Sorry for not updating this story couldn't decide if I should leave it at a cliffhanger or if I should add more chapters. I decided to add more chapters. I hope this chapter was worth it

Cornelius was very quiet while he stared at his son

" Dad... Dad did you hear me?" Wilbur asked

Cornelius nodded, " I heard you... why do you want to find my birth mother?"

Wilbur shrugged and looked down, " Well... I know... I know you still want to know who she is... even though Lewis er... you didn't stop her from putting you on the doorstep" Wilbur looked up at his dad, " Dad, you're my best friend and you deserve to know who your birth parents are"

Cornelius smiled and he put a hand on his son's shoulder, " I'm proud of you son... thank you"

Wilbur smiled and gave his dad a hug

Finally they broke apart

" So, when do you want to start looking?" Wilbur asked, " Are we going to go back to the past or look at the memory scanner or what? And how come you never done this before?"

" Wow, wow one question at a time" Cornelius said with a chuckle, " First we will use the memory scanner because I am curious to know what she looks like, and I never looked before because I had to reason too, I ended up with wonderful parents, a wonderful wife and an awesome son, my life was complete... I didn't need to know who she was, but since you brought it up and Lewis came here I am curious again"

" Oh, sorry" Wilbur said sheepishly

" No it's ok, hey wanting to see my birth mother is what motivated me to invent the memory scanner in the first place, I just figure it's about time it's used for what it was invented to do" Cornelius said with a smile

Wilbur smiled too

" Come on, lets go" Cornelius said standing up

Cornelius opened the door that led out of Wilbur's bedroom and Franny was there

" There you two are, did you guys talk?" Franny asked

" Yes Franny and I explained to him that he's only grounded for a month and not until he's dead, and we're going to do some father son bonding" Cornelius said with a smile

Franny smiled, " That's wonderful, what are you guys doing now?"

" We're going to find his birth mother" Wilbur said excitedly

Franny looked worried, " Cornelius, you're not using the time machine again are you? Wilbur just got back from bringing your past self back"

" No, we're not using the time machine, we're using the memory scanner" Cornelius said

" And after you use the memory scanner?" Franny asked

Cornelius smiled, " Then we'll just keep moving forward from there"

Franny nodded, " Wilbur after you and your father use the memory scanner, you need to come to the music room and play the maracas for me"

Wilbur groaned, " Mom, I don't want to be in that stupid frog concert"

Franny glared at her son, " Frogs are not stupid and you will be there young man, you are grounded for a month and some of it actually has to be a punishment, and you should be honored to be in Frankie's concert do you understand me?"

Wilbur's eyes went wide and he looked scared, " Yes mom... I'll be there"

" Franny smiled again, " Good... have fun you two" She left her men alone and went towards the music room

Cornelius lifted up an eyebrow, " You know better then to call frogs stupid"

Wilbur groaned and nodded, " I just hate being in those concerts"

Cornelius just chuckled and put his arm around Wilbur's shoulders, " Come on son"

Father and son headed towards Cornelius's lab to use the memory scanner