Well guys, this is the end. I hope you enjoyed it and thank you so much for all of your reviews and kind words. I'll be posting a Glee story and a Pirates of the Caribbean story soon, and the sequel I was thinking about is just going to be a seperate story all together. I love you all!


"Please, friends. What is the real reason of this ice cream mission?" Starfire looked at Terra and Raven with big green eyes, "Are we celebrating something?"

Raven glanced at Terra, "Not really…"

"Kory," Terra put her spoon into the rocky road ice cream filled bowl in front of her, "I believe you have something to share with us. About the incident in the main room."

The Tamaranean stared at her cotton candy frozen treat, "I do not understand what you want to know…"

"You saw Dick and Speedy, then fainted. When you woke up, you freaked. Again, it was because of Dick and Speedy." Raven crossed her arms, "What's going on?"

"Dick upset me and I went to a club. I did the drinking of something called vodka." Starfire turned red in shame, "Speedy found me and took me back to the tower. I had the sex with him."

"Dick, I tried to stop her. You know that I would never betray you or her honor like that. It's just-" Speedy trailed off, unsure how to continue, "She's, uh, very skilled."

Robin laughed hollowly, "Yeah, that was a natural ability. I know you tried. Kory's just hard to resist when she's determined. But, your reasons will not make her feel any better. We need a plan or something."

He nodded, taking out a bag of popcorn from the microwave, "Maybe you should talk to her alone. Terra and I will be leaving in a couple of days anyway. Let her know you know what happened and the circumstances that led to it. Honesty is probably our best bet at this point."

"I agree, but I don't want to upset her anymore. Telling her may make her feel even worse and more ashamed." Robin sighed.

"Well, that's all I got. Come on, Gar and Victor won't wait long when snacks are on the line."

Yeah, you were a great help. Thanks. Robin groaned inwardly and followed Speedy into the other room with drinks in his hands.

"How do you remember that if you were drunk?" Terra raised an eyebrow, "Most of the stories I've heard say you usually don't remember a single thing."

Starfire shrugged and took a small bite of ice cream, "I do not know. I do not remember the specific details if that is helpful."

"Does Dick know?" Terra studied her, "Or are you keeping it from him?"

"He knows." Raven answered, "It was mentioned in Dick and Speedy's fake fight. Apparently he was forced to watch."

Starfire sat in silence and hung her head in shame. My own betrayal is worse than what Dick did. He acted out of protection and love… Was mine out of spite? She stood and somehow managed a slight smile, "Excuse me, friends. I have the need to use the restroom."

Raven watched her go. Restroom? That's a load of bullshit. She took out her communicator, "Dick, are you there?"

Robin appeared on the screen and she could see Speedy, Cyborg, and Beast Boy fighting in the back round, "Raven? What's wrong?"

Boys and their video games… They'll be fighting for hours. She shook her head to focus, "It's Kory. We think she's running. Don't know where to, but we do know that she did not go to the bathroom like she said."

Robin swore, "All right. I'll use her communicator to track her down. Return to the tower."

"Dick, I don't think-"

"Raven. Do as I say. I'll take care of Kory." Robin growled and ended the connection.

Starfire sat on a swing and watched the activity around her. She smiled at the little children, but when she saw a couple walking hand in hand, she had to quickly look the other way before tears could fall. Perhaps I should return to Tamaran for a while. The Titans can function without me…

Robin walked through the park entrance and was immediately surrounded by kids and fun girls. Ok… Not your brightest idea there, Dick.

Surprisingly, out of all the voices crowding his ears, a male stood out, "Yeah, Starfire is on the swings. Robin's an ass if he caused that look on her face. Especially if she's as good in bed as I think-"

Robin stopped listening and gently moved through the throng of people. Don't seek him out. Don't kill him. Find Kory. Get to the swings. Don't kill him.

As he walked, a few of the teenage girls in the crowd decided to follow him, "Robin, you're the sexiest!"

"I love you!"

"Will you sign my-"

Ugh! Fan girls! Robin groaned and turned to face them, "Look, thank you for your support, but I have a girl friend whom I love and needs me right now. I would appreciate it if you would leave me, and her, alone."

The girls started to gush immediately, "I told you he loved Starfire!"

"Aw, they make such a cute couple!"

"I wonder if he's going to propose!"

"Ah! That would-"

Robin sighed and shook his head. Teenage girls are a nightmare sometimes. Now to get to the swings… He took off at a limping sprint before the girls could latch on to him again. He came up to the swing set and hesitated. She may run again and I can't stop her…

"Dick?" Starfire tilted her head to the side, "Why do you stand there? Is something wrong?"

He took a big breath to steady himself and limped to the swing next to hers, "Raven called me as soon as you left the ice cream parlor. She and Terra were worried about you." He carefully say down.

"Then why are you here and they are not?"

"I told them to return to the tower. We need to talk, Kory. A lot has happened in the past few days." He took her hand and smiled softly.

Is he doing the breaking up with me? This may be best for him…She started to shake in fear. I do not want this to happen though…

Robin noticed instantly, "Kory? Relax…" Great. I'm just making this worse. "Kory, are you crying? Calm down. Please."

She drew a shaky breath and pulled her hand out of his grasp to wipe away a few tears. Regaining some composure, she looked at him, "What do you want to talk about?"

I won't bring Speedy up until she's genuinely calm. That may help her out some. He smiled slightly, "It's probably something you'll hear for a while, but I just want you to know how sorry I am for everything. I get a little overprotective when it comes to you and-"

To Robin's amazement, she burst into hysterical giggles. Tears flowed from her eyes as she doubled over, "You're… Still apologizing? Oh, Dick, I… Forgave you a long… Time ago! I thought… You were mad at me… For having the sex with Speedy!" She laughed even harder, holding her sides.

What the fuck? Why is she laughing? He was stunned and unsure on what to do, "Uh… Kory? Are you ok?"

She nodded, trying to regain control of her giggles, "I-I am…" Her laughter abruptly turned into sobs, "I am not ok… I am not…" She started to shake, "How can I be after everything that has happened? Dick, I am ashamed and so very sorry. I-" Her voice faltered as her sobs overcame her body. She leaned forward with her head in her hands.

Robin jumped up and knelt beside her, wrapping his arms around her while ignoring the pain in his legs. Why is she freaking out so much with extreme mood swings? God, what did I do to her? He let her cry as he whispered in her ear, "Kory, it's all right. I promise. I forgive you. It's not your fault, Kory, I love you."

Minutes passed and Starfire slowly stopped crying. She looked at Robin with puffy red eyes. He is not mad? I am surprised for he is usually jealous… She breathed for a moment, "Dick, why are you not angry at me?"

He gently wiped the tears off of her cheeks with his thumb, "Because I know the circumstances. I heard you call him Dick even though he wasn't listening. Because I love you and will always be here when you need me. No matter what."

"Even if you have to eat tofu?" She giggled quietly.

"Even if I had to eat one hundred pounds of tofu." Robin grimaced, "Though, if you're trapped in Tofu, I'm killing Garfield."

Starfire smiled happily and laughed, making his heart soar. When she calmed down, she looked at him curiously, "Hey, Dick?"


"What did you put in your utility belt while I was in the medical room? I find it odd that you hide it from me." She blinked at him innocently, "And a jewelry box is definitely not on the secret list."

How does she know about that? He shook his head, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"What is it that Kitten called you? Honey Bunches?" She got off of the swing and pulled him to his feet, "I may be naïve at times, but I am very observant. Please, what is in the box?"

"Nothing, Kory."

Her face fell into a pout, and she started to talk in a baby face, "Honey Bunches, please, do not lie to me… I love you…"

"Um… When did you start talking like that?" Robin raised an eyebrow. God, she looks adorable… Damn it! Don't give in. It's not time yet.

"I saw it in a movie. Why? Do you not like it?" She stuck her bottom lip out further, "I just want to know what you are hiding from me, Honey Bunches." She took his hand and leaned against his chest.

He growled, "Kory, I am not hiding anything from you. Now. Please stop calling me Honey Bunches and talk in your normal voice!"

"But, Honey Bunches-" Her head snuggled into his pectorals.

Robin growled again and lifted her chin, "Kory. Please."

"What are you going to do about it, Honey Bunches."

His lips were on hers before she finished the last syllable. As abruptly as he kissed her, he pulled away. "Make you stop talking, of course."

She smiled at him, "May I have what's inside this little box now?" Starfire held up the jewelry box.

He was flabbergasted, "How the hell did you get that?"

"Distraction and nimble hand movements, of course." She winked at him, "Well? Can I have it?"

Robin sighed, "Do I even have a say anymore?"

"Nope! I was just trying to be polite." She grinned and opened the box, "Robin? I do not understand…"

He took the box back, "See. This is why you wait. I had a speech in the process and everything." Robin lifted the delicate silver chain and let the charm rest inside the velvet lined box, "I had this designed for you. The water lily represents your beauty and the opal is for the long lasting love I have for you. Everything else that came to mind was either too cliché or obvious."

She smiled, "Will you clasp it around my neck?" She turned her back to him and watched the chain appear above her head and descend onto her chest. When the clasp was fastened, Starfire turned back to him, "Thank you, Dick. I will never take it off. Now, let me show you the hope and love I have." Smiling, she gently kissed him.

Robin wrapped his arms around her waist and felt her stiffen in alarm, yet she did not pull away. He tried to relax her by tenderly rubbing her back. Hope indeed. Hopefully one day she will trust me again. Hopefully one day her eyes will sparkle with the happiness once more. Hopefully, one day she'll know just how much I love her. But, for now… For now I will do anything I can to let her know I'm here.
