A/N: Surprised?

Chapter Six

"No." Anthony cried as his father sat him in his high chair.

"Jay you need to eat." Tony said surprised by the tears that were streaming down his son's face. "Okay?"

"No." he cried as he tried to wiggle his way out of the chair and away from his father. "Daddy please no."

"Tony." Ziva said as she came up behind her husband. "What's wrong?"

"He won't eat." Tony said abandoning the food and removing his distressed toddler from his high chair.

"Mommy." Anthony cried reaching for his mother. Tony handed him off to Ziva careful of her wrist.

"What is wrong, my love?" Ziva asked nuzzling Anthony's hair. "You need to eat."

"No." he protested as he went into a coughing fit.

Ziva and Tony exchanged a worried look as they both tried to soothe their sick baby. Tony nodded towards their bedroom and Ziva followed and watched as he pulled the covers back and let Ziva slip in.

"I'll be back." Tony said as he pulled the covers back over them. "Do you want tea?"

"If you do not mind." Ziva shrugged with a yawn of her own. Tony smiled and kissed both of them. "Thank you, Tony."

"Anytime." He said and left the room. He quickly returned with a hot cup of tea for Ziva and a sippy cup for Anthony. "Here you are."

"Thanks." Ziva said as she sat up in bed and Tony sat Anthony on his lap.

"Drink this." Tony said handing the sippy cup to the toddler who looked at it curiously.

"What is it?" Ziva asked as she watched Anthony sip it while leaning back against his father.

"Hot apple juice with tea and honey." Tony said looking to Ziva who looked pretty tired herself. "It's like tea for toddlers."

"Where did you find that?" Ziva asked with a yawn.

"Google." Tony smiled shyly as he played with his son's dark hair.

"Clever." Ziva said as Anthony seemed to be enjoying his drink until his face went pale and he vomited all over Tony.

"Damn." Tony mumbled as he stood from the bed with a hysterical Anthony. "Did I get any on the bed?" Tony asked as Anthony cried dropping the sippy cup.

"No." Ziva said as she got out of bed and followed Tony into the bathroom.

"Daddy." Anthony cried as Tony stripped him of his clothes and Ziva ran the water waiting until it got warm. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry Jay." Tony said as he handed him to Ziva so he could take off his soiled shirt.

"Think we should call the doctor, Tony?" Ziva asked as she cradled her crying baby.

"Yeah." Tony said as he stood in front of Ziva. "I'll bathe him, I don't think you should be getting your stitches wet."

"I do not want you getting what he has Tony." Ziva said as she handed her sick baby back to his father.

"I'm fine." Tony said.

"No bath." Came a pathetic tearful whine from Anthony as he was placed in the tub.

"Sorry buddy." Tony said as Anthony continued to plea with him.

"I'm going to start the laundry." Ziva said as she grabbed both Anthony and Tony's clothes.

"Thanks." Tony said as Anthony dry coughed again. "Does this make you feel better?"

"No." he cried as his father washed him.

"Okay, almost done." Tony said as he quickly finished and wrapped his son in a towel and carried him out to the kitchen where he assumed Ziva was on the phone with the doctor.

"Okay, thank you." Ziva said and hung up the phone. "He just said make sure to keep his fluids up, what does that mean?"

"Make sure he stays hydrated." Tony laughed. "And we'll just go in tomorrow?"

"Yes." Ziva said as she peaked at her son who had burrowed himself in the towel. "What if he caught something at the hospital?"

"He didn't." Tony said looking at the toddler. "At least I hope so."

"I will dress him." Ziva said as she took her son and brought him into his room.

"I'm gonna run out and get Gatorade or something." Tony said grabbing his keys and throwing a shirt on.

"I'm sorry you feel so bad, love." Ziva said as she laid Anthony on the changing table and put him in a diaper. "What do you want to wear, your batman pajamas?"

"My shirt." Anthony requested, as his coughing seemed to get worse when he laid flat.

"Okay." Ziva said knowing exactly what shirt Anthony wanted, it was also her favorite shirt. "Then we will watch a movie and nap."

"Okay." Anthony said as his mother sat him on her bed and slipped Tony's old college tee shirt over his head. "Wha'movie?"

"Sometimes you are too much like your father." Ziva smiled as she brought her baby out into the living room so he could pick his own film. "Whatever movie you want." Ziva said as she set Anthony in front of the shelf but he looked up at her with watery green eyes like she'd just abandoned him.

"Mommy up." He pleaded as he lifted his arms up to her.

"Okay." Ziva laughed slightly bringing Anthony back into her arms. "Do you want me to pick the movie?"

"No, Daddy do it." Anthony said wrapping his arms around her neck as he coughed.

"You do not like my movies?" Ziva smiled and kissed the shell of her son's ear, nervous about how warm he was.

"No." Anthony said.

"Hey." Tony said walking back into the apartment seeing his family standing in front of the movie collection. "Picking out a film?"

"He wants you to." Ziva laughed as Tony set the bags on the kitchen table and took a popsicle out and handed it to Anthony.

"Pharmacist said it should help and won't make him throw up." Tony said as Anthony happily sucked on his treat. "Nice shirt."

"We are at his mercy." Ziva smiled as Tony selected a couple Disney films and they headed back to the bedroom.

"How's your wrist?" Tony asked as he watched her lay Anthony on the bed and changed into a pair of sweatpants and lose shirt.

"Good." Ziva said as Anthony coughed again. "Can you sit him up?"

"Sure." Tony said as he reclined against the headboard and settled Anthony's back against his chest, making his breathing easier. "Now let's try this again, how's your wrist?"

"Sore." Ziva admitted as she lay next to her husband.

"Go to sleep Zi." Tony said as he reached over and pushed her hair out of her face. "He'll be sleeping soon anyway."

"I will stay up with you." Ziva yawned and Tony laughed. "We've been working so much and Anthony's been sick we have not spent any time together."

"I know." Tony said softly watching her instead of the movie. "Guess that's part of having a kid."

"Still think we are ready for another baby?" Ziva laughed as she wrapped Tony's arm around her shoulder and stroked her son's arm.

"Yeah." Tony said taking the popsicle from his dosing son's hand and setting it on his nightstand. "I really do."

"Now?" Ziva yawned as she threw the covers over Tony and Anthony.

"Before he starts school." Tony said with a slight smile. "What do you think?"

"I think that is a good idea." Ziva smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheek. "What time's his appointment tomorrow?"

"Ten." Tony yawned.