Bella is on the run from a branch of our government known as Division. She is a Pusher; she can make her thoughts your own. She is the strongest Pusher Division has seen. So what happens when she moves to Forks? Will she find a family who both accepts and understands her? Will she find peace with a with a certain bronze haired vampire? or will Division tear her world apart?
this is my first crossover that I've done. if u like it I've got more
Chapter 1: Moving In
Bella's P.O.V.
I hate the government.
this is the fifth time in a year that Division has forced me to move. so far I've lived in London, Paris, Hong Kong, and Rome; and that was just this year.
This time, I hoped that somewhere less flashy might help hide me, although with Division nothing was guaranteed.
Division is really good. I mean I wan in Paris for less than twenty-four hours before two of Division's agents found me.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm Bella. I don't really have a last name because I move from place to place too often for one name to stick.
I'm a Pusher; meaning I can pretty much control your mind. I'm the strongest Pusher that Division has seen. I remember once that I was caught by two Sniffs from Division. I made one of them believe that the other killed his sister, who never existed. It ended up with one of the Sniffs on the ground with a bullet wound in his neck, and me being able to steal their car, and make my escape. That was one of my easy get aways.
Since I am a Pusher it's pretty easy to pretend to be someone's cousin staying over for the weekend. I never stay in one neighborhood more than two weeks. It is too easy for them to trace me if I do. But even if Division hadn't found me in those two weeks; I felt guilty for going into a stranger's home and using them. But it was a necessity; I didn't really have any money to spend on material things, like food and rent.
I have met others like me; others running from Division, too.
There was Cassie in Hong Kong. She was a second generation Watcher. In other words she can see the future. Her mom was the strongest Watcher that they've found. And I don't know why but she was caught by Division. She must've had a reason otherwise she would've stayed with Cassie.
And then there was Oliver in London. He was a shifter. He could change an item's physical appearance temporarily.
Anyway, back to the present. Today was the day that I told Charlie Swan that I was his daughter. Little did he know that his real daughter, whose name was Bella, too, luckily enough, was still living in Forks with his ex-wife.
I arrived at his modest house without a glitch.
Charlie completely accepted my story, and led me up to the room that would, for the time being, be mine.
Charlie said that he would enroll me in high school tomorrow. I didn't object, but it couldn't hurt to go to the school for a little while, could it?
I looked around "my" room. The other Bella seamed a lot like me. She apparently liked to read, there were at least three shelves overflowing with books.
I picked one up at random and looked at the title. I was a little surprised to see that the worn paperback was a copy of Macbeth, and, on closer inspection, I saw that there was more Shakespeare on the shelf. She was a fan of the Classics, too? It was obvious that she was. I glanced at the other titles on the shelves. Names like Jane Austin, Charlotte Bronte, and Nathaniel Hawthorne jumped out at me.
I was surprised at how similar this girl was to me. I looked at the dresser that held a bunch of framed photos. She even looked like me. The same length and color hair, and the same size, approximately.
I lay down on the worn quilt on the bed and began to read the book I was holding. It was past midnight when I looked up at the clock. It had been a long time since I'd been able to have a good long read and get completely lost in the book.
I crept down the hall to the bathroom, with my clothes in hand.
Once I got back to bed, I fell asleep almost as soon as I turned out the light.
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