Disclaimer: I own the plot and only the plot. The rest belongs to SM, Summit entertainment and others who are not me.

A/N: This is my first posted story, reviews would be wonderful. I'm always open to constructive criticism. This is also un-betaed so please forgive any typos or minor errors. If you find any biggies feel free to PM me and I'll fix them. Okay, now to the story. Thanks for reading!

Leah's POV

Here we go again, another night at bloodsucker bed and breakfast. We've been here so long that I've actually gotten use to the smell. Mama Vamp thinks of Seth and Jake as the sons she'll never have. She's getting to use that ridiculously extravagant kitchen they have. I mean, why do you have marble countertops and stainless appliances, when you don't eat. We've been doing this for over a month now. We spend our nights here, and our days at my house. Mom's been kind of MIA lately so it's been turned into the unofficial HQ of our little renegade pack. Can you imagine five wolves crammed into one little house. It was barely big enough for mom, dad, Seth and I before we started phasing, but somehow we managed. I would make breakfast and/or lunch and Mrs. Dracula would make dinner.

She kind of reminded me of Emily, always in the kitchen, always cooking. Of course thinking of Emily made me think of Sam. Who would have guessed that after all this time it would still hurt? I pushed thoughts of us, how we used to be, out of my mind. Those were happier times before he phased, before he imprinted. It was a lot easier not to think about him when I didn't have to hear his thoughts all the time. They were always about her. He tried to hide it, but I knew. I made the right decision following Jacob. I was happier here, not happy, but happier. It was a step. I was sitting at the top of a tree in the forest surrounding the Cullen's home. I looked down to see Jake lounging on the front porch. His eyes were closed, but he wasn't asleep. He was thinking. I couldn't help but think that he looked like a giant retriever just laying on the porch like that. Hell, they treated us like pets. Jacob was their giant lab. What did that make me a Doberman? When I was younger, I wanted a puppy but my dad had said no. I understand now, that would just be weird. I jumped down from the tree and found a nice place to phase. It was almost dawn, time for the night shift to go home. As soon as I phased he changed his thoughts. He had been doing that a lot lately, but I didn't ask. I decided I really didn't care. He was probably just daydreaming about Bella… again. That bitch, no pun intended, annoyed me to no end, yet here we are protecting her and the spawn she's carrying. It was evil anyway if you asked me. "That's why nobody asks you" Jake growled in my head. Shit, I forgot he could hear me. I cleared my mind, and we began the run back to La Push.

We were almost at the edge of the forest when I realized we were alone. "Quil is babysitting Claire so Embry took over patrol with Seth." Oh, well that explains it. I phased quickly and made my way to the house. I was starving. Esme seemed nice enough, but I refused to make anything that the leeches made. They wouldn't know good food if it bit them. I laughed to myself as I made my way to the kitchen Jacob was right behind me dressed in his usual cut off sweats. Personally, I think that wearing the same thing for days is disgusting. I make it a point to shower at least once a day, then again they're guys. I finished my sandwich and headed for the shower. Jake and the others had practically been living here since we broke away from Sam's pack. Our house was across the rez from his so it was sort of convenient. Jake wasn't nearly as annoying as I thought he would be. I had even started to like the kid, but I had never been alone with him before. Jake, Embry, Quil and Seth usually slept downstairs so I assumed that I would be alone. I went into my room, which was right next to the bathroom and was about to close the door when I noticed something on my bed "Jake!" I screeched. I was so surprised I almost dropped my towel. He shot bolt upright and turned bright red when he noticed me clutching my towel. He quickly averted his eyes and half ran out of the room "sorry" he mumbled as he passed me. "I just wanted to talk. I'll… never mind" and he damn near flew down the stairs. Okay, that was weird. He must have taken a shower downstairs because wow he smelt awesome.

I dressed in my pajamas and went downstairs. I was greeted with the sight of Jake pacing the living room floor. He was dressed in another pair off cut-offs and I was oddly aware of what he had underneath them. I could smell him again, stronger this time. My breath caught in my throat and I wanted to run, but I couldn't. He noticed me too. We locked eyes and were frozen. I got this funny feeling in the pit of my stomach as my eyes moved from the unreadable expression on his face, down his arms and chest, to his abdomen… I pulled my gaze back up and realized that he was doing the same thing to me, his eyes lingering just a little too long at my chest. I recognized the look now, Lust. I was almost positive that I had the same look on my face. We locked eyes again and he closed the distance between us in three strides. When our skin touched it was as if we were on fire, the good kind. He scooped me up, and I didn't think he would make it to my room, but we did. It was the oddest feeling, I was completely aware of my surroundings, but I couldn't control my actions. I was a prisoner to my own body, but I didn't care. He was so sweet, so gentle so…"wait!" I shouted as convincing as I could. I really didn't want him to stop. He was showering kissed all over my body and it felt so good. He looked at me shocked, his face only inches from mine "I'm sorry" he stammered "did I do something wrong?" Aww he was nervous. I smiled "no, you didn't, it's just that…" I looked for the right words "do you really want your first time to be with me?" confusion crossed his face, then he smiled again and kissed me our first kiss. The fire ignited hotter than before as we became one. I don't even remember when the clothes came off.

Now I wasn't a virgin, I had ad been with Sam many times before, but it was never like this. Jacob was gentle and attentive while Sam was rough and demanding. Now don't get me wrong I like rough and demanding, but gentle and attentive is good too. He was a lot better that I expected. My first time with Sam had been horrible. We both had no idea what we were doing and it was awkward to say the least. I did get better though. I know, I know, you don't want to sit here and listen to me compare alphas all night, although h I do realize that the sex is very similar to their alpha style. Sam wants it, he gets it. While Jake likes to ask nicely and give you a choice. I prefer having a choice. Alright, were was I?

Right, details, our first kiss, I have to admit Jake is a really good kisser, surprisingly since the only other person he ever kissed was Bella friggin Swan. Ugh. Bitch. His lips were soft and warm. He kissed me gently at first; afraid that I would stop him again, once he was sure that I wouldn't the tongue action began. Deeping as the kiss went on. The clothes came off in a furry, not caring if they were torn. Our parents were used to us shredding through clothes by now. I felt hi erection brush against my leg, and foreplay be damned. I needed him now. I pulled him up to my face, kissing him again and wrapped my legs around his waist. Again nature took over and he slipped into me effortlessly. It was the single most exquisite sensation that I had ever had. It just felt so right. The entry alone sent me into blissful tremors. As soon as I stopped he started, moving slowly at first then pumping harder and harder, pushing me further and further into ecstasy. When I finally couldn't take it anymore, Jake was the sweetest torture a girl could ever wish for, I broke into violent tremors, my voice caught and provoked by my climax he came with me. We both collapsed. He rolled off of me, but neither one of us spoke until our breathing returned to normal. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face into my neck as we drifted off to sleep. We would talk tomorrow.

When I woke up the sun shining through my windows, which in itself was amazing. It's almost never sunny in Forks; we're the overcast capital of the world. That's not what woke me up though; it was the soft voice calling my name. I turned to see Jake staring at me. I opened my mouth to ask him what he wanted but before I could say anything, he kissed me. It was soft, not like the passionate ones we had shared last night. When he broke the kiss I looked up into his eyes again and what I saw surprised me, it was love. He pulled me in for another kiss and there was a shocked gasp from the doorway. We turned just in time to Embry fly from the doorway, at least it wasn't Seth. I really didn't want to explain to my little brother that why I was naked in bed with our alpha. "I'll go talk to him" Jake said hopping out of bed and heading toward the door. "Pant's!" I whispered. He'd almost gone down the stairs with out them. He found them and threw them on before smiling at me and heading down the stairs. I was gonna need another cold shower.