A/N: so this takes place during eclipse in the second night in the clearing while the Cullens were learning to fight. I wanted to know what Esme and Carlisle were talking about when Bella saw them "sitting a few yards away" and this is what I came up with. it is in Esme's POV.
Carlisle's fingers slid into mine, I felt his tension and worry, not for himself but for me. Ever since the day Jasper announced that we would have to fight these newborn vampires, he had worried about me. He worried about are children, and the wolves that had chivalrously offered their help ,but I was always the center of his worry. I understood of course why he worried so much, I wasn't exactly the fighter of the family, I had said myself many times before that I was a lover not a fighter.
I squeezed his hand and looked in to his pale golden eyes and said silently, only for him to hear, "please don't worry Carlisle, I'll be fine ,we all will."
I said this though i was unsure, even to my own ears the promise sounded hallow, I worried just as much if not more then he did, but I had to stay strong, I couldn't break down at the last minute.
"how can I not worry Esme? I love you so much if anything were to happen to you...I cant even begin to comprehend what that would be like. if you would just sit out with Edward..."
he pushed a strand of my caramel colored hair behind my ear. "Carlisle I cant do that, we are already outnumbered as it is, and it may not be much but I can still help. I may not like the idea of fighting but I'm still capable." he sighed We sat close together now are heads almost touching. He gripped my fingers tight and lifted my hands to his lips and kissed them. "everything will work Carlisle and I will still be here when this is over, I will always be here, Forever, you made sure of that."he laughed and kissed my lips quickly then echoed" forever"
"Come on, It's time." He sighed, reluctant.
I hated doing this, if it was anyone else, I guess I wouldn't mind, but having to fight the people I thought of as my children, it just didn't feel right. Even if it was just for practice, It still felt, well, weird.
"Come on Esme, your doing better, just jump a little to your left, Okay?" Jasper couched. It was the third time I had tried attacking him and I lost it again.
I nodded picking myself up off the ground. I shifted into a pouncing position, and jumped.
I managed to knock him backwards, and while he was distracted I grabbed him, so he was in a fatal position, if I was trying to hurt him.
"Nice one Esme! You really got it that time! You're getting better!, So now we are going to try a little double team, you ready?"
I nodded, and watched as Edward joined Jasper on the field.
Jasper pounced and I spun quickly out of his way, but right into Edwards range. He grabbed my wrist. I twisted his arm and pulled away, but now Jasper was behind me.
They both pounced, I maneuvered away from Edward, but Jasper caught me.
I hissed in frustration, pulling against Jaspers iron grip on my arms.
He let go and signaled Edward to back off, "ok Ez, why don't you take a break?."
I didn't reply, I just stalked away from them. It was so frustrating! I watched how Rosalie easily handled Jasper without even trying. Why couldn't I do that? It was so pathetic, I was pathetic, I was the only one that struggled with this! I didn't know why either. Was it just because I was practicing with my children? Or was it just that I was a crappy fighter? I don't know, but I was going to have to get better if I was going to convince Carlisle I could do this.
I sighed, I could do this, I know I could, it was just going to take a while.
A/N: please review! And sorry endings aren't my forte!