Just something a friend and I came up with talking about Twilight Princess. Enjoy.
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"Hup!" Straining against the weight of his Iron Boots, Link lunged out into the air, just barely managing to grasp the handle of the weight switch. With a clank and the sound of grinding stone, the mechanism rumbled to life. Smiling despite the fatigue in his arms, the elf watched the bridge swing around towards him; another few seconds and he'd be on his way.
"Wow!" Midna materialized in front of Link, gazing around at the main chamber of the Temple. "You have to admire this construction: hundreds of years, underwater no less, and everything's still in perfect shape." Turning around, she grinned at the hero. "Amazing, huh?"
As if on cue, there was the sound of metal and stone snapping from above, and the chain shifted down about eight inches. Realizing what had happened but powerless to do anything about it, Link glared knives at the imp girl. "I hate you," he growled, just before the whole rig gave way and he found himself plummeting down into the abyss below.
"Hate me?" Midna mused. "That's kind of harsh. I mean, it's not like I did anything." Glancing down absently, she noticed that Link had almost dropped out of sight. "Oh well, guess I'd better go bail him out. After all, good help is so hard to find these days..."
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Anyone who says Midna is OOC here has never played the game.