Chpt. 1: Family Reunion

There is only one thing I hate more than shopping with Alice. Or even playing Barbie Bella. What is it, you may ask? That, my friend would be family reunions. My mother had the "fabulous" idea to have a full-fledged reunion, on behalf of my wedding. Charlie wasn't all that thrilled about the idea either, but he knows; Don't question Reneee when whe has her mind set. So, Charlie and I got stuck housing my mom's sister, Aunt Miriam, Uncle Ernest, and Cousin Jillie. I felt bad for my aunt and uncle for having such horrid names, but they really didn't need to take it out on the kid. Although, she probably did deserve it.

At twelve years old, she already reminded me of a miniature Lauren Mallory. Past experiences have been, shoving my face into my cake at my twelfth birthday party, dumping punch all over my clothes at my sixteenth, and sticking EIGHT peices of gum in my hair at our last family reunion, when I was fourteen. I couldn't wait to see how Edward handled this one. And I had a feeling that when she came to the wedding, she would probably do whatever was in her power to ruin that for me, as well. But I still had five months to wait for that, thankfully.

But then I realized a problem; Miriam and Ernest were sleeping in the only extra bed we had, so where was Jillie sleeping?? I voiced my question to Charlie.

"Dad? Where's cousin Jillie sleeping?" I asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

"Hmph. Oh, she'll be sharing your bed," he said, voicing my worst nightmare. My eyes widened, and for once color LEFT my face.

What a great time for Edward to show up. I heard his swift knock on my front door, and I sprinted to get it. We only had so much time before my relatives and their demon spawn showed up. Golden eyes greeted me, and so did a quick peck on the cheek.

" Edward, we need to leave. NOW." I told him urgently.

His friendly expression turned confused. "What are you talking about, love?" He asked at the same time a puke green minivan pulled into our driveway.

"Crap! They're here!" I hissed.

"Who? You know, it is really irritating not having the advantage of reading your mind right now!" he hissed back. It was to late to explain. I had to act.

"DAD! I'm going to Edward's!" I shouted over my shoulder.

He came up behind me. "No, I want you to be here for dinner. Edward is welcome to stay, also," he said, nodding in Edward's direction.

"Thank you Charlie, but I'd-"

"Would LOVE to have dinner with us!" I finished for him. "You're most of the reason they're here, anyway!" I hissed under my breath, glaring at him.

"We're HERE!!" I heard a terrifyingly familiar boistrous voice sing from behind me. Miriam.

Her thin, curly plantinum blonde hair was cropped to the bottom of her ears. Aunt Miriam was and extremely BIG lady. It surprised me she could even walk. Following behind her was Uncle Ernest. He was just the same as I remember. Bald, and kind of chunky. And following behind both of them, was the devil's offspring herself. Jillie. She gave me a wicked smile and handed me her suitcase. Of course. Hers was the biggest of all. It was half my size, and it looked like it was about ready to burst. I could barely hold it.

Edward being Edward smiled politely and stepped out of the doorway to hold my hand as Charlie stepped forward.

"Here, I'll grab your bags." He told Miriam and Ernest. They handed him their bags greatfully. I went with Charlie to put Jillie's bag in my room. Edward came also. Seeing that I was having trouble, my super-strong vampire came to the rescue. He took the bag from my hands and carried it up for me. We sat in my room for a moment.

"So, who exactly are these people?" He asked.

"Relatives. Well, maybe not the small one. I think that one is actually the devil in disguise." I explained. He chuckled lightly. "Edward, this is no laughing matter." I told him about our past experiences together. His eyes narrowed, and he became more angry with each one.

After we came back down, we proceeded with greetings and introductions. I got a giant, lung-crushing hug from Miriam, a firm handshake from Ernest, and an eyeroll from Jillie. Edward pursed his lips. They did the same for Charlie.

"Um, everyone, this is Edward. My....fiancee." It was still hard for me to say the word, but it was inevitable.

"Oh! So you're him!" Miriam shouted, pulling Edward into a hug. She immedatly pulled back.

"You're cold! Where've you been?" She asked.

"Oh, I just came inside," Edward explained.

"Yeah.... And Edward, this is my Aunt Miriam, Uncle Ernest, and Demon-- I mean cousin Jillie," I introduced. I really wasn't appreciating the flirtatios looks my tweTWELVE YEAR OLD cousin was giving my FIANCEE.

This was going to be a long week.