What if even before becoming a team, the soon to be members of Team 7 we're already a perfect team. What if through their academy days, their goofiness, fan-girling ways, and emo selves, was all just a little act. All with strange powers and abilities. Will Kakashi survive with his sadistic team.

Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto, I'm sad D;


"You what?"

"Shut the hell up teme, at least I got a headband." Naruto shouted. Sakura looked up at him.

"Naruto-kun, why did you go to all that trouble just to get a headband, you could of gotten hurt." she said softly. Sasuke snorted.

"Its because the dobe cant do a simple cloning jutsu, so he had to steal the Scroll of Seals." Naruto glared.

"Your just jealous that I got to learn a new jutsu and you didn't!" Sasuke glared at him. Naruto threw his hand behind his head. "Mizuki-teme got off easy. Ne, what do you think his blood taste like?"

"Who cares, and what's up with you and blood anyways." Sasuke asked.

Naruto smirked and licked his lips, "I don't know." His eyes flashed crimson. Sakura tugged at her rather annoying red dress. After tomorrow they could final drop their little act, they could final be themselves. She looked at the moon before her eyes dropped.

Sasuke saw her start to slouch. He walked up to her and lifted her up in his arms. Sakura rested her head against his chest before falling into a quite slumber. Sasuke gave Naruto a short nod before heading back to the village. Shortly after Naruto made his way to Ichiraku for a quick 2nd dinner, leaving behind him what use to be a forest but was now reduce to ashes by non other than the soon to be Team 7.


The next day

"Congratulations to all of you at made it here, from now on you are all adults. Ninja's of our village hidden in leaf. Now I shall…" a loud bang interrupted Iruka. Everyone looked back at the door.

"Shut the hell up teme!" Naruto shout as he walked into the room. He was dressed in orange sleeveless sweater and sweats. Under his sweater was a fishnet shirt, his headband on his arm. He had a lollypop sticking out of his mouth, both ears were pierced. Sasuke and Sakura following him. Sasuke smirked and 'Hn'ed' him. Sasuke was dressed in white sweat pants and white hoodied sweater with a black stripe on the right side of his sweater. Under his sweater was a black tank top, both ears pierced and his headband no were to be seen. A sword strapped on his bacl. Sakura was in a black kimono that ended at mid thigh with red petals and butterflies on the sleeves. Her obi was red with black petals and in her hand was a matching umbrella. With longs boots ending below her knees and a pair of fans tucked into her obi, her look was complete.

Naruto felt all eyes on him, he turned around, "What the hell are you looking at." a vain on Iruka's head popped.

"Naruto Uzumaki, watch your language." Naruto shrugged, but Iruka ignored that, "Now you 3 take your seats, I'll let your tardiness pass." they took their seat at the middle of the room, Naruto turned his head to look at something, or rather someone. Iruka cleared his throat, "As I was saying, I will now be announcing the teams. Team 1..."

Ino leaned forward. "Why were you with Sasuke-kun forehead girl?" She growled. Sakura looked at her but turned her attention back to Iruka. "Are you trying to look sexy or something, well its not working. And Sasuke's sooo going to be on my team!"

"That's nice." Sakura yawned into her hand before resting her head against Sasuke's shoulder, which earned her a glare from just about every girl in the class.

"Now for Team 7, Naruto Uzumaki," Naruto turned his head, "Sakura Haruno," Sakura cracked open an eye, " and Sasuke Uchiha." Sasuke quickly cover Sakura's ears to protected them from all the loud protest of the fan girls. Iruka was about to silence them but Naruto beat him to it. He slammed his hand on the desk. "Damn it!" Sasuke smirked at him, releasing Sakura's head.

"Looks like I win dobe, pay up." he held his hand up to Naruto as he dug into his pocket to take out a large wad of money. Sasuke quickly put it into his own pocket. Naruto glared at him.

"Why the hell was I put on the same team as that teme." he shouted. Iruka chucked an eraser at his head. Naruto grabbed his sore head before glaring at Iruka. "What the hell was that for?!"

"Watch your mouth, Sasuke was put on your team because he passed with the highest score while you Naruto got the lowest." Naruto sank back into his seat ignoring everyone's laughter. Sakura turned her head and patted Naruto's head earning her a large grin from the fox-boy. Iruka continued with the teams, "Team 8..." (You know the rest)


"I cant believe forehead girl got Sasuke in her team, while I'm stuck with you two." Ino shrieked. Shikamaru glared at her.

"What's so good about that Sasuke guy any why." Ino gasped.

"Sasuke is like a god, he's perfect. Perfect hair, perfect eyes…" and she went on. Choji looked down.

"Hey isn't that Sasuke down there." Choji pointed.

"Where!" Ino rushed by him, searching for Sasuke. Shikamaru stood next to her.

"Where's he going."

"Who cares, Sasuke-Kun!!!" Ino shouted. Below Sasuke turned his head, hearts appeared in her eyes. Her Sasuke-kun was looking at her, or at least that's what she thought. Running up to Sasuke was none other than Naruto and Sakura. Ino almost fainted at what she saw next.


"Sasuke-kun." Sasuke looked behind him and his eyes softened as Sakura ran up to him, behind her was Naruto. Sakura ran into his open arms before giving him a quick peck to the cheek. Sasuke smirked and kissed the top of her head. He gave a quick nod to Naruto. "We should start heading back." Sakura said softly.

"Yeah, hey you think Hinata-chan is cute." Naruto asked with a sly grin. Sasuke gave him a look as they walked back to the academy. "Ne, I was thinking of asking her out."

"Naruto-kun, I don't think that Hyuga-sama would let you date her so easily, after all she is the Hyuga Heiress and you're the Kyubi container." Sakura explained.

Naruto snorted, "Who cares, its more fun when you have to break a few rules." His eyes flashed, "and maybe a few bones." he said darkly. Sasuke shook his head.

"Save that for the enemy nins dobe." Naruto just waved him off before sticking a lollypop in his mouth.


"Man what's taking them so long." Naruto shouted. Sasuke looked up from his book.

"Be patient dobe. Who knows how long you'll have to wait for your target on a mission, better start practicing now."

"Yeah Sasuke-kun's right." Ino said quickly attaching herself onto him. Sasuke prided her way from his body before going to stand by Sakura, who was curled up on a desk sleeping.

Soon the door opened to reveal two people, a man and a woman. They soon left taking with them teams 8 and 10, leaving only team 7. The frown on Naruto's face dropped and his face became blank. He took out another lollypop and sat down on the floor, pulling out a kunai to play with as he waited. Sasuke put his book away and gathered Sakura close to him, keeping her warm as she slept. After 2 hours of waiting, Naruto got tired. He popped up and grabbed an eraser from the board. Sasuke watched him. "What are you doing?" Naruto turned around.

"That's what he gets for being late." Sasuke just shrugged. Sakura started to stir, she open her emerald eyes.

"He's coming." she said quietly, she stood up next to Sasuke and watched the door. They heard footsteps getting louder and louder. Naruto couldn't keep a grin off his face as their sensei got closer. Soon there was a hand on the door, and when it opened the eraser dropped. Naruto held his stomach as he fell to the floor laughing, Sasuke shook his head and Sakura just tilled her head.

Kakashi looked at his students, the Kyuubi boy, the Uchiha survivor and the Haruno girl. He cleared his throat gaining there undivided attention. "Well my first impression of you guys, I hate you all." he said with a smile. The young teens just shrugged. "Well meet me on the roof." and he disappeared in a poof. The 3 genin made their way to the roof.


On the roof

"Alright why don't we start by telling each other about ourselves." Kakashi said.

"Like what?" Naruto questioned.

"Your like, dislike, your dreams and your hobbies." the 3 genin started at him, he cleared his throat, "I'll start. My name is Kakashi Hatake, what I like well you don't need to know that as well as my dislikes. I really don't want to tell you my dreams and for hobbies, well I have lots of hobbies." 'smile'

'We only learned his name.' they thought. "Alright why don't you start." he pointed to Naruto.

Naruto smirked, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I like ramen, training, and Sakura-Chan's cooking. I hate having to wait for the 3 mins for instant ramen. And I don't like the Teme!" He pointed at Sasuke who just shrugged. "for hobbies I like pulling pranks. My dream is to be the greatest Hokage alive, so that everyone shall bow at my awesomeness! Hahahah." Naruto jumped up and an stormy background appeared behind him. His moment was cut off when Sasuke chucked a rock at his head. Naruto fell down holding his bleeding head. "What the hell was that for Teme!!"

"Shut up." Naruto was about to lunge at him, but Kakashi stopped him.

"Alright kiddies that's enough. You next." he pointed at Sasuke.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I don't like a lot of things and I hate just about everything. As for my hobbies, training and reading. My dream is none of your business, only two people know it." Naruto grinned knowing who he was talking about.

Kakashi's eye crinkled, 'just as I thought.' "Ok now of our only lady."

"My name is Sakura Haruno, I like sleeping and flowers. I don't like…" she mumbled something out that they couldn't hear, "my hobby is hanging around with Sasuke-kun and Naruto-kun and my dream is to become the strongest ninja I can be." she ended with a yawn.

Kakashi nod, "Alright tomorrow were going to do survival training."

"Why we did that in the academy already." Naruto asked. Kakashi laughed.

"Well this is a different kind of survival. Out of the 27 graduates only 9 will become genin, the other 18 will have to repeat the academy." He said evil, a flashlight under his chin.

"So can we go now?" Naruto asked, Kakashi anime fell, didn't these kids care? He got back up. "Yes you are all free to go, meet me at training field 7 and 5 tomorrow, oh and don't eat breakfast." and he disappeared in a poof. The 3 genin all looked at each other with evil looks on their faces.


Kakashi looked at his new students profiles

Sasuke Uchiha

Stamina- above average

Ninjutsu- above average

Taijutsu- above average

Genjutsu- average

Chakra control- average

Other- hate working with others

Naruto Uzumaki

Stamina- above average

Ninjutsu- below average

Taijutsu- average

Genjutsu- below average

Chakra control- below average

Other- like to do thing by himself, goof off

Sakura Haruno

Stamina- below average

Ninjutsu- average

Taijutsu- below average

Genjutsu- above average

Chakra control- above average

Other- one of Sasuke's fan girls

Needless to say he wasn't expecting much.


Next day

Naruto stumbled down the path, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eye. When he arrived at the training grounds he meet up with Sakura and Sasuke. They set their bags down in the middle of the field and waited for their sensei. Naruto turned to Sakura, "Ne Sakura-chan you got any food?" she nod and started digging in her bag. She pulled out 20 rice balls of Naruto, and a few sliced tomato for Sasuke. The boys sat down next to her and enjoyed their meals. After eating, or inhaling in Naruto's case, the 3 continued to wait. Sasuke pulled out a book while Sakura rested her head on his lap. Naruto started doing squats, push up, and sit-up to keep himself entertained.

By 9 o'clock Kakashi final showed up. "Hello." He said happily

"Your late!" Naruto shouted. Kakashi rubbed the back of his head.

"Sorry I got lost on the road of life." Naruto glared before shouting 'Liar' Kakashi placed a clock on a stump and set it for noon. "Alright for today's training you will be trying to take these bells away from me." He held up 2 bells. "Failure to do so will be an automatic fail." the genin nod, "Alright begin!" and they disappeared. Kakashi looked around, not even Naruto could be found, "Looks like I'll have to find them myself."


In a small clearing they stood behind the trees so they couldn't be seen. "So what's the plan Sasuke?"

"It's obvious that the test is about team work, and if its team work he wants then it's team work he gets." Naruto nod. Sasuke turned to Sakura, "Do you see him." her eyes were cloudy as she stood in the shadows of a tree.

"Hai, he's 4km north northwest." Sasuke nod.

"Alright lets get going." the others nod.

"Final some fun." Naruto said as he licked his lips.


Kakashi looked around him, 'where are they?' he heard a rustle in a bush, he quickly threw a barrage of shurikens and kunais.

"Hey that's not very nice." Naruto stepped out of the bush, licking his bleeding hand, "That hurts." his wound started healing, he grabbed a kunai and threw it towards Kakashi who quickly dogged and just avoided a strong kick by Sasuke. He slid back and watched the two boys, 'looks like they got it figured out, but where's little Sakura.' he jumped out of the way of a hand full of shurikens coming his way. He used his arm to block a kick from Naruto, with his other hand he grabbed his foot, throwing him towards Sasuke. 'as expected'

Naruto flipped in the air landing next to Sasuke. With a nod of their heads they both started to form hand signs, "Shadow clone Jutsu." 10 Naruto's appeared all charging towards Kakashi. He nimbly dodged each attack, out of the corner of his eye he saw a large fireball heading his way. He jumped back as the Naruto's poofed away. The 2 boys stood in front of him with smug faces. Just as he was about to attack he felt someone behind him. He turned around to see the last member of team 7.

Sakura meet Kakashi's eye, she stood in the shadows under her umbrella. Suddenly her shadow under her lunged towards Kakashi. He just out of the way, but when he landed it attacked again, he kept sidestepping just enough to dodge her attack. 'so she can control her shadow.' he was lost in though to not notice Sasuke and Naruto attack him from behind. Just as they were about to land a hit he ducked, relief was short lived as darkness enveloped him.


"Ne, you think he's dead?" Kakashi let out groan has he tried to block out the voices of his students. He shot up and looked around, next to him were his students all looking at him with curious faces. He stood up and coughed into his hand.

"We'll it looks like you guys got the bells. Well now you have to decide which one of you has to go back to the academy." they all looked at each other, then at Kakashi.

"Here you can have them back." Sasuke threw back the bells. Kakashi gave a questionable look. "If one of us doesn't pass then we all don't pass."

"Yup, we are a team…" Naruto started.

"And we are one." Sakura finished.

Kakashi rubbed his chin, "Hum, you 3 are one you say, well I guess this means…" dramatic pause, " You pass." he smiled.

"Alright! We passed!" Naruto shouted jumping for joy. Sasuke smirked and Sakura gave a small smile. "Hokage here I come!"

Kakashi frowned a little, it looks like he need to have a little talk to Iruka about those profiles.


Did you guys like it. The more reviews the faster I'll update! XD