Author's Note: I'm really really sorry for taking this long to update. I've been so obsessed with Harry Potter that I cannot think anything that has nothing to do with it. Thakfully I overcome that obsession. Again I'm sorry for not updating for a long time.

Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass.

Second Chance

Chapter Eight: Zaoldyeck

Ikaruga, Zero/Lelouch's Private Quarters

Lelouch and Kallen are playing another game of chess, surprisingly the game lasted for at least 10 minutes before Lelouch finaly captured Kallen's king piece, which indicated the end of the game.

"I don't understand why you insist on playing this game with me, we both know you'll win against me." Kallen complained.

Lelouch smirked "let's just say I'm trying to knock some sense of stategy in you. We both know you need it."

Kallen sent him one of her death glares, but did not respond to his remark. She knew he is right, 'isn't he always?' she thought.Lelouch chuckled at this, which earned him another death glare from his Q-1.

"You love teassing me, don't you?" Kallen said, pouting.

"Why so grumpy?" Lelouch asked, as he stood up and walked toward her, he stopped just inches away from her "why don't we do something that will cheer you up, my beloved queen?". Kallen blushed at his closeness, his lips almost touching hers, she could feel his hot breath. Lelouch smile inwardly, he could see the redness of her face, and is please that he is the reason of it.

They've been in this position a couple of times before. After their 'talk' in Sihinjukou, last two months, these kind of incidents have been frequent, Lelouch would stand in front of her, and lean onto her until his lips were an inch away from hers, but she still couldn't get the of hang of it.

Lelouch smiled, "Rakshata's waiting for us" he said as he moved away from her. "I think she wants you to try your new Knightmare, in the simulation machine."

Kallen looked at him, dumbfounded, he would always move away in the last second. "Right" she responded.

For the last two months Lelouch and her would always talk, about his plans though he would not tell her erything, 'at least he trusts me' she thought. Everytime they talk they would always end in one position, Lelouch standing close to her. She could still remember the fist time they ended up like that.


It was just two weeks after her 'talk' with Lelouch at Shinjukou, Kallen was sitting in her quarters thinking about the things that happened in the past weeks, when Lelouch entered her room.

"Hey." Lelouch greeted, he was wearing a dark red sweater and black pants.

"Hi" she said shyly, after what happened in Shinjukou she avoided Lelouch like a plauge, she did not know how to act around him anymore, she would only talk to him as Q-1 and him as Zero.

"Why are you avoiding me Kallen?" he asked.

"What makes you think that?" she asked guiltyly.

"You've been very distant towards me."

Lelouch stood in front of her, he was leaning closer and closer, until his face was on the side of hers, then he whispered "we have a contract Q-1".

"Are you coming or are you going to stand there all day?" Lelouch ask.

"Of course I'm coming!" she said with a glare.

Lelouch just smirk.

Simulation Room

"Rakshata" Lelouch greeted, "are you done with it?"

Rakshata nodded, "it's almost perfect!" she said excitedly "it has one flaw, though."

"Which is?" Kallen asked.

"I cannot install an ejection system on it." Rakshata explianed.

"What!" Lelouch exclaimed, 'should I allow Kallen to use a Knightmare frame that has no ejection system, knowing how impulsive she is' Lelouch thought.

"It has Shinkirou's defense system" Rakshata reasoned "it doesn't really need an ejection system".

Lelouch sat on one of the chairs and looked at Kallen 'it has the best defense system, but still...' his train of thoughts was interrupted when Kallen spoke, "can I see it?" she asked.

"Of course" Rakshata said, "follow me."

Rakshata led them to the next room, where the new Knightmare is. It looks just like the Shinkirou, except that the gold trims are replaced by red, and both of it's arms look like the arms of Guren.

"It has two radiation arms?" Kallen asked.

"No" Rakshata answered " the left arm is the radiation arm, while the right one is the electict arm."

Lelouch looked at the new Knightmare with interest, it would be useful in the battlefield, he smirked. "What would you call it?" he asked.

"Zaoldyeck." Rakshata answered.

Zero/Lelouch's Private Quarters

"Don't you trust me, Lelouch?"

After their meeting with Rakshata Lelouch said he would think about if Kallen will be the pilot of the Zaoldyeck, so here they are now, arguing why he needs to think about it.

"Of course I do."

"Then why won't you let me pilot it?" she asked, " do you think I'm not good enough to pilot that kind of Knightmare?"

"You're the best pilot for the Zaoldyeck, Kallen, but..."

"But what, Lelouch?" she cutted him

"It doesn't have an ejection system."

"Didn't you hear what Rakshata said?" she asked "it doesn't need an ejection system."

Lelouch walked toward her, "I cannot lose you!" he said just above a whisper.

To say that Kallen is surprised is an understatement, she was shocked, she deed not see this coming, she expected him to tell her that he would let C.C. pilot the Zaoldyeck, but never in her wildest imagination that Lelouch would tell her that he cannot lose her. "I almost lost you in the last battle, if you were not able to eject in time, you would've died" he continued. ''when did he become this close?' she wondered, she did not notice him walking closer to her.

"You won't lose me, Lelouch" she said "remember, I promised you that I will go back to Ashford with you, when this is over. I never break my promises." she gave him a sincere smile. Lelouch did not answer, he just looked at her in the eye. Violet meeting blue. Then without a warning he kissed her, Kallen's eyes automatically closed.

Lelouch expected her to react the same way she did in Shinjikou, but instead she kissed him back. It is not like the kiss he remember sharing with her before she died, in his first shot in life, this one is shy and tentative, while the other is desperate and needy.

Unknown to the two of them, a lone figure is standing on the doorway, silently watching them.

'She's becoming too close to my Nii-chan' Rolo thought 'I have to eliminate her.'

Author's Note: What do you think about it? Review and tell me. Sorry for the errors. Ooh! and I'm looking for a beta, if your interested PM me or include it in your review. I'm not sure when will the next update be, but it wouldn't take this long. Again sorry for the long wait.