Bellus Rose

Summary: Two people meet under Orion and realize they have more in common than they once thought. A S/H Fic eventually.

Author's Notes: Warning: this is an S/H fic if you find the pairing disgusting or wrong. Then please don't read the fic! Please leave review if you like this and want more chapters. (This is my first HP Fic you have been warned.)

It was October 29th; it was clear and cool night. It was also Severus Snape's least favorite day of the year. For on this day 9 years ago Severus had lost someone very important to him. That person was Erinyes Snape. Erinyes had been Severus's younger brother and nine years ago he had been murdered Death Eaters. Most of the time Severus had control over his thoughts especially the ones about his brother but on this night the anniversary of his death. Severus found it hard to think of anything else but, his brother. And to make matters even worse Severus had just returned from a Death Eater meeting. Overall he was not in a good mood when he returned to Hogwarts at around 10:00 PM.

Severus had returned to Hogwarts and immediately went down to the dungeons to take a shower in an attempt to wash the filth from his body. Even though he knew it was impossible for he knew most of the filth in his body resided on the inside. He returned to his dark and dingy dungeon and entered his private bathing chambers. And making sure the water was boiling hot he stepped into the shower. After about 15 minutes in the scalding shower he stepped out and dried himself off on an emerald green towel and changed into some clean robes. He didn't even bother putting on pajamas as he knew sleep would not visit him tonight night. And with his black robes billowing behind him he set off to do his nightly rounds.


Up in the Gryffindor Tower, seventh year Hermione Granger was in a horrible mood. She was very restless and couldn't seem to get any sleep. This was because she was completely heartbroken because she had seen her boyfriend of 2 years kissing some other girl in the hallway between classes. Ron Weasley had no idea he had been caught in the act and had not even noticed Hermione's odd behavior. She couldn't believe he had done it. Not after all the fuss he had made about her going to the Yule ball with Viktor Krum. And that had been before they were even dating.

Finally, Hermione decided against trying to fall asleep. She knew it was hopeless. She climbed out of her bed, which elicited a meow of compliant from Crookshanks who quickly settled back down. She slipped on her bathrobe and fluffy slippers and descended the stairs into the Common room. It was deserted when she got there. Although the fire was still burning in the grate. It had become a low red glow and looked inviting. But Hermione decided that she needed some fresh air. She headed out of the portrait hole and walked down the corridor.

Hermione didn't really know where she was going she simply followed her feet and kept thinking about what to do about Ron. When Hermione finally came out of her thoughts she realized where her feet had carried her. She was standing at the entrance to Astronomy Tower.

*Well, I think my feet couldn't have chosen a better place to take me on such a nice clear night. *

And with these thoughts she pushed open the trapdoor like entrance to Astronomy Tower and climbed the last few steps till she was on top of the highest tower in Hogwarts. She pulled her bathrobe tighter around her to make sure she would be warm. Hermione was just starting to relax when she heard a strange sound behind her like that of a flag in the wind. Turning around she saw what was making the noise and her heart sank. There, standing on the edge of the tower stood Professor Snape, his back turned to her. She was just creeping back to the trapdoor and hoped that he never noticed she had been there.

But before she could get there.

"And what, exactly, do you think you are doing out here at this time of night?" Although the voice made her freeze, knowing she was about to be punished. It lacked its usual cold, sneering demeanor and seemed an almost half-hearted attempt to be nasty.

She turned slowly to look at him and saw him looking straight at her. The usual scowl seemed to only half be there. In fact he looked sad, no depressed. She decided not to test his patience tonight.

"Um I couldn't sleep sir, so I decided I might come and look at the stars." She said, expecting some snide remark to come. But it didn't he merely nodded and turned away from her again.

"Umm Professor Snape?" She ventured.

Professor Snape whipped around and looked down at her. There was a sort of intense pain in his eyes. His expression softened and he turned his face away from her looking up at the sky. "Yes, the stars are very bright tonight are they not? As much as I know the feeling of insomnia I cannot allow you to wander around the school after hours without punishment. 5 points from Gryffindor and you will serve a detention with me Miss Granger. Now I think I should escort you back to your Common Room hate to see you hanging by your thumbs in Filch's office if he caught you wandering."

They descended the stairs heading away from the Astronomy Tower and back towards Gryffindor Tower. Hermione finally found her voice and ventured a question.

"Professor, why were you about to jump off the tower?"

"I think Miss Granger that is NONE of your business." The sharp edge was back in his voice. Hermione realized she had definitely crossed a line and quickly apologized.

"Yes, you're right it is none of my business."

"Well, If you must know Granger. It's probably because there is no reason not to. I mean who would miss me?" He asked matter of factly.

"Well I mean what about Dumbledore I mean he would miss you."

"Dumbledore, well he would miss his spy but I doubt he would miss my attitude." He had just told this girl a lie he knew Dumbledore would miss him, as Albus was one of the few friends he actually had. And it was at this point that they arrived at the portrait of the Fat Lady. "I think Miss Granger that this is the end of the line."

Hermione gave the password to the Portrait. (Fire Flies) and walked to the entrance. But just then she turned and said to Snape.

"You're wrong. There are people who would miss you"

"Excuse me? Who? Who would miss me? " Professor Snape sounded completely puzzled. He had a look of confusion and anger on his face?

"I would." She stated matter of factly. As she climbed through the portrait wanting to see the priceless look on Professor Snape's face as he made his way back to the Dungeons.


Was that her idea of a joke? Telling him she would miss him. And she had seemed so out of character. She had been out of bed past curfew. She had always followed rules. But then she had seemed troubled. And why the concern for his welfare? Wasn't it his own affair if he killed himself.

Before he knew it he had reached his bedchambers. Muttering a spell he opened the door and walked in. The sight of the fire greeted him. It was the only warmth in the room. This room suited his mood, black, dark and unwelcoming. He knew it was dangerous to be alone with his thoughts but there was no getting away from them anymore.

Sleep seemed inevitable as he slumped into a chair in front of the fire. Staring into the flames he remembered the night his brother died. That awful night. He had been there he had witnessed it. It was no good trying to get away from the thoughts they wouldn't go. They were there always with him, always in the back of his mind. He had left them grow and now they seemed worse than ever. He knew that he dwelled on them too much. And before his thoughts could attack him more than they already had tonight he fell into a troubled sleep.

** Flashback**

It was his graduation from Hogwarts. Tonight would be the last time he would be in the Great Hall surrounded by his fellow students. He remembered it as the last time he had truly smiled. Glancing up and down the Slytherin table he spotted his brother, his little brother would be starting his 5th year next fall. And he couldn't be happier for his brother or himself, for he had set a new record in the N.E.W.T.S in the Potions section of course, he had always been good at Potions it was one of the few subjects here at Hogwarts that truly made him feel special. Perhaps if he knew that it would be one of the last times he would see his brother alive he would have paid more attention to him.

The next day, he had set out on his own and was studying Potions and experimenting with potions to try and counter act the Unforgivable Curses. The summer past quickly for Severus and with little event. The Death Eaters had asked him multiple times during the summer to join them and make potions for Lord Voldemort. But, he had turned them down all those times, he figured the only reason he hadn't been killed by them yet was simply because they found him to be useful. If they simply could get him to join.their cause. Then, it happened the unthinkable; his brother had been kidnapped during a trip to Hogsmeade and was suspected to be the work of Death Eaters. They had taken his brother and told him if he refused to join their cause they would kill him. He, feeling he had no choice but to join and spare his brother agreed and received his Dark Mark the very same night. As soon, as they had him on their side they killed him right infront of his very own eyes. He had always felt he failed his brother in some way that he should have saved him but there was no changing the past.

**End Flashback**

Severus Snape awoke from the dream in a cold sweat he had never left the chair infront of the fire and soon realized that the once blazing fire had been put out. Most likely from the draft that always seemed to fill the dungeons with a cold chill that made ones blood run cold. He was sick of these dreams, no dreams wasn't the right word, nightmares were the word for what he experienced nightly. He climbed slowly out of the comfortable leather chair and slowly made his way to his private potion stores.

After, little hunting he found what he was searching for, Dreamless Sleep Potion. Moving over towards his canopy bed of dark green with the potion in hand. Sitting down on the bed he drank the potion in one gulp. It tasted like ice but, it did its job and soon he found himself embracing the darkness of sleep.

In Gryffindor tower, Hermione found she was having a much better time than earlier in trying to fall asleep. Soon, after being escorted back to her Common Room by none other than Professor Snape. She sat down infront of the fire simply thinking about their encounter and what had been said between them. She didn't even know why she had said what she said about missing him before entering the warmth of the Common Room. She found after much thinking she didn't regret saying it and that she found that this analyzing had made her quite tired and she soon found herself in bed surrounded by the warmth of the comforter as she drifted into oblivion.