Jenny slowly swallowed the lump in her throat. She was here. Where he was. What would he do if he saw her? Jenny knew he didn't know because Dan had deliberately not mentioned it.

Jenny wore a checked blue blouse, light blue skinny jeans with white pumps. Her blond hair was tied back and hidden under a straw hat. She strode forward towards the desk and asked what room she was in.

"Miss Humphrey, you're in room 217. It's in the east block," the woman behind the desk replied. She had hair that desperately needed brushing and a bright red lose shirt and jeans. She had an old green beaded necklace wrapped round her neck.

"Thanks," Jenny replied smiling. "But try maybe a suit for work. You'll look much better."

The woman looked at what she was wearing as if she hadn't understood a word Jenny had said. " Any way welcome to Columbia University."

Jenny walked back outside and instructed her valet wear she wanted her bags. Her dad and Lily were still going strong. There had been a few issues such as when their son Scott came along and hit on Blair. Chuck was pretty pissed off by that, which ended with Scott getting the beating of his lifetime. Blair hadn't minded. She found it quite flattering. Then there was when Dan kissed Vanessa. Serena so wasn't happy. Lily almost had a heart attack when she caught Eric in bed with some guy from NYU, in her and Rufus' bed.

As Jenny walked down the hallway to her dorm, it reminded her of when she use to walk, well strut down the school hallways and everyone gawked at her regardless of what gossip was going on about her. Flicking the key, Jenny opened the door. A tall willowy girl with long dark hair was looking out of the window. She slowly turned to face Jenny.

"Hello again Jenny Humphrey," Agnes Andrews smirked.

"Agnes?" Jenny whispered. "What are you doing here?"

"Mum thought I should get some sort of degree. As if, she wanted to send me away because I shagged her boyfriend," Agnes shrugged.

Jenny looked around, Agnes had suitcases spilling clothes all over the floor. She didn't like how she had acted when she was around Agnes. It had fun-sure, but not cool. With all the partying and shirtless pics. Jenny was sort of relieved he had come to rescue her. But Agnes had the 'look at me' factor. That wasn't always good.

"How did you get into this kind of college?"

"I have my sources. And so have you from what I heard. Your dad and that rich woman who lost her husband in that crash."

"Lily" corrected Jenny as she dumped her suitcases on her bed. "Which is my wardrobe?"

"I think there'll be room in there," pointed Agnes as she unpacked a bottle of alcohol. Was you allowed alcohol in the dorms? "Want some Jen?"

Jenny shook her head. "I kind of wanted to check out campus."

Agnes shrugged. "You're right. Why should I stay in here. I'll go check out the bars." Agnes rushed past Jenny clutching her bag and jacket.

Jenny rolled her eyes and left the building and headed towards the grounds where she could sit and watch how college life was meant to go. At the side lines of the path was a bunch of girls telling these other girls what to do. I walked over there, listening closely to what they were saying.

"This is my signature! You don't ever wear these shoes ever again. You hear me?" the tall girl in the middle with mouse brown hair snapped pointing at a girl with wild chestnut hair who nodded and scurried away without her shoes.

"Ecscuse me," interrupted Jenny as she pushed her way towards them. "But aren't they that girls shoes?"

"Which are my signature shoes," the girl replied.

"So? That's how trends start."

"Who are you?" the girl asked as she stepped in front of Jenny. She was at least a head taller than her and towered over Jenny. "I'm Lizzie Barswar. This is my campus."

"Jenny Humphrey."

"Freshamn," Lizzie commented as she looked Jenny up and down. "Stylish. She could be a good accessory with a lot of improvement."

"No thanks," Jenny replied. "I was queen of my high school for two years, and a year as a follower. It was fun, but I really can't be bothered to be bossed about, or boss people about."

"Well, you better follow the rules."

"Or else what?"
"Or else We'll…….Hey sweetie how was it New York?"

Jenny could feel the wind brush past her, forcing a familiar cologne to interrogated her. Looking down, she saw a similar shadow.

He walked past Jenny without even glancing at her and kissed Lizzie. He held her face in his hands. "It was great. You'd love Brooklyn."

Was Jenny's ears deceiving her? Had he just claimed he lived in Brooklyn? He did for a while but as far as she knew he'd spent the holidays in Europe.

"Such a pity my dad doesn't like having guests over."

His dad? Wasn't he still in jail?

"What about you?"

Lizzie grinned "Wonderful, but I missed you. You should really come to Queens."

"I might," he replied kissing Lizzie softly.

Jenny felt herself hyperventilating. He was just a few centimeters away. Lizzie glanced her way. "Sweetie I want you to meet a newbie."

"Sure," he replied as he turned around to see Jenny. He froze. She was here in Columbia. Her long blond hair. Her sweet blue eyes. Her happy gorgeous smile. Her long long legs. Her oh so sexy curves. "Jenny Humphrey."

Jenny smiled. Was it possible that he was more gorgeous than ever. His blondy brown hair flopping across his forehead. His midnight blue eyes darkening. His sharp cheek bones and killer jaw. "Nate Archibald, wondered when I'd see you. Chuck says he'll be visiting to do business."

Nate understood clearly. Chuck wanted to party with booze and girls. It was an obvious he and Blair had broken p-again. Probably because Chuck might've just let his eyes wander a bit too far.

"What are you doing here?" Nate asked quickly forgetting about a gobsmacked Lizzie and rushing over to hug Jenny. It felt so good to be close to Jenny. To be hugging her. To be able to smell the strawberry shampoo. Just to touch her meant everything. Jenny was back where he wanted her, in his arms.

Jenny felt herself snuggle into Nate's chest but quickly pushed him away remembering Lizzie was watching. It hurt so much just to see him again and that hurt was good.