
Scene 1, a room in Seventh Heaven


Enter Cloud, Tifa, Rude, Reno



The silver-haired androgynous young men

Have taken all the kids with Geostigma.



Their base is the Forgotten Capital.



Hie you and bring the poor innocents thence.

I must to Rufus, seeking explanations.



Go to! For shame! T'is an excuse thou seekst

To justify thy failure to do aught.

Thou art sick – aye, thy secret is well out.

Wilt thou not let me help to make thee well?

Wilt thou not go to bring our children home?

Tish, Denzel has more fight in him than thee.

Cloud, if thou art a man, play the man's part.

And if thou lovest us, then open thy heart,

To find the noble soul that once dwelt there.

But, if thou'rt dead to us, and hast no care

But to deny the living, and pursue

Lost dreams, slain hope – if all I fear is true,

If thou and I will ne'er a family make –

Then stay! Stay and die! So shall my heart break!


Exit Tifa



Pay heed to her. We do withdraw forthwith.

All their base are belong to thee. Adieu.


Exit Reno and Rude.



To be or not to be, that is the question.

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to do a barrel roll around my troubles,

And by opposing, end them? Accept the pain

Inflicted by the Planet for my sins,

Embrace the death decreed my punishment

And thus, by calm submission, be at peace?

Or shall I take this sword in hand, and fight,

As once, old friend, I swore to thee I would,

For Tifa, and for Denzel, and Marlene?

Yet how can I, who cannot help myself,

Bring anything but grief to those I love?

I weary of this life. I long for rest.

Oh, when will this nightmare ever end?


enter Aerith's ghost


Aerith's ghost

Dilly-dally shilly-shally.



T'is thee! Oh, saint! Speak again, bright angel!


Aerith's ghost

Dilly-dally shilly-shally.



Such sight of thee my heart hath long desired.

Yet I do fear to trust too-wishful eyes,

Perchance I conjure phantoms from the air

And dress them in the colours of my dreams.

Aerith, 'tis truly you?


Aerith's ghost

The winds of sorrow and of penitence

Drive Cloud through dark skies overcast with doubt.

And, like the restless shadow of the Cloud

I knew, movs't thou across the surface of

The earth. Be still now. Tell me what thou seekst.





Aerith's ghost

Let thy heart be eased. I never blamed thee.



I stood helpless by and watched him kill thee.


Aerith's ghost

My fate could not be altered by thy will.

My timely death my purpose did fulfil.

Forgive thyself, Cloud, as I forgive thee.

Let the sun shine into thy heart. Be free.

Now – let's mosey.



Thy word is my command!

So shall the babes be rescued by my hand.

To the Forgotten Capital I'll go

To save Marlene, and to confront my foe.


Exit Cloud


Aerith's ghost

That Cloud. He thinks he got off pretty lightly.

See how he goes, so eager and so sprightly.

Tee-hee. But I'm not finished with him yet.

Due penance I'll exact, and win my bet.

Zack! He fell for it!


Zack's ghost [off]

I want my sword back.


Exit ghost of Aerith.



Scene 2: A Street in Edge

Enter, oppositely, Cloud and Vincent



Well met by moonlight, Vincent Valentine.

What brings thee to Edge on such a night?



Tseng. And Elena. See'st thou this heavy purse?

I read the flyer up in Icicle Inn:

"Whoe'er to Rufus doth these Turks restore

Shall have the chinks."



You rescued them for gil?

Was it not, rather, ancient loyalties,

Blood-brotherhood, the bonds of suit and tie,

Rememberance of who thou truly art,

That moved thee to take pity on their plight?

'Once a Turk, always a Turk', isn't that

your motto?



No, it's 'By retreating today, we remain victorious,'

Or else, 'Never pass up a free drink, especially on company time.'

With this sweet windfall I'll a cellphone buy.

An iphone? Or are Blackberrys more cool?

O, brave new world, that hath such gadgets in it!

But tell me now, Cloud, whither goest thou?



Due north, there to confront Kadaj and co,

As Aerith did but lately bid me do.



But Aerith is –

[aside] Alas, poor addlepate.

Grief hath turned his reason. I'll by his side

Remain, thus to protect him from himself.

Cloud, good friend, I'll go that way with thee,

To seek the leather-clad young androgynes.

I somewhat of their story late have learned

And to thee I'll impart it as we go….





Scene 3: The Forgotten Capital


Enter Kadaj



If music be the food of love, play on

Uematsu, pluck the strings of my heart;

The tune it plays hath but a single note.

Rufus! That name is music to mine ears.

Rufus! Beguiling everyone who hears!

That first sweet glimpse of my dear angel's face

Melted my heart to fire and liquid light

The which, like beams shot from the rising sun

Piercing the dark dawn, revealed a wonder:

The blue sky, curtained by his eyelids.

And at once my soul rose into his heaven

Therein to worship through all eternity.

Oh, Rufus Shinra is the world to me!

And yet, he is my hated enemy!

Ah, if he only knew the truth that lies

Beneath this black and leathery disguise -

O thou wretch! Miserable, lovesick fool!

This love's a crime can never find confession

For Sephiroth would punish the transgression.

Not a word, then! Not a sigh! Not a breath!

Spoken aloud, my love would mean my death.

God help me! Who's here? Yazoo, 'tis thee?


Enter Yazoo



Our brother doth approach, and with him comes

The red-caped man who stole our Loz' playthings.



Let us go greet them.



Enter Cloud and Vincent, conversing



… And that's how Sephiroth and these triplets

Are connected.



You're well informed. Thank you,

Vincent, for that thorough explanation.

It all makes perfect sense now.


Enter Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz












No, I'm Cloud –



Hail, Vincent Valentine, son of Grimoire!



Turk thou hast been, and vampire thou now art.



And thou shalt be the leading man hereafter,

In thine own first-person shooter RPG.



What devious lie is this? What fresh illusion?



[aside] They have divined my secret wish aright.

Stay, imperfect speakers, stay. Tell me more.



Don't listen to them, Vincent! Sephiroth

Is messing with your head! Such things can't be!



And therefore, Vincent, hero, monster, goon –


Kadaj, Loz, Yazoo

All hail!



Like smoke they fade! Sprites, whither goest thou?



To Edge. The children are already there.



To Edge!



I have a date with Rufus on a roof.



Fail us not!


Exeunt Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo



There is more in them than mortal knowledge.

Cloud, stand not amazed. Make haste and follow.





Did we just come all this way for nothing?


enter Aerith's ghost


Aerith's ghost

Stop lollygagging around, Cloud, and listen.

The silver-haired androgynous young men

Will take Jenova's head from Rufus Shinra

And merge the alien cells with their own bodies

And thus dead Sephiroth will be respawned.

And only you can stop them. But be warned.

Their hideout is a private Catholic girls' school.

The most ferocious of the holy sisters,

Armour-plated, gimlet-eyed, with fiery breath,

Keeps watch upon the gate that guards the virgins,

That none with balls may enter and defile

The sanctified devotions of the maidens.

Therefore, Cloud, in order to gain entrance,

You will have to –



Hang on.


Aerith's ghost

Zack's got the uniform right here. Go on!

Please! It's your size! You'll look so cute, Miss Cloud.



I am not dressing up as a nun.


Aerith's ghost

As if. Sailor Moon. Crossover! Show him, Zack.

The ankle socks are so kawaii. Please, Cloud?



I don't know about this….


Aerith's ghost

You don't want Sephiroth to respawn, do you?



Well, no, but –


Zack's ghost

Come with me, buddy, let's get you changed.

I'll lend a hand and help you with your zipp,

Just like the old days in the SOLDIER locker….



Deviance level rising. Shakespeare is excited. Cast "Review".