A/N: Because some battle entry quotes broke my brain.
Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with Square Enix, blah blah blah don't own, don't make money. Fan fun thing.
It wasn't like he wanted to run into the stupid clown. Every other person he'd faced in battle, with Cosmos or Chaos, had been nothing but unreasonably mean to him. Come on, "you should be aware of your naivete" wasn't that just a little uncalled for? Tidus noticed that the Warrior of Light didn't bother talking down to most other people he fought. Why was it just him? But then, no, he had to run into the insane clown. The insane clown that happened to fight very well, in a chaotic boom boom EXPLOSIONS kind of way.
Manikins were poor imitations of the real thing. Tidus had trouble against the Kefka manikins. He'd better get down on those knees and pray to High Summoner Ohalland to guide his feet. Nonetheless, if Tidus could beat Braska's Final Aeon multiple times, he sure as hell could beat a mere clown. So there he stood, Brotherhood in hand, ready to begin--
And the clown heaved an irritable groan.
"Why don't you just go back to the beach already?"
Tidus was stunned. Wow. Kefka didn't even want to fight him. Granted, it wasn't as if he'd be chomping at the bit to go after Sephiroth or the Cloud of Darkness, but if they crossed paths, there were blades to be crossed as well. It showed that Kefka wasn't fit to be in league with anybody; he was willing to let an enemy go right on by if it avoided an annoying conflict for him.
Tidus sighed. That was just it. He busted his ass fighting for Cosmos, for his crystal, then for the whole freaking fabric of reality when Cosmos perished, and then this. One of the enemies didn't want to fight him. Kefka would rather that Tidus go back to the beach.
"Okay, you know what?" Tidus glared at the clown, at the stupid painted smile on the porcelain face. "Fine. I'll go back to the beach. I'll get a tan, play some ball, go swimming, and you'll sit on your ass and wish you'd gone with me!" He turned to leave, Brotherhood over his shoulder, when he paused.
"And building sand castles. That's always fun."
Tidus was actually beginning to look forward to going back to the beach, wherever one found a beach in the shattering realms of harmony and discord. He had to stop looking forward, and look back, when the telltale mirror images of a Trine spell boxed him in.
Exactly three seconds before the magic sent him spiraling upward in a painful explosive BOOM, Tidus threw a dirty look over his shoulder, at Kefka.
"Oh, it's on now, bitch."