The time has come to finally come clean. I think we all know that this was eventually coming, we just all didn't know when.

I am going to give up writing this story, as I am becoming too busy with work, school and training to be in the Australian Army.

I'm hopefully going to be giving away the rights to them, instead of just terminating them. If anyone is interested, please PM me urgently, tell me what you think you'd like to happen, then I'll tell you what I would like to happen and what I'd planned out. I really don't like the idea of terminating them, but I have to. I really can't keep them going. Most of them were just whims and things that kept me entertained for a little while.

The stories that I will be continuing are:

Straight Jackets and Contact Lenses

Once Upon A Time My Ass

Spirit Bound

I am actually currently writing some new ones, but not in the Vampire Academy/Twilight category. They will be in the category of Janet Evanovich, called:

Teenage Dream: Everyone meets in high school, including Ranger, Tank, the Merry Men, Lula and Connie. How does Stephanie cope with having both Morelli and Ranger after her at only seventeen?

Lose Yourself: Ranger finally admits that he's lost himself and that he can't find anything. He is blind to reality and everything around him. He has one shot, one opportunity to make everything right. But will he lose everything to do so? M for reasons.

All of the rest of them will be terminated and deleted if no one wants them. The cut off dates for the terminations will be the 31st of October.

I would like to thank everyone who reviewed the stories that will be passed off or terminated. You kept me going that extra bit longer, but I can't do it anymore.
