Prisoner of Azkaban w Harry potter

Disclaimer: am I famous? Hmm… lemme think on it… nope. I am NOT J.K. Rowling (her majesty, I bow to you if you come across this silly plot bunny). And I am NOT making profit from my plot bunnies, just for my amusing shits and giggles and possibly yours as well.

If you recognize it –some lines will be from the book- then they belong to her majesty not moi other wise it is probably part of my little blot bunny. Please enjoy my ramblings!

Chapter 1. The Knight Bus

Sirius watched silently as the James look-a-like sat down on a low wall panting. Sirius was amazed how still he was. He looked just like James when he was utterly pissed.

Sirius was somewhat relieved when the anger left the boy's features but as he moved forward to approach him fear replaced the anger. He was fidgety, looking back and forth down the darkening street he looked like Lily before she had walked down the aisle.

Lost in the memory Sirius barely noticed the boy rummaging through his trunk.

"Achoo." Sirius sneezed and cringed as the boy stiffened and looked around, he knew it hadn't been loud but it was a guarantee that he had Lily's sharp ears and could hear just about any simple noise.

When the boy turned back to his trunk Sirius sighed with relief, startled having made sure not to make any noise as the boy whipped his head back around and looked directly at his hiding spot.

"Lumos." Sirius heard the boy whisper. As the boy held his wand high over his head Sirius noticed just how much he looked like his best friend.

He knew he had surprised the boy when stepped backwards and fell over his trunk. Knowing this was his only chance Sirius barked happily as the wand fell out of the boys' hand and pranced over to him. The same time Sirius reached the fallen boy there came a rather loud bang and a blinding light as a bus rounded the corner.

"Welcome to the knight bus, emergency transport for any stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor this eve-" the pimply guy stopped talking as he noticed the boy on the ground and Sirius.

Given this moment the boy snatched up his wand again and got to his feet.

"Whatcha doin down there?" Stan asked as the boy stood up.

"Fell over." He muttered.

"Whatcha fell over for?"

"I didn't do it on purpose." He retaliated his jeans torn on his knee, and his palm was starting to bleed.

"Dat cha dog?" Stan asked noticing Sirius who nuzzled his hand lovingly causing the boy to look down at him and smile.

"Um… yeah…"

Barking happily again Sirius jumped up and began licking the boys face with atrociousness.

"Down boy…" the boy said trying to keep their cover and bending over to pick up his trunk.

"I'll git dat. You and the dog git inside." Stand said stepping out of the way for them to get in the bus and going for the trunk.

After a minute of mutterings and random noises Stan got the trunk on the bus.

"Woss your name?" Stan asked as he sat.

Sirius made himself comfortable on the end of the bed the boy was sitting on.

"James." The boy said making Sirius look at him funny and whine causing the boy to place a hand on his head to silence him and looked back at the conductor. "So- so this bus did you say it can go any where?"

"Longs' it's on land. Can't do nuffink underwater. 'Ere you did flag us down dincha? Stuck out your wand hand dincha?"

"Yes. Listen how much would it be for us to get to London?"

"Eleven sickles. But fourteen if you get 'ot chocolate and for fifteen you get an 'ot water bottle an' a toofbrush in the color of your choice."

Sirius watched as the boy delved into his trunk and extracted a moneybag and handed the exact change to Stan who then bit each coin before placing them into his pocket.

"This is our driver. Ernie Prang. This is James, Ern."

Ernie Prang the elderly wizard wearing rather thick glasses nodded to them.

"Take 'er away, Ern." Stan said sitting in his armchair next to Ernie's.

Sirius listened vaguely as the boy and Stan talked about the bus and something about muggles.

"That man!" the boy said suddenly causing Sirius to look up from his slumber state. "He was on the muggle news!"

Stan flipped to the front page of the paper he was holding and chortled.

"Sirius black. 'Course 'e was on the muggle news. James where you been?"

Stan laughed again at the look on the boys face and handed him the paper telling him to read it.

"Scary looking fing inne?"

"He murdered thirteen people with one curse?"

"Yep. Black woz a big supporter of You-Know-'Oo." Stand said in an exaggerated whisper, making Sirius growl.

"What Voldemort?"

Sirius barked in laughter as Stan's pimples when white and Ern jerked the steering when so hard a whole farmhouse had to jump out of the way.

"You outta your tree?!" Stan yelped. "Whatcha say 'is name for?"

"Sorry." The boy said sheepishly. "I forgot."

"Forgot… blimey my 'eart's goin' that fast."

Sirius still chuckling laid his head back down on his front paws and again stopped listening to the conversation and dozed for a while.

"Right then James. Where-abouts in London?"

"Diagon alley."

"Righto. 'Ang on!" Stan said as they blasted through another few towns and were rolling to a stop on the cobbled street in front on the Leaky Cauldron.

"Thanks." The boy said scrambling to get out of the bus Sirius following on his heels.

Sirius watched as the boy helped Stan with his trunk and a birdcage to the street.

"Well bye then!" the boy said enthusiastically.

"There you are Harry!" a voice boomed from behind them.

Sirius watched the exchange in silence except for a growl when the minister placed his hand on the boys shoulder and steered him into the pub and into a back room.

"Sit down, Harry." The minister said indicating a chair by the fire. "I am Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic. Well Harry you've had us all in a right flap. I don't mind telling you. Running away from your uncles house like that. I'd started to think… but your safe and with a new companion I see."

"oh yes. He is very protective it seems but other than that he's pretty quiet." Harry said smiling down at Sirius.

Sirius yipped softly in response nudging Harry's hand with his nose.

After a few minutes of talking the minister called Tom the barkeep to show Harry and Sirius to room eleven.

"If you'll follow me Mr. potter I already sent your things upstairs."

Inside room eleven was a very comfortable looking bed with very old furnishings that looked to have a fresh coat of polish on them , a crackling fire and to Sirius' dismay perched on top of the wood dresser was a snowy white owl.

It looked just like his mothers.

"Hedwig!" Harry exclaimed as the bird flew down to Harry.

Sirius snorted as he heard Tom say that the owl was smart. Of course owls are smart. Sheesh…

Prancing to the bed Sirius lay on the foot of the bed and looked expectantly at Harry.

Harry placed the Hedwig into her cage where she belonged and walked over to Sirius and began stroking his head.

"It has been a very odd night… Oi vey…" Harry said flopping back on the bed and falling to sleep without even taking off his glasses.

Once Sirius was sure Harry was asleep he grabbed his wand to run to the attached bathroom and shut the door.

Once he shifted back into his human form and silently cast a Silencio and a locking hex over the door so he could do what he needed.

Looking under the sink he found a row of things to be transformed.

Once he transformed a razor and a can of shaving crème he attacked his face until it looked like he was twelve years younger, a ghost of the person he used to be.

After he was sure he had not missed any of his face he cast a trimming charm on his greasy hair and then a straitening charm.

He smirked at his reflection, he looked like Snivelus.

Turning the water on full blast he transformed the razor into a bar of soap and the can of shaving crème into shampoo.

Letting the rags fall off of his body he climbed into the steaming shower.

Sighing happily as the hot water hit his sore shoulders he reached for the shampoo and squeezed a large dollop into his palm before scrubbing his head till it hurt, then grabbing the bar of soap he began to wash his body.

Twelve years without a shower did horrible things to his body. Once he was done with his shower he cast a drying spell over his body and over the bathroom so if the boy woke up he wouldn't notice anything. After dressing he made sure to transfigure everything under the sink and undid the charms on the door he transformed back into his dog form and trotted back to the bedroom where the owl watched his every move. One good growl and the owl acted as if it was asleep.

Sniggering he placed the wand on the floor next to Harry's hand and hopped back up on the bed and fell into the most comfortable sleep he had had in twelve years.