I'm very sorry this took so long. After the last chapter I had a few reviews that were very much against Sookie and Sam as a couple. They were hurtful and it took some very kind reviews and nudging from other Sam and Sookie fans to get me writing again. I'm still beta-less so if you see any mistakes please let me know. Also if you are interested in beta-ing for me please send me a PM. I might feel like a real writer then! Thanks for reading!
And now, one of my favorite Sookie/Sam moments. It's from All Together Dead.
"Sam, two years ago I didn't have any idea of what the world around me was really like. I didn't know what you really were; I didn't know that vampires were as different from each other as we are. I didn't know that there were real fairies. I couldn't have imagined any of that." I shook my head. "What a world this is, Sam. It's wonderful and it's scary. Each day is different. I never thought I would have any kind of life for myself, and now I do."
"I'd be the last person in the world to block your place in the sun, Sookie," Sam said, and he smiled at me.
Vampires are sometimes out of touch with slang, slang often changes from year to year and when you live for over a hundred years it can be difficult to keep track of, so I was pretty sure Pam had mixed something up. I couldn't resist teasing her just a little, it's not often I'm on this side of the line. "Pam, I think you are mistaken. Men can't be bridezillas, they are called groomonsters."
I giggled a little mentally when suddenly I got this picture in my head of Eric standing in a white dress holding a bouquet of perfectly arranged roses and stamping his foot because the cake should be two more inches to the left. "It's my day and it better be perfect!" I heard my pretend Eric say. That was when I lost it. My silent giggles surged to full fledged laughter. Pam and Bill both glared at me but the meaner they looked, the harder I laughed.
I laughed until my throat was dry and scratchy, so I invited the vampires inside. Might as well be comfortable while I found out what was happening. I made sure everyone was comfortable while I warmed up the True Bloods. Pam and Bill were both sitting on the couch when I returned to the living room so I sat down on the chair and waited for someone to begin talking.
Bill started by sighing loudly, it was such a human gesture that I couldn't help but smile. "Now that you have calmed down, Eric has made me rework the wedding invitation 32 times. He keeps saying I'm colorblind but what am I supposed to do with blood red, bubblegum pink, and sea foam?"
Bill waited for half a second and when I didn't respond (I'm sure I looked like a deer caught in the headlights) he started to whine. Let me tell you, a vampire whining is not pleasant. "32 times! I can't do it again! He doesn't even care about the silver poisoning. I'm sick I tell you! Sookie make it stop! Please!" Then he fell down to his knees. That's right, my vampire ex-boyfriend who once made a tornado look like child's play was down on his knees begging. I briefly wondered if I could discreetly pull out my phone and take a picture. Then I caught the biggest part of that sentence.
"Wedding invitation? Who's getting married?" I had a feeling in the pit of stomach that I already knew the answer but I had to ask.
"You are," Bill wailed from the ground.
"I'm getting married?" I asked Pam. I had only found out a few minutes before that I was not married but engaged, now to find out that I was getting married anyways. Did I gift Eric another knife without realizing it? Or maybe it was a fork that completed the set? I need to go the library soon and see if there is some sort of Supe handbook, I'm tired of feeling like I am always in the dark about Supe politics.
Pam nodded and started to speak. "The King demanded a formal ceremony to seal the nuptials. Eric and I sat down to discuss the basics. He wanted a blending of a pledging ceremony and a human wedding but before he brought it to you he wanted to learn about human weddings. I suggested he speak to one of the waitresses who had been married a few months ago. There was a bit of a mix up and she wasn't working that night and instead he ended up talking to Felicia who recommended some movies for him to watch."
"Tell her which movies the little rat suggested!" Bill interrupted.
"I was getting there. Calm yourself before you get sick again." Pam turned back to me before continuing. "Felicia gave Eric a whole stack of movies to watch, most of them from the 80's. In fact, you should be thanking me at this very moment." Pam paused which I guessed meant she was actually waiting for me to thank her.
"Thank you Pam," I said obediently.
Pam nodded. "I had to convince Eric that standing outside your bedroom window, posed in front of his corvette, with his iPod playing "Lips of an Angel" would not get him the reaction he was looking for."
"Isn't that a song about cheating?" I thought maybe I had it confused with a different song, or there was an old Swedish song with the same name.
"Thank you Pam," I said again, this time actually meaning it. In the movie it was such a sweet gesture but the wrong song could ruin the whole effect and for some reason Eric picked the wrong song. Maybe he only read the title or maybe he was looking for the fastest way to get laid. Oh yes that was it, Eric was looking for some nookie.
"The night he went to talk to you about his ideas and to explain the whole knife debacle was the night you were in a car accident." Car accident was code for I was taken hostage by incestuous fairies and almost tortured to death then forced to fight in a war directly causing the death of my room mate's boyfriend and a vampire that didn't like me much. You can see why I prefer to refer to it as a car accident and made sure everyone else did as well.
"Please make it stop!" Bill cried from the ground. His eyes were tinged with red and if he were a child I would have said a tantrum was on the way.
Pam threw a disgusted look at Bill and you could almost see her brain contemplate kicking him. Instead she finished her story while force feeding him some blood. "The movies kept him busy while you were recuperating, he watched all of them many times. Eric decided that the common thing between all of the movies was the surprises. Surprise! I remembered your birthday or Surprise! I'm not really such a douchebag." I think my mouth may have dropped open at Pam saying douchebag. I'm not sure why but it may have something to do with her soccer mom image. "Someone gets a surprise and then they are happy again, so he decided to surprise you with a wedding."
"If it's a surprise, then why are you telling me?" I asked. Not that I wasn't appreciative, a girl does like to know when her wedding day is.
"My Master has decided that all of the Area vampires are to contribute something to the wedding. Bill is doing the invitations, Thalia is sewing the dresses, and I've been taking cake decorating classes. The only problem is that Eric is a perfectionist. Every single detail must be to his specification. Thalia has sewn until her fingers bled, Bill has gone a little crazy from staring a computer screen too long, not to mention the silver poisoning. We have 4 different catering companies who will no longer do business with us. Everyone is more than a little agitated, including the fangbangers. Then Felicia decided to tell everyone her part in it, so now they hate Felicia too. Every night I have to keep the peace. It's exhausting and I can't take much more. One of them will have to die and I can not kill my Master, so that means I will have to hire yet another bartender and the Sookie Stackhouse curse continues. If instead we tell you, you are the bride so you can fix the problem."
I started to get mad. All I ever wanted was a normal life. Maybe I wanted it so badly because I knew I was different and it would never happen, or maybe I just wanted what my parents and grandparents had. If vampires can exist and werewolves really do howl at the moon then I deserve a man who loves me, babies, and even the white picket fence. Who does Eric think he is? I don't even get the luxury of an engagement. He should have been down on one knee asking me to marry him with a pretty ring in his hand. Of course I wouldn't accept a diamond ring from him because friends shouldn't buy each other diamonds. Friends don't…
Oh. Crap.
I don't love Eric Northman.
"So are you going to help us?" Bill whined from the floor.
As I nodded Bill got off the floor, wiped his eyes and sat down on the couch again as if nothing had happened. I raised an eyebrow at him and he smirked at me in return. I couldn't really blame him, if I had to design the wedding invitation for my ex's surprise wedding multiple times, I'd be a little crazy too.
I was in a bit of daze as Pam and Bill said their good byes. I saw them to the door and grabbed my things once again to head to Shreveport. As the door clicked behind me, I wondered why I ever needed a magic spell to tell me the truth.