Gaaa~ I don't know how I even started writing this :S well, ignore xD

Parings: MiyagixShinobu, UsagixMisaki and deep friendship between the ukes :D

Summary: Shinobu starts taking literature classes, but because of an incident, he now has to temporarily take his class at M University. That's where he meets Misaki and have Kamijou as their professor.

They may be out of character, and like i said before, of course they will somewhat be, i wasnt the one who made them :O

For two weeks, M and T University students would take the literature morning classes together, since for some unknown reason, their professor had died and they still didn't had another replacement.


Sumi was absent from school because he went on a business trip with his father for 10 days. Misaki was alone again, like the first couple of days when he barely came to this school.

The students who knew knothing about the rumors about M University, sat down at whichever empty seat and most of the girls who knew each other started with the gossip that Misaki was gay. Everyone that was new heard about it and he could feel all the eyes staring down at him.

He suddenly heard a loud noise near him. A boy with light brown hair sat down next to him. Obviously, the boy had also heard the so-called rumor, but he didn't care since he himself was homosexual and it wasn't a rumor, it was a fact.

"Good Morning," Misaki said out of nowhere. He was nervous, like he always was with people he'd never met before, but also relieved that he wasn't left alone.

Shinobu stared at Misaki for seconds and turned around, completely ignoring him.

Someone opened the door, making a loud noise, catching everyone's attention, making them go silent. It was that rumored Kamijou the Devil.

As soon as both, Misaki and Shinobu, saw him, both their faces filled with disgust, and made a small "ugh" sound.

Misaki had already heard from Akihiko that he and Hiroki had once had sex, and Shinobu, just didn't like how he was always with his beloved Miyagi. Both boys were now filled with jealousy.

They turned to face each other with a blank face and let out a small chuckle. Laughing at each others' jealousy.

"I'm Takatsuki Shinobu, you can just call me Shinobu," he said almost whispering.

"Takahashi Misaki, nice to meet you and Misaki is also fine," he said as low as he could, but Hiroki had already started his lesson, and had heard them, but decided to let it go just this once.

Fifteen minutes had seen since class started and Shinobu whispered, "Hey, Misaki, why did you made that face when you saw him" the younger boy asked as he tiltled his head toward Hiroki.

Misaki blushed instantly, he didn't know what to say and he definately wasnt going to say that that man had had sex with his lover... Lover. That word made him panic like everytime he thought about it.

Lover, hahaha there's no way. Ha... but I've had sex with him, and even gone on a date, and more sex countless of times... Gaah! That makes me gay... no no no wait. I. Am. Not. Gay.

Misaki had this thoughts revolve around his head and million others.

Shinobu finally knew how Miyagi felt when he teased Hiroki. He tried to keep himself from laughing at Misaki, who was so easily read and flustered, and made many different and weird faces.

"N-no, it's nothing, it's just that... that a friend of mine had a relationship with him... " Misaki said the first thing that came to his mind.

Shinobu glared at him suspisiously and leaned forward to Misaki's ear and whispered, "relationship? Do you mean sex? And is he your boyfriend?" On the outside he was expresionless, but inside, the young boy was really amused.

Bulls eyes Misaki thought.

"Hahaha, of course not," he laughed nervously and then continued 'laughing,' but this time higher and louder.

Horki instantly turned his attention to the two young boys. He grapped the two closest books and threw them. Misaki was an easy target, but as for Shinobu, it was the opposite. He dodged it, and landed on the girls' desk from behind.

"Did you see that, that was so cool!"

"Kyaa~, he's so good-looking."

"Who is he?"

"He's Shinobu Takatsuki-kun."

"I heard he's from a wealthy family."

"No way!"

"Yeah, and I think he's also the Dean's son..." All the classrom stared and talked about Shinobu.

Misaki couldn't believe it, he thought he was just a commoner like him, so he asked, "is that true?"

"Yeah," Shinobu responded with his robot face as he was still glaring at Hiroki.

Misaki could feel the tension between the other two ukes, but Hiroki clearly ignored him and continued with his lesson as soon as he shut everyone up.

How can Miyagi stand such a brat like him...


Misaki and Shinobu had grown quite friendly and after their classes were over, they went to a store and bought some pocky and gum and then headed to the train station.

On the way there, Misaki felt uncomfortable with the awkward silence. "Say, why were you glaring at Kamijou-sensei the whole time?" Misaki asked not looking at Shinobu straight to face since he somehow was scared of his glare.

"You didn't answer my questions either," he replied also not looking at Misaki and not changing his expression.

"y-yes..."Misaki said nervously and added, "that's for the two questions."

"It was somewhat obvious considering that Hiroki is a whore;" still not showing Misaki another expression.

"Why do you think that?" The older boy asked filled with curiousity.

"Whenever I go to Miyagi's office, they are always one on top of the other," Shinobu said while finally changing his expression, which clearly showed he was jealous, and even Misaki could tell that much.

"Why do you care fo- Wait, what!? Miyagi-sensei, does that mean you're gay!?" He said bluntly, not caring if his shock was obvious or not.

"He is MY lover,"Shinobu said 'my' different from the other words, looking directly at Misaki's green eyes, as if warning him to stay away from him.

"i-i see.." Misaki said, with no other words to think of saying until they reached the train station.

"This is were we part," Misaki said standing infront of Shinobu, "I'll see you tomowwow, Shinobu," the dark brown hair boy said with a grin on his face and the other teen couldn't help but smile himself.

Gaa~ after i don't how many years it's been (i like to exaggerate) i finally updated it, i have to thank rebeccasanfujieijilvr because she revived my will to type xD I'll probably update again on Tuesday... tomorrows lazy day, Monday i have to go to the doctor and Tuesday... well i get to update this story :D