Tears cried, blood spilled, hearts broken. Love hurts.
"It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
…the hell?
That is such bullcrap.
Emerging victorious from every glorious battle, but losing the thing most dear to me.
I am defeated.
Able to withstand broken arms and ribs, but not a broken heart.
So weak.
Blessed with the best of luck, surviving until the end of time.
Yet, I am cursed.
It hurts.
This life without her.
My Sun, My Everlasting-
Yamanaka Ino set off on a furious rampage, stomping angrily through Konoha. Her destination in mind: the Uchiha mansion.
Her purpose? To kick the sorry Uchiha's ass to kingdom come.
"THAT ASSHOLE! I'M GONNA STICK A STICK UP HIS FREAKING ASS AND A FIST DOWN HIS THROAT!" she screamed furiously, veins popping out from her forehead. Civilians scattered out of her way, not desiring to be capacitated. Her fists trembled, her muscles straining as she stalked toward the mansion.
She had returned from a long mission to find out that Uchiha Sasuke had returned. He had returned, unscathed, and he was staying, under no punishment. She clenched her fists murderously, thinking about her best friend. Where has all the justice gone in the world?
You killed her, you bastard.
You took her away from all of us.
"HOW DARE YOU COME BACK!" she shouted, shaking her fists.
She halted, stopping to catch her breath and then stare at the haughty mansion in front of her. Ino struggled to hold on to her remaining anger but she felt herself suddenly becoming tired. Her head dropped into her hands and she sank down to the ground, her body shaking with dry sobs.
Forehead…Ino knew Sasuke wasn't exactly the only person in the wrong. After Sakura had lost her memories, Ino had not come to visit her. It was too damn painful to watch Sakura wither away. Ino had backed away, cowardly, unwilling to help Sakura regain back her memories.
There was no way she could have anyway. Sasuke was the glue that held Sakura together. Without him, she was just a mismatched puzzle set that no one knew how to piece together. It wasn't like Ino could do anything.
She couldn't.
Because when it came down to them, Sasuke-kun always came first.
That just leaves me to second place.
The door opened. Sasuke, hearing her rants, had opened the door.
"Yamanaka Ino," he said, recognizing her.
Her head came up and she regarded the handsome Uchiha with something akin to hatred. Her expression softened just the slightest when she saw that his features had not changed at all, remembering the younger Sasuke-kun who she and Sakura had fought over. Immediately, she brutally shoved back the feeling and stood up, walking briskly to the Uchiha.
As soon as her foot touched the steps to his door, she grinned maliciously.
When she reached Sasuke, she gauged his reaction carefully before she quickly wound her arms around his neck and smiled up at him.
This is for you, forehead.
She only had a second to enjoy the surprised look on the man's face before she brought her head up sharply and head butted him with all her might. She reveled in the moment as he twisted his head back sharply in pain, ignoring the throbbing in her own head.
Damn, his head is hard.
She presumed his pretty nose was now broken as she felt drops of blood flick onto her face. Acting quickly, she cocked her arm back and prepared to punch him.
This is all I can do for you, Sakura.
I'm sorry for not coming before.
She gasped sharply in pain as she was suddenly slammed to the side of the house, the sharp edges digging uncomfortably into her smooth skin, her arms constricted unbearably tight behind her. Fleetingly, she wondered if he was going to hurt her. She didn't know anything about him or how he had changed, and he was the apprentice of the slimy snake. Inwardly, she sighed.
She knew she would have hell to pay for going against the Uchiha but she didn't care.
I wonder, Sakura…Would you have forgiven him?Would you have forgiven me?
Best friends forever and ever. We share everything, our joy, our sadness, our love. We come in pairs, yeah. Joined at the hip.
So don't leave me behind, got it?
Sasuke had sat her down to eat the tomato. She stared first at him and then at the tomato. She blanched.
He sighed.
Sasuke's head whipped towards the door and he frowned slightly, sensing the chakra of someone coming. He motioned distractedly to Sakura to stay while he answered the door. He didn't notice the stillness of the girl and the peculiar expression that donned Sakura's face when she heard the loud voice.
Something was familiar about it.
The intensity and the bubbling fury behind it.
Sakura couldn't understand but the voice struck a chord in her like Sasuke's appearance had. Sasuke left the room and she shook her head. She was curious to see who the visitor was but Sasuke had told her to stay here. Of course, Sasuke had also told her to eat the tomato.
She stared at the repulsive, red thing again and sighed. She opted to greet the visitor over eating the tomato and so she slid off the chair and made her way to the front door.
The sun was streaming in through the open doorway and she smiled happily. She skipped gracefully out the doorway and was greeted by an unusual sight.
Sasuke turned to her and his eyes widened.
Sakura screamed.
Sasuke abruptly let go of Ino and made to go over to comfort Sakura but he felt himself being tugged back. He turned around to glare irritably at Ino. Distracted by Sakura, he did not see the fist coming.
Fuck, he thought as he felt his broken nose break again.
Horribly confused as to why the woman insisted on attacking him, he reached out to restrain her again before she could hit him for the third time. She growled viciously and kicked at him, struggling to break free.
Immediately, Ino stopped her struggles as she stared at Sakura who ran over to them. Sasuke also let her go but she did not attempt to attack him this time. Ino was overwhelmed by the appearance of her best friend.
Thin, bony arms, large forehead, frustratingly bright pink hair. She was still the same.
A simple, red ribbon was tied delicately in her long hair, letting the bangs fall softly across her forehead. Ino gasped.
"You…still kept it all this time?" she whispered.
Sakura did not hear her and she immediately reached for Sasuke. She saw the blood on his face and flinched away reflexively, not used to the sight of blood. Sasuke berated himself for scaring her like that.
He tried to wipe the blood away from his face with his hand but his nose just kept bleeding. He briefly sent an irritated glare at Ino, expressing his silent annoyance.
The blonde's eyes were still fixed on Sakura.
Sakura turned to look at Ino with her big green eyes. "P-please don't hurt Sasuke-kun. He didn't do anything wrong," she pleaded to Ino.
Ino waited a beat and then nodded slowly. She closed her eyes and slowly took a deep breath. When she opened them again, her blue eyes were blazing with determination.
"Forehead!" she bit out harshly.
Sakura flinched back, surprised by her tone and what the blonde had called her. Sasuke narrowed his eyes, watching the exchange carefully.
Ino advanced on her while Sakura stumbled back. "What's gotten into you? Have you gone nuts? Why'd you have to become like this for him? He's not worth it!"
Sasuke bristled. He gripped the blonde's arm tightly. "Stop, now."
Ino shook his hand off. "Forehead!"
Sakura stared wide-eyed at the frightening blonde woman and trembled slightly. Sasuke started to fear for her well-being and pulled Ino back again. "Stop, you'll scare her," he hissed.
"Like hell I will. Sakura's tougher than this," Ino snapped. She turned abruptly to him and slapped him in the face. "Don't touch me, you monster."
Sasuke, starting to become very angry, growled.
Sakura started when Ino hit Sasuke again. "D-don't hit him!" she said, upset.
Ino turned to her again and her eyes were bright and hard. "Forehead! It's me, Ino! Okay? Remember me."
In two quick steps, Ino had made it over to Sakura and she grabbed onto Sakura's arms, shaking her frail form roughly. "Wake up!"
Sakura shook violently in her hold from fear.
"Remember me!" Ino screamed, desperate. Sasuke bodily ripped Ino away from Sakura and shoved her away, sending Ino stumbling onto the ground.
"Get away from her," he said dangerously, his arms coming protectively around Sakura. He felt his fury surface as her form shook in his hold and she looked up at him, disregarding the blood on his face.
"S-S-Sasuke, w-who is that?" she asked in a trembling voice.
Ino righted herself and glared. Sakura was surprised to see tears in her blue eyes. Ino seemed to be embarrassed by her tears and she swiped angrily at her eyes and then resumed glaring at Sakura. She pointed to Sakura's hair.
"I gave you that ribbon."
"Because you hated your big forehead."
Something flickered in Sakura's eyes and she felt something tugging at the back of her mind.
Ino took off her head protector and thrust it in front of her, in view of Sakura's confused and frightened eyes. "You are a shinobi of Konoha."
Ino came closer, disregarding Sasuke's glare. She pulled down her shirt to reveal a light scar. "I got this on a mission we went on together. You healed me but you couldn't get rid of the scar."
She let go of her shirt. "You didn't cry when all of our other teammates died because you knew if you started you'd never stop." Sasuke looked surprised. Sakura only stared. A drop of blood from Sasuke's face dripped onto Sakura's pale cheek. He stared at the stain, unmoving.
She poked herself in the chest. "I'm your best friend as you are mine. We were rivals who fought over a stupid boy."
Ino pointed accusingly at Sasuke. "You loved him."
Sakura's eyes widened and Sasuke stilled.
Ino ground her teeth. "He left you."
Sasuke's hold tightened and he clenched his teeth. "I had too."
"Shut up!" she screamed at him. Sakura jumped. Sasuke kept her still, trying to stop his hands from strangling the other woman.
Ino took a shaky breath and continued, her voice softer.
"I loved him, too."
Ino lost her anger and she sank slowly to the ground. She started to cry. Sasuke only stared at the weeping girl. "We all loved you, Sasuke. But you…Sakura. You loved him most of all. You…"
Sasuke started in surprise when he felt Sakura's hands come up to grip his. Gently, she slipped out of his hold and came over to Ino, her trembling finally gone. Her green eyes were unreadable.
Ino looked up.
Sakura stared down into sad blue eyes and something in her mind shifted.
It's familiar.
These eyes.
Like the black tadpoles and sunny yellow hair and soft laughter.
Abruptly, her mind pulled up an image of a crying little girl, in her hair, a red ribbon. Herself, Sakura realized with a start. She could feel a hand on her shoulder and she watched as the little her looked up to see a smiling blonde pat her comfortingly. The other little girl smirked.
"Ya look ugly when you cry, Forehead."
The little girl sniffled and then gave her a watery smile.
"Shaddup, Pig."
Moments like these last a lifetime. Friendship like this lasts an eternity. Either way, I won't be forgetting anytime soon.
Sakura's mouth opened and the words spilled out of her with no thought.
"You look ugly when you cry."
Ino stared.
You became friends with me, regardless of who I am. I'll follow you to the ends of the earth, regardless of what you do.
Best friends.
Simple as that.
Blue and onyx eyes widened.