It's been a long while since I put anything in this web…so I hope you'll forgive me if things don't make sense or get too lame in this one. This is the first time for me to write a long story, and since college's workload will get heavier and heavier (yes I'm a freshman now Yay!) I will try to keep this thing updated at most every two or three weeks…so please stay tuned!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Ryuzaki Sakuno loved snow. When she was a child, she used to jump out of joy and run around the streets just to embrace the snowflakes descending from the sky. But now she had no mood for it.

She was sitting in an office, after a series of tests, waiting rather impatiently for the result. After a 10-minute silence with no signs of response soon, she looked around the room with a hint of interest. Apart from all the certificates and awards hanging proudly on the wall, the shelf was full of thick reference books, and documents of previous visitors. There were some family photos on top of it, showing the owner of the office and 3 smaller figures around him. He looked more relaxed than he was now, and one of the kid was hugging him tightly, causing him to look a bit amused.

'The children look adorable.' She complimented.

'Why, thank you,' smiled the man sitting in front of her. Whenever they talked about his offspring, he could not help but generate the gentle smile of his. He was holding a think file, reading the content swiftly but seriously. He flipped through the pages and paused abruptly, looking at the wordy description and conclusion. Then he slowly put down the file and looked into her eyes. Sakuno gulped.

'Is anything wrong?' she asked, though the answer had been in her mind for a while already.

'This is hard to explain.' The gentleman put down his glasses, moving his right hand to rub his eyes slightly. Although at the age of forty, his silvery hair plus the sad eyes made his current appearance more miserable than ever. This is not the first time Sakuno pay a visit in here, but she had never seen him look like this before.

'I hate to say this…' he took a deep breath, and so did Sakuno. She listened to every word he said, and while she had thought she would sink in her seat and cry all over the expected result, she did not. Instead, she found herself quite calm in accepting the cruel fact. Maybe she had already expected this.

'I'm terribly sorry Ryuzaki-san,' the man said sincerely. After all he had been making these kinds of diagnosis for years, but revealing the news to a fifteen-year-old had never been an easy task.

Sakuno avoided his gaze and looked down, finding her shoes appealing more the moment. Things were running quickly in her mind and she was deep in her own thought. The kind man dared not to interrupt her much.

'How much longer?' The brown-haired girl whispered.

The doctor looked at her, opened his mouth to give her the most optimistic answer he could give.

Stepping out of a hospital had never felt any better. Though knowing she would have to return soon, she turned and took the view of the whole white building into her mind. Putting on her coat, she took notice of how bright it was when snow covered the whole building. She appreciated the beauty of nature, even she should be worrying about other things for now.

While turning away and started walking away, she figured there were a few things she had to take care of before she finally left.

And she was determined to get them done, even if it meant it would hurt both others and herself.

-End of Prologue

I'll try to write another one as soon as possible. Please stay tuned!