I felt the tears run down my eyes as Lauren spoke in her nasal voice down the phone I knew everything she was saying was true she was much prettier than me. I didn't deserve Edward she did I just don't know what he sees in me i just wished he was here but he wasn't he was hunting. Apparently Lauren knew he was gone and she took this as the perfect time to call thinking he was camping.
"I mean think about it Bella you not that good looking and you have horrible long string hair and god look at your eyes there horrible brown and you pale but not even a nice pale like the Cullen's face it Bella you don't deserve him" Lauren laughed nasally down the phone
I took a few breaths making sure she didn't know I was crying then I put the phone down letting my tears loose. I looked at myself in the big body length mirror in my room I was attractive at all my hair hung like string like Lauren said and my eyes looked boring brown there was nothing special about me at all. I collapsed to the floor in front of the mirror and cried in to my hands Edward was flawless and look at me I was full of them I had nothing perfect about me at all.
I heard my window snap open and a breeze before the cold arms around my waist those amazing perfect cool arms. I cried even more at this knowing he was seeing my cry he held my to his chest kissing my head.
"Bella love what wrong" he asked kissing my head rubbing the small of my back comfortingly I hiccoughed
"H-how can you love me? I'm ugly and plain and boring my hair is like string my face is to thin and my eyes are just plain brown" I sobbed
He shook his head furiously he picked me up to sit on his knee his cold hand went under my chin forcing me to look at him
"You're not any of those things Bella, You're beautiful, and amazing you have the most amazing hair, the most beautiful deep brown with a tint of red and it sits just right in perfect little curls I love your face Its not to thin it's just right and your eyes are the most beautiful I have seen in my entire existence They are so deep you can see all your emotions I love you Bella so much and I don't you to ever doubt why I love you, you are beautiful no matter what anyone says" he said sternly
I couldn't bring myself to think he was lying to me because I know he couldn't lie to me but there was another reason as he spoke those words he said them with such conviction in his voice I couldn't help but believe what he said. I calmed down a bit as he rubbed my hand and cheek soothingly always caring for me it making sure i was happy and that i had everything i needed
"Now who told you all of those lies?" he asked kissing my head
"Lauren" I murmured looking down
I felt him shake his head
"Lauren" he growled lowly his voice seeped with revenge and I could help but think he was going to get back at her
"what are you doing back so early you only left an hour ago ?" I asked
he leaned in so close that my nose was touching his and his breath fanned out across my face making me slightly dizzy
"I forgot to tell you i love you" he murmured pressing his lips lightly to mine
AN: So what do you think ?
Good ?
Somewhere in between ?
Review please
But if you don't i still love you =)