

"We are in for a load of new firsts with these little ones." The redhead smiled as she looked over to see Braya bounce Jane while Braydan held Nathan.

Olivia pressed her lips to Casey's temple. "Are you ready for it?"

"More then ever." She responded as she smiled at the baby in her arms. She looked up at Olivia. "I love you."

Olivia kissed her softly, "I love you more."

The End

That's it guys! I hope you liked it! I know that I sort of made it sound like there is a possibility of stories about the grandkids...but there is a 99% chance that that won't happen. Thank you to all the readers that stuck with my story throughout the ridiculously long time that it took me to write it. You're the greatest. Thanks for reading!

PS...if you are a Rizzoli & Isles fan and are looking for a little nontraditional Rizzles love then you can check out my AU story 'Erin' that is still in the works!