Yay! My first fanfiction! Hope you like it! PLEASE REVIEW - NO FLAMERS PLEASE!!!! *Gasp!* I almost forgot the disclaimer! Anidori-Isilee doesn't own warriors (although I wish I did…). All the characters in Shadows and Starlight are mine, though!
P.S. It got a bit messed up when I uploaded it :(
Whitestar – large, muscular white tom with green eyes and left ear torn into a deep "V" shape
Icestorm–large white tom with yellow eyes
Medicine Cat
Jayflight- smoky gray tom with bright blue eyes
Rosethorn- reddish she-cat with white muzzle and amber eyes
Flameclaw- strong ginger tom with light orange pelt, green eyes, and long, hooked claws
Whitefrost- very light gray she-cat with white muzzle, paws, underbelly, and blue eyes
Redfoot- swift, dark ginger tom with amber eyes
Apprentice, Spottedpaw
Bluestorm- gray-blue tom with blue eyes
Apprentice, Cloverpaw
Raventail-tall, sleek charcoal-black she-cat with green eyes
Apprentice, Fawnpaw
Sunspark- lean golden brown tom with dark green eyes
Brightwing- light gray and white she-cat with blue eyes
Sandfur- pale ginger tom with a sand colored pelt and pale green eyes
Blazepelt- dark reddish ginger tom with amber eyes
Appletail- white and ginger she-cat with green eyes
Smokefoot- very dark gray tom with amber eyes
Weaseltail- short-haired dark brown tom with amber eyes and long, thin tail
Hawkflight- tall ginger tom with green eyes
Apprentice, Crowpaw
Lakefur- long-haired blue-gray tom with dark blue eyes
Foxfur- dark ginger tom with amber eyes
Apprentice, Leopardpaw
Mouseleap- wiry, long-limbed dusky brown she-cat with amber eyes
Apprentice, Stormpaw
Reedtail- pale tabby tom with amber eyes and a long, thin tail
Silverstreak- silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Splashpelt- tortoiseshell and white she-cat with playful sky-blue eyes
Cloverpaw - white she-cat with ginger patches and green eyes
Crowpaw- smoky gray tom with amber eyes
Leopardpaw- mottled golden tom with amber eyes
Fawnpaw- dappled light brown she-cat with amber eyes
Spottedpaw- pretty black-and-white she-cat with amber eyes
Stormpaw- gray-and-white tom with blue eyes
Doveflight- light gray she-cat with blue eyes
Snowcloud- all-white she-cat with blue eyes
Dawnfur- cream she-cat with green eyes
Whitewhisker- very old gray-and-white tom with blue eyes; oldest cat in ThunderClan
Cinderfoot- old, solid dark gray tom with yellow eyes
Dapplepelt- mottled dark brown she-cat with amber eyes
Sablestar – beautiful she-cat with mottled dark brown coat and amber eyes
Oakfall–small brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Medicine Cat
Pinefur – dark brown tabby tom with green eyes
Robinflight- dark ginger she-cat with amber eyes
Darkwhisker- very dark brown tom with amber eyes
Apprentice, Cinderpaw
Scorchfur- long-limbed, lean black tom with brown underbelly and amber eyes
Tawnyfur- tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Raincloud- dark gray tom with blue eyes
Nightbloom-tall black she-cat with green eyes
Apprentice, Swallowpaw
Fernfrost- gray she-cat with darker specks and green eyes
Icefall- pure white tom with ice-blue eyes
Apprentice, Blackpaw
Sandstone- reddish ginger tom with pale green eyes
Cinderpaw – dark gray tom with amber eyes
Blackpaw- all-black tom with amber eyes
Swallowpaw- brown tabby she-cat with green eyes
Breezetail- black-and-white she-cat with amber eyes
Slatefur- dark gray tom with blue eyes
Brownfur- brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
Cloudstar – white tom with amber eyes and black tipped tail
Duskpelt–dusky brown tom with amber eyes
Medicine Cat
Mudstripe- brown tabby tom with darker stripes and amber eyes
Nightstripe- pale brown she-cat with a dark stripe along her spine
Ashtail- gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice, Cinderpaw
Sparrowflight- brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Brookflow- light gray she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice, Spottedpaw
Sootbird- smoky gray tom with amber eyes
Mothflight- gray and white she-cat with green eyes
Apprentice, Fawnpaw
Brightflower- tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Smallpoppy- white and ginger she-cat with green eyes
Rushingwind- black and white tom with amber eyes
Kestrelpaw – dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Swiftpaw- black and white tom with amber eyes
Heatherpaw- brown tabby she-cat with green eyes
Birdsong- pretty brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Gorsepelt- gray and white tom with amber eyes
Ivystar – mottled dark brown she-cat with green eyes
Lionclaw–golden tabby tom with amber eyes
Medicine Cat
Heronflight- gray and white she-cat with unusual blue eyes
Mistyfur - very pale gray she-cat with blue eyes
Deerflight- dappled brown she-cat with amber eyes
Barkstripe- brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Rowanclaw- reddish ginger tom with amber eyes
Apprentice, Ripplepaw
Shadefur- dark gray tom with blue eyes
Apprentice, Larkpaw
Otterpelt- light brown she-cat with green eyes
Apprentice, Dapplepaw
Swanflight- white she-cat with green eyes
Hawkfeather- reddish ginger tom with pale blue eyes
Larkpaw –gray she-cat with darker flecks and blue eyes
Ripplepaw- gray tabby tom with blue eyes
Dapplepaw- tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Goldenpelt- mottled golden she-cat with amber eyes
Nightpool- black and white she-cat with blue eyes
Thistletail- reddish ginger tom with amber eyes
Moonpelt- white she-cat with green eyes
Bramblestar – pretty brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Snowfall–white and gray she-cat with ice-blue eyes
Medicine Cat
Lilyfoot- light blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes, white legs and tail tip
Apprentice, Littlepaw
Poppynose- ginger and white she-cat with startlingly pink nose
Brightcloud- tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Cloudpelt- white tom with dark blue eyes
Apprentice, Berrypaw
Eagleflight- dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Apprentice, Rosepaw
Rainsong- dark gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice, Duskpaw
Thistletail- dark brown tom with amber eyes
Icefang- all-white tom with ice-blue eyes
Mintfur- very light gray she-cat with light green eyes
Barkstripe – dark brown tabby tom with green eyes
Badgerfang- black and white tom with amber eyes
Hailstorm- white tom with amber eyes
Berrypaw – pale tabby tom with startlingly pink nose and amber eyes
Rosepaw- cream she-cat with bright oink nose and green eyes
Littlepaw- small, slim silver tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Duskpaw- dusky brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Brookflow- silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Flowertail- gray-and-white she-cat with green eyes
Seedfur- speckled gray tom with amber eyes
Cats Outside Clans
Petal- gray she-cat with blue eyes
Cloud- gray and white tom with amber eyes
Bane-sleek,tall brown tabby tom with amber eyes