Hope you enjoy my work and that this makes you smile!

Tulio turned to Miguel with burning eyes "Great! We pretend to be Gods and not even ten minutes later we get caught by the temple thief!" Miguel looked speechless for a moment and then brightened as he said hopefully "Maybe she won't tell anyone!?" Tulio looked at Miguel levelly for a minute before Chel stepped forward "Oh I won't tell anyone…" She said sweetly. Tulio turned his skeptical look to her and she widened her eyes in a mockery of innocence "What?" She said slowly "I won't…as long as you cut me in of course…" Tulio turned back to Miguel and pointed to Chel with a 'see?!' look. Miguel only smiled back and said "Well…"

Chel stepped forward again "Look I could help you guys out…it's not like you know the sacred holidays, or how to bless a tribute, face it, you're going to need me. So just cut me in on the profit and when you go back to wherever you came from take me with you." Miguel stepped forward eagerly "Deal!" His handshake was stopped by Tulio who looked over Chel slowly before nodding, realizing that he had no other choice "Alright…deal." And at that moment the temple was filled with an eerie bright light.

Dumbledore looked over the wreckage of the Potter home with sadness, his devoted spy Severus Snape at his side. He bent over and picked up the wailing form of Harry Potter, he caressed young babe's dark hair and revealed the lightning scar. He shook his head "The child is not safe here, when Voldemort regains his form he'll be after the child from the prophecy, Snape stepped forward and looked down at the child with wary concern "But… the child's godfather was just taken to Azkaban, no doubt thanks to Lucius's pull in the Ministry, and his other godfather is a werewolf, the council will never let Harry stay with him." He paused and said slowly "There is Lilly's sister…" Albus shook his head "No…the child can't be raised in an environment where he's hated for what he was born as." Severus let out a sigh of relief by this logic before asking "Then where shall the child go?"

Albus gave a mystical smile that was accompanied by twinkling eyes as he pulled out a silver time turner "Not where my boy…when." He put it around young Harry's neck, along with a quick note, and twisted it several times, the child vanishing from his arms. "Albus…" Severus said slowly, Albus nodded "It will bring the child back to us when it is time…for now we must secure the Longbottom child, I'm afraid we might be too late to save him as well." Severus nodded and looked up into the starry sky, wondering where their savior had gone.

Tulio and Miguel looked down at the baby speechless "Tulio…" Miguel said slowly, his dark haired friend shook his head and answered the unspoken question "I have no idea Miguel." There was a squeal as Chel came forward and gathered him up into her arms. Tulio came forward hissing out "Don't touch that!" She arched her brow at him and said "That? It's a baby; don't they have them where you come from?" She turned back ignoring any answer he might give as she cooed at the baby "He's our little savior."

Miguel smiled and came forward stroking the child's cheek his brow furrowing in concern when he noticed the lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead "Tulio come take a look at this." Tulio shook his head "No I'm not taking any part of this." But his curiosity got the better of him and he came over to look over the child "Strange…" he said slowly, wiping off some of the dried blood, he pulled away the blankets and saw the note that was tucked inside, he handed it to Miguel and his look intensified when he thought he saw something on the babe's lower back. He slowly turned the child over and saw an hourglass imprinted on the young skin, the sand was all in the top, but slowly, grain by grain, it was slowly falling into the lower chamber. "Alright…this is just strange." He said pushing the baby back into Miguel's hand. Chel came up and smacked him on the back of his head "You idiot don't you see! This kid is our savior!" Miguel raised a brow at her and said condescendingly "And how…pray tell is the child going to save us?" She smiled devilishly and looked between Miguel and Tulio "Have you ever wanted kids?" Tulio immediately knew he wasn't going to like where this was going.

"What is taking the God's so long?" Chief Tannabock wondered quietly, he smiled in relief when the curtain to the temple slowly opened; he turned to the band to signal them to start playing when the looks on their faces inspired him to turn around and take another look at the Gods. Their servant Chel was spreading flowers before them as they descended the stairs slowly, the dark haired God who allowed them to call him Tulio had his arm around the bright haired God called Miguel, he was looking down at a bundle in his arms and the Chief felt his mouth drop open in shock when he realized that inside the bundle was a baby.

Tzekel-Kan looked on the scene with as much shock as his long time rival, these Gods were supposed to bring death, destruction…the end of the world! Instead they had birthed a child?! He growled low in his throat as he took a few brave steps forward "My lords…" He started slowly "What is the meaning of this? " He looked down into the bright green eyes of the child who was staring at him with an almost unnerving understanding. He flinched and stepped back, wondering at his reaction to the child he looked up at the Gods for their answer.

Before coming out Tulio and Miguel had argued briefly over the child's name "No! We are not going to call the child of two Gods Harry! That's ridiculous!" Miguel had pulled 'the face' and said "But we're not two gods, it was in the note, and I have to pose as his 'mother' so I say we name him Harry!" He smiled and said charmingly "Besides Harry means Ruler…" Tulio stared at Miguel with disbelief "Fear the mighty Gods…Tulio, Miguel and Harry…" He shook his head when Miguel upped the wattage behind 'the face' and he held his hands up in the air in surrender. "Fine! We'll call him Harry."

Now they stood before the Chief, High Priest, and the entirety of El Dorado as they announced "We have been blessed with a child! He shall be named Harry!" The crowed broke out in a loud applause and cheers. Tulio was quick to clear his throat and said "Unfortunately…it cost us a lot of our power to bring this child, and so, we ask we live amongst you as mortals as our son grows."

The Chief who loved children came forward eagerly "Of course you are more than welcome to raise your child here in El Dorado, we will strive to be worthy of the honor." Tulio and Miguel exchanged glances as they said "Thank you Chief, and now…the celebration in honor of our son!" As soon as the music was started and the drinks were passed around Tulio was quick to push their 'son' Harry into Chel's arms "Here ya go." He said before joining the party.

Chel huffed as she looked down at the baby "Come on let's take you back up to the temple, the party's no place for you." She could have sworn that the baby in her arms started to emulate Miguel's 'face' but decided that she must have drunk something strong earlier that she didn't remember.

The dark priest watched as the God's servant carried away their child. He growled as he stormed to his own temple and looked over all his books of Gods and magic, "It doesn't say anything about children!" He hissed and slammed the book shut; he had believed the Gods when they had said that bearing their child had cost a lot of magic. However, after seeing their display with the volcano earlier he wanted to see more, he hungered for it! He smirked and turned a calculating eye on the dancing Gods "Maybe I can force something out of them."

Later that night, or early morning, as the case was Kan slipped silently into the Gods temple and saw that they were asleep on one bed and the servant was sleeping near a roughly made cradle out of a golden bowl. He smiled as he gathered the child into his arms and left quickly, wanting to have everything prepared when the morning ceremony came. He was stunned when he felt a strange shock go through him when his skin touched the child's, almost as if he was connected to the child, but he ignored the reaction, putting it up as having to do with the child's blood.

Miguel woke with a loud yawn and saw that dawn was painting the sky, he groaned remembering the ceremony that the priest wanted them to do and shook Tulio awake "Tulio…Tulio! We have to go be Gods again." Tulio groaned and gestured to where they had put the kid last night "Let him do it." Miguel shook his head and got up to take another look at their baby. His smile vanished quickly as he looked at the empty crib "Tulio! Chel!" The two were awake in seconds and at his side in less as they processed the sight of the empty crib. "Oh no…" Chel said softly when she heard the drums beating.

Dressed hurriedly in their God-Wear Tulio and Miguel nearly jumped out of the Temple curtains as they looked around for the baby and saw that the dark priest was wearing a bone mask and dangling the child over the giant whirlpool "Now we shall see the Gods true power!" He announced the Chief came forward with a shout "No!" He cried as Kan let go of the child's leg. Tulio watched frozen in horror as the child started to fall, Miguel had started running down the temple stairs as if he could reach the boy in time.

All of El Dorado watched silent in horror as the helpless baby headed towards the whirlpool, their horror was paused for a moment of confusion when the child vanished from sight and then just as suddenly appeared in Miguel's arms as he finished running down the steps. The gathered people were silent before letting loose a cry, Miguel looked down in shock at the child in his arms and said quietly "What are you?" Tulio came at his side and looked down at the child; the two exchanged glances and then looked back at the smiling baby in Miguel's arms.

Tulio had thought that the kid would be nothing but trouble, however, when he had seen the priest dangling the helpless (or so he thought) child above the whirlpool he had felt some protective instinct that he thought only activated when Miguel was being an idiot spring to life. His dark eyes narrowed at the priest as he pointed a finger at him, no words needed to be said as the Chief had his soldiers grab the priest "Take him to the dungeons!" The kind hearted Chief ordered.

Kan struggled against the warriors' hold and turned hissing at the direction of the God Family "Just you wait! You cannot cage me!" He turned is dark eyes to the Chief and promised "I will have my revenge!" He cackled madly as he was forced down into the Dungeons where the Chief hoped he would never hurt another soul.

Miguel looked down at his son and said "Good work Harry." As the years passed and the young child grew, the hourglass on his back stayed there, growing as he grew, though the sand always continued to fall neither of his father's knew what it might mean. He grew into a curious healthy boy. Many of the people of El Dorado said he had Tulio's hair and Miguel's eyes. He would always smile when they said that, after all, he knew the truth behind his 'father's but they and Chel were the only family he had ever had or ever needed.

At five years old the young boy had the run of El Dorado, though more often than not he spent most of his time trying to avoid the devoted villagers, it was in one such instance where he was dodging a fawning crowed that he took a left instead of a right, heading down into the darkness of the dungeons. He had easily by passed the guards by slipping into the shadows, he head further and further down into the cavern wondering where it could lead. He hesitated when he came upon a cage door, and said softly "Hello?" There was an almost audible pause and the sound of something shifting in the darkness "Hello my lord." A smooth and measured voice called out, only a little husky from disuse. Harry's eyes widened in amazement when he came upon the form of Tzekel-Kan.

Thank you for reading more will come soon!