Hey all. I am going to be updating all chapters and then (hopefully) continuing with the story! Just want to let you all know that I am using One Piece Wiki and mangapanda as my references.

Speech = "blah blah"

Thoughts = 'blah-de-blah'

UPDATED: 31/12/13


She heard the sound of a cannon firing and put a hand on her katana. "Hn" 'It's not my problem anymore' she thought as she removed her hand from the handle. She went back to reading her menu. 'There better not be any trouble, I just got here... Oh yep, here's trouble' a marine officer barged through the doors of the restaurant and was seated at a table near her. She watched him sit down at the table next to hers with his lady friend from the corner of her eyes, face never moving from the menu. 'Bloody Marines' she thought as she saw the arrogant marine officer sit nearest to her.

"Look, it's Lieutenant Fullbody"

"Really? A lieutenant of the marines?"

"Wow, he looks good"

'Ah, so that's Fullbody eh?' she thought as she heard the whispers of the other patrons of the restaurant. 'Better keep an eye on him-' her thoughts were interrupted by a man, with blond hair wearing a tidy suit, taking her hand in his and kneeling down next to her.

"Hello there my beauty" he said kindly as he stood up still holding her hand in his. "I am Sanji, the second chef of this restaurant. Are you ready to order?" She internally cringed and narrowed her eyes for a second before answering.

"Yes I have. I would like the soup" she said, quickly removing her hand from his, pointing to said item on the menu "as a starter and then this dish as a main please" she answered pointing to the dish on the menu, smiling sweetly. He nodded excitedly as he memorised the order and went around behind her to pick up the menu, leaning over her shoulder to do so. 'Ha, she thought, what a ladies' man' . She smiled to him in thanks and was taken aback by love hearts forming where his eyes used to be as he pranced off to give the order to the cooks.

She rolled her eyes as the marine officer tried showing off to his date. "Am I right waiter?" he asked smugly.

"Not at all" came the reply. She recognised the voice to be that of her waiter and snorted at the marine's reaction to being told he was wrong. The marine then made up excuses as to why he was wrong about the wine which made her roll her eyes in annoyance.

Her food came swiftly, delivered by the waiter Sanji. He had also given her a rose saying in a serious voice "A beautiful rose for a beautiful lady, although it's not as beautiful as you" the flirtatious line made her blush slightly, she was not used to being called beautiful.

He was going to continue when- "WAITER!" the marine hollered.

"I will return, my sweet" Sanji said swiftly as he went to the marine's table. "I told you I'm not a waiter" he then proceeded to sweet talk the marine's date.

"Why is there an insect in my soup?" he pointed to the insect in question "What is this insect?"

"Insect? I don't understand because I am not an insect expert." The people who had herd were sent into fit of giggles, even she struggled to suppress a laugh. This did not go down with the marine too well and he brought his fist down onto the table sending his bowl flying off the table landing upside down on her head. She was startled for only a moment before a murderous scowl came over her face. The restaurant was silent. Everyone looked at her. She blinked a few times before her hand went up to her head and picked up the bowl. She looked at it wearily and the offending crockery burst into tiny pieces in her hands. The people around her cowered in their seats as she stood up from her own. "Where is the restroom?" she asked in a monotone sending chills around the room. A man gulped as he pointed to the direction of the restroom. "Thank you" she said simply as she walked in the direction shown.

As soon as she entered the restroom the atmosphere in the restaurant lightened slightly. A few people let out the breath they were holding.

She let out a sigh as she looked at her appearance in the mirror and began to clean the muck off herself. She had taken off her black, fitted, knee length coat, which had been the most soiled, her katana in its sheath resting against the wall. Her eyes were almond shaped with amethyst irises. She wore her white hair loose letting it flow freely down to her hips and bangs framed her face. Her skin was smooth and slightly tanned from being out in the sun all the time. She wore a white tank top, which hugged her figure, and long skinny dark grey pants. Her boots were black and ended just below her knees. She wore a dark purple belt, which also held her katana, simple gold earrings in both ear lobes and a charm bracelet on her left wrist which was adorned with trinkets from her travels. Around her neck was a silver hunter case pocket watch necklace covered with intricate engravings. It was her most treasured possession which she has had ever since she could remember.

She cleaned herself up and washed her hair in the sink, as it was the only way to clean her hair. Taking one last look in the mirror she put her katana back into its rightful place, on her left hip, and picked up her now useless coat. Exiting the restroom she was faced with the weirdest sight: on one side of her the chefs were holding back a furious Sanji who was yelling at a cowering marine officer on the ground on her other side. Before she could respond to anything the ceiling was parted by the forms of two people coming crashing down in front of her. She winced as they hit the ground. The larger of the two got up and started yelling at the other who was wearing a straw hat. Wait... a straw hat? 'Straw... hat? Could it be?'

"It's your fault, not mine!" the one with the hat yelled in a distinct voice. She stood frozen to the spot, eyes wide in shock. She had recognised it immediately. 'Luffy'.

SMACK "Ugh" Sanji was sent flying as a wooden leg hit him. She was rooted to the spot. 'What the hell is going on here?' she thought as the big man who has crashed through the roof rounded on the marine, "Get out of my restaurant now!" he yelled as he kicked him as well. 'What kind of chefs are these? I mean I knew they didn't take crap from anyone, but seriously!' she thought as she stared wide eyed at the chefs.

A marine came flying through the door "Sorry sir, but our captive has escaped from his cell!"

'What the hell happened? I wasn't even in there for very long!?'

The marine who had just came in was shot from behind. Her hand went immediately to her katana ready to use it. She watched as a man came walking through the doors and sat at a table 'Must be that captive then'.

The patrons of the restaurant were terrified. The unknown man ordered to be given food and when asked if he had money promptly pulled out his gun. "Do you want me to pay with a bullet?" he asked smugly. In an instant he was bashed into a table. There was a mix of shock and relief among the people in the floating restaurant. The man's stomach growled. He was starving. Even so, he was ruthlessly beaten and kicked out of the restaurant.

The commotion had died down and she slipped out of the restaurant to the balcony. She rested her hands on the railing and looked out to the horizon deep in thought. There was a grumble of a stomach and the clinking of a plate. She looked sideways and saw the poor, starving escaped criminal sitting on the ground shovelling food into his mouth. Sanji was sitting not too far away smoking a cigarette. She scoffed and walked over to him and ripped the cigarette from his mouth. He looked up angrily, "You know, smoking is bad for you" she said to him as his face turned from anger to shock and then to heart eyed. "Ahhh, my beauty!" he exclaimed standing up "I-"

"You're really cool! I want you to cook for us. Come join my crew" someone interrupted.

She stood transfixed to the spot. Her back was to him so he hadn't recognised her yet. Luffy came down to where they were standing and finally talked to her "Hey, you were the one I landed in front of before."

"Yes, that was indeed me" she replied not looking at him

"Anyway, join my crew!" he asked Sanji again. He refused and told them why, and how he had to stay on the floating restaurant "NO! I REFUSE!" Luffy yelled.

"What?" Sanji and her both said 'I forgot how stubborn he was' she thought as he continued pestering Sanji. They were both getting heated up so she decided to back away a few steps so as to not get caught in anything if they started fighting. The ex-captive butted in and asked Luffy what his goal was. Luffy replied confidently that he wanted to find One Piece. The criminal divulged into the story of how he and his crew had been to the Grand Line apart of a large crew and trying to discourage Luffy. He wouldn't have it.

The three of them soon fare welled the ex-criminal. "Hey kids!" they looked up and saw the head chef of the Baratie standing on an upper landing. "Sorry Sanji-san, I'm causing you trouble by eating your food" Sanji tossed the plate off into the sea "There's no evidence now, I won't get in trouble"

Luffy then turned to her "Do I know you?" he asked as he cocked his head to the side "you seem familiar"

"Ha! Luffy!" she said starting to smile "you don't remember me at all do you?" he sat there scratching his head thinking. She started the countdown '3...2...1' .

"EH! YUZUKI?" he exclaimed.

She turned to him and smiled "How have you been Luffy?" he jumped down from the railing where he had been sitting and squished her in a giant hug "Ouch. Luffy. You're squishing me"

He let her go a big smile on his face "Sorry, forgot you didn't like that" he said still smiling.

"How long has it been Luffy? Six years?"

"Probably" he said shrugging "Now I'm a pirate and I'm getting a crew. I already got three others, and now I have a cook too" he said with a smile

"Oi, oi, oi. Don't include me, I didn't say I was joining you" Sanji cut in

"Servant! Get back to work" the head chef yelled at Luffy. He went back inside.

"Hey Yuzuki was it?"


"You know him?"

She smiled "Yes, I do. Ever since I could remember" and she went back inside the restaurant leaving Sanji outside in thought.

Yuzuki had been sitting at the table she was at earlier, still having not eaten anything since the previous time her meal was interrupted by that stupid marine officer Fullbody. She scowled at her growling tummy. She saw Luffy come out of the kitchen and waved at him. He didn't see her and she frowned a little bit.

"You!" Luffy exclaimed

"What's up servant?"

"I heard you have to work here for one year!"

"Can I change your pirate flag?" came the boisterous replies.

'Hn, must be his crew' Yuziki thought. She was sitting at a table next to them.

"You're comfortably sitting and enjoying food while I'm suffering! DON'T YOU THINK THAT'S UNFAIR!" Luffy yelled at his 'nakama' if that was what you would call them.

"Unfair? But we have our rights" a guy with green hair said while she saw Luffy pick his nose and spike his drink. "This restaurant is very good. It seems fair don't you... Why don't you drink this yourself?!" he shoved the bogey spiked water down Luffy's throat while the other two laughed in mirth. The water splashed everywhere as Luffy thrashed around. "What are you doing!?" Luffy yelled at the green haired man while rolling around on the floor

"What about you, what the hell are you doing?" was his reply while the other two kept laughing.

"What the hell! You guys are so loud! And look at what you did!" Yuzuki exclaimed making them all turn towards her. She was drenched in water and had a murderous look in her eyes

"Ah, sorry!" Luffy said with a smile.

Yuzuki bent down and picked him up by the scruff of the neck. At this the green haired man put his hand on his Katana ready to attack. She ignored him and shook Luffy continuously "I just cleaned myself up from that bloody marine and here you go making me all messy again Luffy!"

"Sorry Yuzuki, sorry, sorry" he repeated his apology but she still shook him.

"Hey! Who are you?"

Yuzuki looked the green haired guy up and down and turned to Luffy "You gonna introduce me?" she asked him letting him go.

"Right. Yuzuki this is my crew, Zoro, Nami and Usopp" Luffy introduced pointing to each of the people as he said their name "Guys this is Yuzuki!" they all said hello and she was about to sit at the table with the three when Sanji came up to Nami and started doing heart eyes at her. Then he saw Yuzuki and ran around to do the same to her earning a scowl form the green haired one, Zoro.

Luffy had gone back to work and Sanji was dragged away from their table leaving the four in peace. Yuzuki decided to interrogate Luffy's crew to see what kind of people they were.

"So you're Roronoa Zoro right?" she asked.

He had his hands behind in head leaning backwards on the chair with his eyes closed "Hn? Yea" he opened one eye to look at her when he answered.

"So why are you with Luffy?" she prodded. He looked at her sceptically and told her how he and Luffy met and how Luffy had helped him escape and their fight with Captain Morgan. 'Well Morgan was such an imbecile. He got what he deserved' she thought to herself as Zoro finished the story. She then turned to Nami and Usopp and asked them the same to which they replied their own story of how they met Luffy and how he helped them out. 'Still the same ay Luffy' she smiled as she thanked them for their insight and started to eat with the others.

"So Yuzuki-chan, how do you know Luffy?" Nami asked sweetly. Yuzuki stopped mid chewing and looked up to see them all looking at her. She finished her mouthful and answered "Well, you see" she started, scratching the back of her head, smiling "he's my brother"

"NANI!?" all three had their eyes bulging out of their heads

"He's what?"

"Your brother?"

"Hahaha. Your faces" she laughed hysterically doubling over "Man you haha, you, should've seen haha, seen your, haha, your faces, when I said that hahaha" it took her a while to calm down. They scowled at her as she continued to giggle a little. "But seriously, he is my big brother" she continued, not laughing this time. They all turned to look at her. Her tone changed "And he's not even that much bigger than me! Only by like a few months and he still made me call him onii-san" she pouted at this sending the three into fits of giggles. Yuzuki tried to put on an offended and angered face but failed and joined in laughing with them.

An argument soon broke out between Sanji and the head chef. The four at the table listened along with the rest of the patrons. 'Seems like no one gets a peaceful meal at this place' Yuzuki thought amused.

"Everyone here doesn't like you and I think you know that. Therefore I think you should get out of here and become a pirate or whatever you want." The head chef said with no sympathy

"What are you talking about you crazy old man?" Sanji said angrily grabbing his collar

"How dare you hold my collar you little brat!" the chef yelled punching him and sending him flying into a table.

"Dammit." Sanji muttered before he got up and yelled "I don't care how many times you tell me to leave, I'm staying here! You got a problem with that? I will stay here till you die!" he yelled at the retreating form of the chef.

"That's good, you got permission from the owner, so you can become part of my crew now" Luffy said happily

"Who wants to?" Sanji yelled in Luffy's face before dashing off to treat Nami to some dessert and wine.

With this Usopp complained loudly "What about us? This is unfair, gallant chef" Yuzuki and Zoro didn't really care though

"I've ordered you a tea and you're unsatisfied? Asshole" Sanji said through his teeth

"What? You want a fight? Beat him up Zoro!"

"Do it yourself" replied Zoro drinking his Sake

'Trust Luffy to come up with a crew like this' thought Yuzuki smiling.

"Would you guys stop fighting?" Yuzuki asked, slightly annoyed at all the noise around her.

"Yes ma'am" Sanji replied obediently and bounced towards her. Usopp just had an angry and shocked look on his face. Sanji came up behind her and offered her the same as Nami. She accepted and with heart eyes he went over to Nami. "By the way mister chef" she asked

"Yes ma'am" she replied with goo goo eyes

"The food here is quite expensive for me so..."

"Don't worry! It's on the house for you. You too Miss. Yuzuki!" cried Sanji as Nami hugged him

"I'm so happy, thank you"

'I guess you swindled you way out of that one Nami, from what you told me you're quite the sneaky one'

Sanji turned to Usopp "But you still have to pay" he said in an unkind tone and walked away to greet new patrons.

Luffy was sitting next to Yuzuki drinking tea when Sanji's food came atop of his head and he dragged him off to work. 'It's been a while since I've had this much fun' Yuzuki thought happily.

"So, your joining the crew?" Usopp questioned her.

Yuzuki cocked her head to the side putting her hand under her chin and thought about it. 'Hmm, should I?' "Uh, maybe, well I gotta ask Luffy first, he may not even want me in his crew"

"You use a katana?" Zoro questioned as he finally spied the katana at her hip.

"Hn? Oh yea, well sort of, it's not only a katana though"

"Eh? What do you mean not only a katana?"

"You'll see" she said giving him a wink.

A day had gone by and Luffy and his crew were still on the Baratie. Yuzuki had asked Luffy that morning if she was allowed to join the crew. He had looked at her like she had grown another head asking why she would ask that and that she was already a part of the crew.

Luffy explained to her that Zoro was the crew's swordsman, Nami was the navigator and Usopp was the gunner (and liar), they had in turn been informed, by Luffy, that she was to be the crew's strategist. His reasoning for this was that when they were children she would always beat everyone in strategy games, even when they were two or more times older than her.

She had spent the day getting to know Zoro, Nami and Usopp, the latter two giving her advice that she shouldn't get to know Zoro too much because he was 'scary' as they had put it. Being the strategist Yuzuki had grasped everyone's strengths, weaknesses and fears and felt that, come any situation, she could determine a good strategy.

"Hey Yuzuki?" Luffy started. He and Yuzuki where the only two up, the rest of the crew had gone to sleep, "Why are you here? Why did you want to join me?" Yuzuki could hear the serious tone in his voice. Luffy was usually a fun-loving person, but only Yuzuki had seen his serious side.

"You should know why Onii-san" they were lying on the deck of the Merry Go heads next to each other.

"Hmm but I want to hear it from you" he whined, disrupting the serious mood of the conversation.

"Gosh Luffy, you still whine like a baby" she said smirking. He turned to her and showed her his cheesy smile. Her smile disappeared as she turned to look at the sky again. She took a deep breath and sighed. "If I tell you, you can't tell anyone, not yet anyway. You have to promise Luffy. You can't go blabbing it about. Promise me Luffy"

"Okay, Yuziki, I promise" he said and she began to tell her the reason she was joining his crew.