Belle was in emphemeral as the beast fixed his eyes apon her. He was unfathomably terrifying, horrid, the lord of this castle for demons, yet she just couldnt register a creature like him could even exist.

'What is theis place!?' She tried not hyperventalating as the thought congregated her innocent being.'What am I doing here?!' She clenched her teeth as her nails dug into her palms. She quivered, and beckoned her strength and fortitude and walked into the light where the demon stood, still fixed on her. She stood in silence as the words she was searching for were hiding in the darkest corners of her brain. The demon groaned with impatience, and Belle's body flinched entirly from the noise and it seemed to insult the beast.

"Well?" He hissed. Clenching his claws like sheeths, cocked and ready to strike.

"Y-..." She held her sorrow like a dog on a leash, trying to escape its abusive master, and swallowed her lament, in both fear for her father, and fear of the beast. "Yes..." She whispered. The beasts ears flickered as the answer danced through his perception, and he chuckled.

"Hehehehehe....your daughter just spared you existence old man, what do you have to say?" He smirked, and just with his size, he forced Belle to the side of the cellar enterance, and jerked her father from the cell. Before her Father could reply, the demon drug him out of the dungeon back up the stairs.

"Wait!" Belle bolted for the dungeon door, but the beast pulled tightly shut and locked it with a plank of wood. She banged on the door. "Father, I love you!!" She hit the door less and less and sunk to the floor, her eyes burned as they were drowned in boiling tears.


"No! Please spare my Belle, PLEASE!!" Her father pleaded wasting his breath as the beast held his throat, but the demon ignored his imploring and threw him in a strange spider like carrage.

"She isnt your concern old man!!" He through Maurice inside and slammed the door shut. "Take him away from here!" He walked off like a salking wolf back into the castle and slammed its doors shut. The carrage ripped away at the vines that had grew over its legs, and it crawled out of the castle estate, Belle noticed the sound of rushing water, as a water system worked beneath the castle, recycled rain and bath water, thrown out, and rushing upwards towards the river. It was a long drop, like an underground watefall, sure to drown her in a minute or so. She layed her head onto the open window, cradling her face, hot and itchy from tears.

The carrage crawled many miles past Maurice's own village, past mountains passes and bridges over rivers, it traveled at night out in the open, and hid in the day. There was no reasoning with the carrage, and no one ever saw it, so Maurice waited for two days, hoping, praying, crying, that somehow, Belle would be safe, unharmed, until he could retrieve her, take her home and never ever part with her. It at a wealthy town which Maurice had never been to, or had any idea where it was located. In short, he was lost, his daughter held captive by a demon, and no help for maybe months.

Belle looked out to the gusshing falls, concidering just leaping from the window to a death well treasured and diserved, and yet, her body refused to move, it went limp as only her head rested on the rim, she inhailed a great damp breath lifting her head high and screamed to the world, but it only echoed for a split second as it bounced off the water. But it was shriek so bloodcurdling, and so dejecting, the demon walking down to the dungeon felt something, a feeling he often learned to ignore, but it seemed to rest in a corner of his corrupted mind, covered with dust. Is it fear? Hatred? Guilt? Instead he found the noise annoying, and selfish. Lumiere waited at the top of the stairs, infront of the barricaded door.

"Master?" He asked, and the beast shot him a stare. He smiled weakly as if guilty. "I was just going to suggest, since the girl is going to be with us for quite some time, I thought you could let her stay in a room other than the dungeon?" He tapped his little candle wick hands together, holding the same weak grin as his Master's chest rumbled. The beast was angry enough, as it was that yet another girl was here, bothering his lonely tranquility. He guessed she wasnt a virgin, likely married, a whore of the sort like the rest. He had even seen her face as sublime it was habitually. He thought ;as he was lifting the giant wooden plank, keeping the dungeon door locked; if she hated being here that bad, why doesnt she just jump out the window?- The demon thought gravely. He opened the door, and saw a pair of hands, gripping onto the rim of the window sill. I spoke to soon, thought the beast, and he leaped across the room, gripped just one arm with a giant paw, and yanked her away from the sill.

"What the hell do you think your doing?!" The demon snarled in her face, she shivered, and held her gaze, not speaking a word, as the sorrow converted into enmity. The demon dropped her to her knees and stalked on all fours to the dungeon enterance.

"You..." She growled. The demon turned at her with his blood red eyes, and lifted his lip in her direction. "You, didnt even let me say goodbye." She clawed the stone floor, making the tips of her fingers bleed. " I will never, ever, see my Father again!!" She leaped and ran straight for the beast, snarling as loud as her young voice could, and leaped on his giant, wolf like body. Gripping his fur as tightly as she could, but she was ripped off swiftly like a piece of paper, and dragged my her torso up the stairs. "Go to hell you monster! You ruinied my life! You monster!! MONSTER! MONSTERRRR!!!" She wailed throughout the castle. Soon, every servant heard her cries of anguish, and only hoped that the demon wouldnt kill her. Monster, was the word that the Lord most loathed.

He stalked on two's falling forward to catch his balance for a second, then rose again. If he wanted he could stand perfecty straight. Arms to his sides with his long wolf human/legs. And though his tail was small, it provided enough balance to do so. Walking though, he could lose balance, he could take swift steps, and leap very high with powerful strength. But walking for long periods of time, with a girl in one hand was annoying as it was aberrant. After all, the girl can walk, right? After he was in a hallway that was open, and closer to a room Belle would be living in from now on, he dropped her. "Follow me, or else." He growled. Belle swiftly rose, and shuffled behind him. Now he was on all fours, leading Belle down a hall way filled with the night sky, with demons reaching for her from the sides of the walls, but to the Beast and Lumiere's bewilderment, she seemed engrossed in the arcitecture more than in fear of it.

The the lords discomfort, he knew that to get through to anyone he had to speak literally, he turned slightly in her direction and it naturally caught her prompt attention. "The château is you home now, so you can go anywhere, accept the west wing." His tail swished with an emotion belle couldnt register.

"What in the west-?"

"Its forbidden!" He leaped around and faced her, she fell on her botom, and coward in her place. He then turned around and continued down to a room which its door handles were bathed in filth. The demon took no notice and opened the door. Obediantly Belle walked in and looked straightout a giant extravegant window on the oposite side of the giant room, it overlooking the entire forest with such fine atonement. Yet, she didnt show any emotion. "Now, if you have a request, consult my servants with my liberty, you will assemble with me at any time of my choosing, that is my decree!" He slammed the door shut. Belle turned to clash, but she only hit the door with her fists, and screamed. She locked the door and then bolted for her bed.