Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Sniff.
Pairings: Buffy/ Draco
Summary: Buffy was raised by Angelus from an early age, but her past catches up with her.
A frantic pounding made Regulus Black hurry to open his bedroom window. He had barely moved away before Selene Snape crawled through clutching a tiny bundle tightly. Her green eyes searched the room in a panic before relaxing a little. With her free arm she grabbed the rebel young death-eater's shoulder before staring into his soft brown eyes. Becoming more worried each second Regulus shifted under the stare of his childhood friend. "I Don't have much time. Demona is finally not breast feeding which means I am no longer needed. I don't want his hands on her. Please Regi, take her somewhere safe. Far away from here." Selene placed the pink bundle into the young man's arms. Nodding he tighten his hold on the tiny child. "Her full name is Demona Vipera Snape-Riddle. He named her to become his heir. She will be two months old tomorrow. Selene stared at her daughter's silver flecked green eyes. "Thank you." She gave a gentle kiss to Demona and another to her best friend. "I Love you both. Always know that." She whispered before apparting away.
"Kretcher?" Regulus whispered softly so not to disturb the sleeping child. A long ear, long limbed creature stepped out of the shadows in front of his beloved master. The old house elf seemed to know what his master was going to ask and why. He knew that since Regulus recovered the horcux that his life would surly be ending. Soon. "Kretcher, this child is very special to me, but she is in danger in the wizarding world. I won't be able to protect her. Not here. Please take her to a muggle orphanage in America. The father the better. Once you get her safely there you can come back ok. Watch over her. Watch her grow. Be her friend just as you were mine. Can you do that for me? And this is important you must not tell anyone about. Except her." Regulus smiled sadly at the teary eyed house elf. "Master Regulus so good to Kretcher. Yes Kretcher will do as Master Regulus asks." The aging elf held out his thin arms for the child. Regulus got to his feed and went to his writing table. He scribbled two letters, but sealed only one. "Give this to her on her 11th birthday. March 7." Taking the letters Kretcher disappeared, not knowing that it was the last time he would see he'd see his beloved master. Regulus was killed hours later by a fellow death-eater.
Enraged by the disappearance of his beloved daughter Lord Vordermort decided to attack the Potters sooner then planned to lead the hunt for her. As he pointed his wand at the toddler boy the Dark Lord couldn't help but think of his own daughter. Shaking the thoughts from him mind he tried to curse the young Harry Potter, only to have the spell backfire. The shell of the defeated Dark Lord left Gordic's Hollow thinking of his revenge on the young potter child and a way to bring his beloved Demona home.